
凌珍聊商业 2025-02-25 14:41:05
列标题(Column headings) 描述或计算方法(Description or method of calculation) 最惠国适用关税年份(Year of MFN applied tariff) 日历年或财政年度开始时间(Calendar year or start of fiscal year) 约束覆盖率(Binding coverage) 包含至少一个约束关税线的协调制度(HS)六位子目份额。如果显示为 100% 则表示完全约束。若某些关税线未约束,但其余仍为约束,结果向下取整为 100,即 100.0(Share of HS six - digit subheadings containing at least one bound tariff line. Full binding coverage is indicated by 100 without further decimals. If some tariff lines are unbound but the rest still bound, the result is rounded down to 100, i.e., 100.0) 简单平均(Simple average) 从价税的简单平均值或 HS 六位税号的平均从价等值(Simple average of the ad valorem or AVE HS six - digit duty averages) 免税(Duty - free) 产品组中免税的 HS 六位子目的份额。部分免税的子目按比例计算(Share of duty - free HS six - digit subheadings in the total number of subheadings in the product group. Partially - duty - free subheadings are taken into account on a pro rata basis) 从量税(Non - ad valorem duties) 需缴纳从量税的 HS 六位子目的份额。当 HS 六位子目只有一部分需缴纳从量税时,按这些税线的比例计算(Share of HS six - digit subheadings subject to non - ad valorem duties. When only part of the HS six - digit subheading is subject to non - ad valorem duties the percentage share of these tariff lines is used) 关税 > 15%(Duties > 15%) 需缴纳从价税或平均从价等值大于 15% 的 HS 六位子目的份额。当 HS 六位子目只有一部分符合条件时,按比例计算(Share of HS six - digit subheadings subject to ad valorem duties or AVEs greater than 15 per cent. When only part of the HS six - digit subheading is covered by such duties, the calculation is done on a pro rata basis) 关税 > 3 倍平均关税线(Duties > 3 x AVG tariff lines) 需缴纳从价税或平均从价等值大于国家平均水平三倍的 HS 六位子目的份额。当 HS 六位子目只有一部分符合条件时,按比例计算(Share of HS six - digit subheadings subject to ad valorem duties or AVEs greater than three times the national average. When only part of the HS six - digit subheading is covered by such duties, the calculation is done on a pro rata basis) 2023 年尚未实施的减让(Concessions not yet implemented in 2023) 2023 年未实施的 HS 六位约束子目的份额。当 HS 六位子目只有一部分受此类关税覆盖时,按比例计算(Share of HS six - digit bound subheadings not yet implemented in 2023. When only part of the HS six - digit subheading is covered by such duties the calculation is made on a pro rata basis) 最高关税(Maximum duty) 最高关税线水平的从价税或平均从价等值(Maximum tariff line level ad valorem duty or AVE) 不同税率数量(Number of distinct duty rates) 不同税率的数量。从量税始终被视为不同税率,因为此指标计算将始终显示不同的平均从价等值。但是,未提供的关税不包括在计数中(Number of distinct duty rates. Non - ad valorem duties are always treated as distinct because AVE calculations would always yield distinct AVEs. For this indicator, however, duties not provided are not included in the count) 变异系数(Coefficient of variation) 标准关税偏差除以所有税率的简单关税线平均值。仅包括从价税或平均从价等值(Standard deviation of tariff line duty rates divided by the simple tariff line level average of all duty rates. Includes only ad valorem duties or AVEs) 最惠国适用关税线数量(Number of MFN applied tariff lines) 最惠国适用关税线的总数(Total number of MFN applied tariff lines)
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