
专筑网 2021-03-24 15:24:43

Munkevilla / Janine Muller由专筑网邢子,小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述:Munkevilla住宅是一种可持续建筑的愿景,它尊重自然,并创造纯粹的生活品质。Munkevilla的灵感来自于美丽的风景,对其周围独特的环境做出了回应。屋顶的组合方式回映了山脉,在四个屋顶中,有三个是绿色种植屋顶,把从自然中获取的能量还给自然。蒲公英等植物在那里生长,可以用于沙拉和其他自制菜肴。整个建筑用银灰色的木质包层覆盖,并根据天气和光照条件改变外观,使建筑与景观融为一体。热制木材只需用热量和水蒸汽处理,非常稳定且无毒,这对于靠近海水的外墙来说是一个重要的标准。混凝土墙和出挑的阳台最大限度地减少了房屋向海边的占地面积,尽可能地保持自然的海岸线,同时当地植被覆盖了从一楼到海边的区域。Text description provided by the architects. Munkevilla: a vision of sustainable architecture respecting nature and creating pure life quality. Inspired by the beautiful scenery Munkevilla reacts to the surroundings on its unique property. The ensemble of the roofs reflect the mountains. Three of four are green sedum roofs giving back to nature, what was taken from it. Dandelion, chive growing there are used for salads and other homemade dishes. The whole building is covered with silver grey wooden cladding changing its look according to weather and light conditions, which makes the building blend into the landscape. Thermowood treated with only heat and steam is very stable and non-toxic, an important criteria for a façade close to salt water. Concrete walls in the front and the floating balcony minimize the footprint of the house towards the seaside to keep the coastline as natural as possible. Naturally local vegetation defines the area from the level of the first floor down to sea level.

挪威的天气变化很快,经常有大风。因此,户外区域的质量非常重要。房子不同侧面的三个露台可以全天捕捉阳光,且可以遮挡风浪。更重要的是,通过大窗户,自然界的景色在屋内流动,这对生活质量和健康是一个重要的影响因素,因为人类应当与自然和谐相处而生。“每天早上从厨房的日出开始,到客厅的日落结束。无论在此之间发生了什么,这里总是可以让你微笑、平静、快乐。”The weather in Norway changes fast. It is often windy. Therefore the quality of the outdoor areas are really important. Three terraces placed on different sides of the house catch the sun the whole day around and make it possible to find a windless spot. More over though big windows nature flows inside the house, which is an important factor for life quality, relaxing and health since we humans are made to life in and in harmony with nature. “Every morning the day starts with sunrise in the kitchen and ends with sunset in the living room. No matter what happened before. It always makes you smile, calms you down and makes you happy.”

主要功能包括两间位于一楼的卧室,非常适合年轻夫妻、有小孩的父母或退休老年人。东侧是私人房间,西侧是家庭互动室,这不仅优化隐私,且可以预防家庭成员间的冲突,这是成功的家庭生活的重要因素。二楼有两间卧室、一间浴室和一个休闲区,可通往屋顶露台,俯瞰花园和周围的大自然,孩子和青少年在这里有自己的空间。Munkevilla住宅包含了完整的家庭住宅功能及在其中生活的整个生命周期。All main functions including two bedrooms are located at the first floor, which is ideal for couples, parents with small children or pensioners. The east side accommodates all private rooms, the west side family interaction rooms to optimize privacy; one of the most important factors for a conflict preventive and successful family life. Two bedrooms, a bathroom and a recreation area with access to a roof terrace overlooking the garden and nature all around are placed at the second floor. Older children and teenager have their own space here. Munkevilla ment to be a family home for the whole life cycle with adaptive room functions.

在设计过程中,尤其是室内设计,每一个细节都让使用者感到温馨舒适。天然材料如木材、混凝土等,暖色、深色与白色相结合。整个房间内没有踢脚线,插座、灯光开关都与墙面或天花板齐平,就连门也有隐形的框架。这为艺术创造了完美的场景,并带来了亮点,如特殊的灯具或彩色的纺织品。在这里,Marko可以展示照片,Janine可以用艺术作品做装饰,这些过程都正在进行中。A home becomes your home with each detail during the planning process especially the interior architecture. Natural materials as wood and concrete in warm, darker colors are combined with white. There is no skirting in the whole house. Spots, sockets, light switches are flush with wall or ceiling surfaces. Even the doors have invisible frames. This creates the perfect scenery for art and brings out highlights like special lamps or colorful textiles. Marko can contribute with his photographs and Janine with here artwork. Work in progress right now.

“建筑会影响我们的行为、情绪和健康。Munkevilla住宅给我们带来纯粹的生活品质,因为它是我们的安全场所,是我们的创意场所,有时是工作空间,有时则是我们的健康绿洲和社交场所。”“Buildings influence our behavior, our mood and our health. Munkevilla gives us pure life quality, because it is our safe place, our creative place, sometimes working space, our wellness oasis and social area.”

建筑设计:Janine Muller类型:住宅面积:320 m2项目时间:2019年摄影:Marko Polter

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