
英语六点见 2025-02-24 09:03:03

你是不是还以为 “five-and-ten” 就是简单的 “5 和 10”?大错特错!英语里总有一些让你意想不到的表达,“five-and-ten” 背后藏着的含义,能刷新你对数字短语的认知。想知道这个短语究竟该怎么理解,又有哪些有趣用法?快一探究竟!“five-and-ten”是什么意思?

“five-and-ten” 是 “five-and-ten-cent store” 的简略说法,常见意思是廉价商店;杂货店;小零售店。


There is a five-and-ten near my home where I can buy daily necessities at low prices.


“two-bit” 是什么意思?

“two-bit” 这个短语在美式英语中,常用来表示 “廉价的;没什么价值的;不重要的” 。它的来源和过去美国货币体系有关,bit 曾是旧时美国的一种货币单位,two-bit 就表示价值不高的东西。例:He always wears those two-bit clothes that look really shabby.


“at sixes and sevens” 是什么意思?

“at sixes and sevens” 表示 “乱七八糟;杂乱无章;处于混乱状态” 。关于这个短语的起源有多种说法,一种认为与旧时的台球游戏有关,在游戏中处于混乱的局面时会用到这个表达。例:After the party, the living room was at sixes and sevens with cups and plates everywhere.


“in seventh heaven” 是什么意思?

“in seventh heaven” 的意思是 “极其高兴;在极乐世界;欢天喜地” 。在一些宗教和神话中,第七重天被认为是最高的天堂,是最幸福、最美好的地方,所以用这个短语来形容人处于极度快乐的状态。例:She was in seventh heaven when she received the offer from her dream university.


“six of one and half a dozen of the other” 是什么意思?

“six of one and half a dozen of the other” 意思是 “半斤八两;两者差不多;没有区别” 。因为一打(dozen)是 12 个,半打就是 6 个,所以 “six” 和 “half a dozen” 数量是一样的,用来形容两种情况或事物在本质上没有差异。例:Whether we take the bus or the subway to the station, it's six of one and half a dozen of the other in terms of time.


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