引言: 姨父姨妈不得不将哈利带到动物园, 他们从不相信哈利, 哈利的头发总是长得格外快, 无论怎么剪短, 甚至剃光头, 过一会儿, 头发就像没剪似的......(这种魔法, 我好想拥有......)His aunt and uncle hadn’t been able to think of anything else to do with him, but before they’d left, Uncle Vernon had taken Harry aside.他姨父姨妈想不出任何别的办法安置他,不过在动身前,弗农姨父把哈利叫到了一旁。
‘I’m warning you,’ he had said, putting his large purple face right up close to Harry’s, ‘I’m warning you now, boy – any funny business, anything at all – and you’ll be in that cupboard from now until Christmas.’“我警告你,”他把红得发紫的大脸凑到哈利跟前说,“我现在警告你,小子,只要你干出一点点蠢事——干出任何事——那你就在储物间里待着,等圣诞节再出来吧。”
‘I’m not going to do anything,’ said Harry, ‘honestly …’“我什么事也不会做的,”哈利说,“真的……”
But Uncle Vernon didn’t believe him. No one ever did.但弗农姨父不相信他。 从来没有人相信他的话。
The problem was, strange things often happened around Harry and it was just no good telling the Dursleys he didn’t make them happen.问题是哈利周围常常会发生一些怪事,即使你磨破嘴皮对德思礼夫妇说那些事与哈利无关,也是白费唇舌。
Once, Aunt Petunia, tired of Harry coming back from the barber’s looking as though he hadn’t been at all, had taken a pair of kitchen scissors and cut his hair so short he was almost bald except for his fringe, which she left ‘to hide that horrible scar’.每次哈利理发回来总像根本没有理过一样,有一次佩妮姨妈实在按捺不住,就从厨房里拿出一把剪刀,几乎把他的头发剪光了,只留下前面一绺头发“盖住他那道可怕的伤疤”。
Dudley had laughed himself silly at Harry, who spent a sleepless night imagining school the next day, where he was already laughed at for his baggy clothes and Sellotaped glasses.达力笑得前仰后合,可哈利整夜睡不着,思前想后,不知明天该怎么去上学,同学们本来就拿他那身松松垮垮的衣服和用胶带粘牢的眼镜当笑话。
Next morning, however, he had got up to find his hair exactly as it had been before Aunt Petunia had sheared it off. He had been given a week in his cupboard for this, even though he had tried to explain that he couldn’t explain how it had grown back so quickly.
可到了第二天一早他起床的时候,竟发现自己的头发又恢复到了佩妮姨妈剪它以前的样子。 尽管他拼命辩白,自己也弄不清头发为什么这么快就长出来了,可是为这件事他们还是把他在储物间里关了一个星期。
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