
专筑网 2018-11-01 23:23:12


Kengo Kuma stacks shipping containers to create drive-through Starbucks in Taiwan

日本建筑师Kengo Kuma在台湾花莲一家购物中心旁边堆放了29个回收集装箱,为星巴克咖啡打造了一座店面。


Japanese architect Kengo Kuma has stacked 29 recycled shipping containers to make a Starbucks coffee shop alongside a shopping centre in Hualien, Taiwan.

The multi-storey structure has full height windows and skylights set into the white-painted containers to create a 320-square-metre cafe.



Containers stacked four high at right angles to each other abut the soon-to-open Hualien Bay Mall, with glazed mezzanine levels connecting the interior spaces. The instantly-recognisable round green icon with the Starbucks two-tailed mermaid is fixed to one side of the top-most container.

Kuma arranged the containers to reference the spreading foliage of coffee trees and traditional Chinese bucket arches – the layered brackets set between the column and crossbeam under the eaves of historic palaces and temples.




A window in a ground floor container next to the road allows drivers on the Nanbin Road to collect their coffees to-go.

Pedestrian visitors enter through a glazed lobby and can enjoy their beverages in cosy wood-lined booths or at low tables and benches lining the galleries between containers.

It is one of over 45 container coffee shops owned by the brand, which is investing in these pre-fabricated modular stores as part of its drive for increased sustainability.

该店面是Kuma第一次使用集装箱进行设计,他之前使用2000根薄木棒设计了位于日本福冈的太宰府星巴克(Starbucks Dazaifu)店面,其内部空间呈格子状。

由Kengo Kuma设计的星巴克储备烘焙店将于今年晚些时候在东京开业,这是该品牌的一次全新的零售体验。

海运集装箱为世界各地的建筑师提供了通用预制造模块。在美国俄亥俄州Jonathan Barnes建筑与设计事务所将集装箱的尾端打开,形成一个停车场所。在阿姆斯特丹,Edward van Vliet事务所将集装箱安装在起重港机中,设计了一套与众不同的公寓建筑。

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