
天翰英语 2024-04-10 10:40:54


英 [bliːtʃ] 美 [bliːtʃ]

n.漂白剂;漂白 v.变白;漂白



From Middle English bleche (also bleke), from Old English blǣċ, blǣc, variants of blāc (“bright, shining, glittering, flashing; bleak, pale, pallid, wan, livid”), from Proto-Germanic *blaikaz (“pale, shining”). 词源自古英语的"blæcan”,意为"漂白"或"使变白"。在现代英语中,这个词通常用来描述通过化学处理或日光曝晒去除物体上的颜色或污渍。

◉Usage Examples

(1) I'd like to buy a strong household bleach.

(2) She scrubbed the counters down with bleach.

(3) I wonder if bleach will get that black spot out of my white jeans.

(4) How can the skin just bleach a bit ah?

(5) You should bleach your face properly before you paint your face.

(6) There were only a few dry bones left, bleached by the sun.

(7) I have to bleach all my white shirts.They look a little offwhite.

(1) 我想买强力家用漂白剂。

(2) 她用漂白剂把柜台擦洗干净。

(3) 我在想漂白水能不能够将我白色牛仔裤上的班块清除。

(4) 皮肤怎么才能变白一点啊?

(5) 你在上胭脂前,必须打好白的底色。

(6) 只留下一些被太阳晒得泛白的枯骨。

(7) 我必须把我所有的白衬衫都漂白一下,它们看起来黄黄的。


1. [VERB 动词]漂白;使变白 If you bleach something, you use a chemical to make it white or pale in colour. [V n] [V-ed] [V-ing]

① These products don't bleach the hair.


② Commercial flour is bleached artificially.


...bleached pine tables.


...a bleaching agent.


2. [V-ERG 及物/不及物动词]晒白;(使)褪色;(使)变白If the sun bleaches something, or something bleaches, its colour gets paler until it is almost white. [V] [V n] [V-ed]

① The tree's roots are stripped and hung to season and bleach...


② The sun will bleach the hairs on your face...


③ He has hair which is naturally black but which has been bleached by the sun.


...bleached seaweed.


3. [N-MASS 物质名词]漂白剂 Bleach is a chemical that is used to make cloth white, or to clean things thoroughly and kill germs.


① She used bleach to remove the stubborn stains from her white shirt. (她用漂白剂去除了白衬衫上顽固的污渍。)

- The New York Times《纽约时报》, January 20, 2024.

② The sunlight naturally bleached the wooden fence over time. (阳光随着时间的推移自然地使木栅栏变白。)

- National Geographic《国家地理》, February 8, 2024.

③ The cleaning crew used bleach to sanitize the bathroom floors. (清洁人员使用漂白剂消毒浴室地板。)

- The Guardian《卫报》, March 15, 2024.

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