
专筑网 2018-12-14 00:00:23


Dorval light is based on the shapes of the International Space Station

巴黎SCMP设计工作室因其照明系统借鉴了国际空间站和当代航空学的美学,而摘得国际奖(Interieur Award)。


Paris-based SCMP Design Office has picked up an Interieur Award for its lighting system that draws on the aesthetics of the International Space Station and contemporary aeronautics.

Dorval is available as a pendant light, a track lighting array and a table light. Each version features the same 11- by 11-centimetre lamp head made from a single piece of powder-coated aluminium.



The pendant light, which was the first design in the series, features four of these heads arranged around a cylinder that is fixed to a rectangular core with rounded edges, like elements on a satellite or space station.

Each head can be angled to redirect the light, and the cylinder can also pivot to change the array. The pendant light was originally made as a prototype for a gallery commission.

Sébastien Cluzel与Morgane Pluchon共同经营SCMP设计工作室,他说:“灯的形状和用途完全自由,因此我们决定借鉴航空航天飞船的美学体系来设计这盏灯。”


最初的设计由加拿大Lambert et Fils公司的Samuel Lambert在巴黎的一个设计博览会上发现,他帮助设计师们生产开发了新版本。


"We had been completely free in the shape and purpose of the object, so we decided to do a lamp based on the aesthetic of aerospace and spaceships and this kind of idea," explained Sébastien Cluzel, who runs SCMP Design Office with Morgane Pluchon.

"The international space station of NASA was also a good reference for us," he told Dezeen.

The original design was spotted at a design fair in Paris by Samuel Lambert of Canadian manufacturer Lambert et Fils, who helped the designers develop new versions for production.

"We made the very first pendant light with four different heads that can move in every different direction, so we can move the light everywhere in the space, diffuse it or make it more direct," said Cluzel.




The table lamp features a single head on a powder coated stand made from two slender cylinders and a circular base, while the track version can accommodate multiple heads on a horizontal core that is suspended from the ceiling with cords at either end.

The back of the heads is ridged to act as a heat sink, meaning that the light remains cool to the touch even if the LED inside is switched on all day. An acrylic glass cover with a subtle lattice helps diffuse the light.

Each version of the design has a warm and cool light setting to allow the user to change the effect of the lighting.

今年的国际奖(Interieur Awards)物品设计类奖共两名,Dorval系列灯是其中之一。这些奖项也将在Biennale Interieur之中展出,这是世界上较早的设计博览会,该博览会在比利时科特赖克举办。今年双年展的总体偏重于展示青年才俊的作品。

另一个摘得该奖项的项目是“Coil”,它是Bram Kerkhofs设计的模块化家具,设计师使用了弹性绳索,在橱柜周围形成半透明墙壁,使它们既可以作为存储单元,也可以作为展示单元。

摄影:来自Lambert & Fils工作室的Arseni Khamzin

Dorval was one of two winners of this year's Interieur Awards in the Objects category. The awards are held as part of the Biennale Interieur, the world's second oldest design fair, which takes place in Kortrijk, Belgium. This year's overall focus for the biennale was showcasing young talent.

The other winner of the Objects award was Coil, a modular furniture design by Bram Kerkhofs, which uses elastic rope to create semi-transparent walls around cabinets, allowing them to function as both storage and display units.

Photography is by Arseni Khamzin from Lambert & Fils.

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