
清溪壶语课程 2024-04-11 22:47:46
一、V-ing和V-ed作状语 1. “Dad, sorry, it was such a mess.” Jeff murmured, lowering his head in shame “对不起,爸爸,太乱了,”Jeff小声说道,惭愧地低着头。 2. “Surprise! Happy Mother’s Day, mummy!” they said, throwing their arms into the air. “给你一个惊喜!妈妈。母亲节快乐!”他们说着,在空中挥舞着胳膊。 3. Our family’s Christmas decorations swung from its branches, shining in the morning light. 我们家的圣诞装饰品在松树枝上摆动着,在晨光中闪闪发光。 4. Sensing the desperate gleam in Hunter’s eyes, Whiston bent over to give him a tight embrace, comforting that they would be safe. Whiston感觉到了Hunter眼中的绝望,弯下腰紧紧地拥抱他,安慰他们会安全的。5. Bubbling with overwhelming ecstasy, Hunter couldn’t help bouncing ups and downs. Hunter欣喜若狂,情不自禁地蹦蹦跳跳。 6. Sobbing in relief, I was overwhelmed by waves of guilt and remorse. 我如释重负地抽泣着,心头涌上一波又一波的内疚和悔恨。 7. I murmured sorry, reflecting that I should have taken his warning seriously. 我低声道歉,反思自己应该认真对待他的警告。 8. Peeking through the mounting rain, I struggled to make out the vague figure over there. 雨越下越大,透过大雨我努力辨认那边模糊的人影。 9. Picturing the road cracked and the car was flooded away, I felt more frightened and sensed death was waiting for me. 看到道路开裂,车子被水淹没,我感到更加害怕,感觉死亡在等着我。 10. Yelling at the top of his lung, Joe tried to soothe me and convince me that it was the best way to escape the danger. Joe拼命地叫,试图安抚我,让我相信这是逃离危险最好的办法。 11. “Jump out of the car and ran to me!” Joe yelled and got off the truck, waiting for my action.“从车里出来,跑到我身边!”Joe大叫着下了卡车,等待我的行动。 12. Following him, I arrived at home safe and sound finally. 跟着他,我最终安全无恙地回家了。 13. Filled with fright, I dragged my exhausted body inching forward. 我拖着疲惫的身躯向前挪动,内心充满恐惧。 14. Then I saw my name, decorated with giant, golden words—champion. 然后我看到了自己的名字,旁边还有巨大的金色“冠军”字样。 15. Taking a deep breath, I headed to the lounge door. 我深吸一口气,向客厅门走去。 16. “My egg bounced out,” she explained, pointing to a broken shell in the grass. “我的鸡蛋掉了,”她指着玻璃上的碎蛋壳解释道。 17. We just sat in our small apartment, unwrapping the gifts one by one in happiness. 我们待在自己的小公寓里,幸福地拆一件又一件的礼物。 18. Sometimes, only a little kindness can light something shining, making the world more beautiful and harmonious. 有时,仅仅很微小的善意便能点亮一些东西,让世界变得更加和谐美好。 二、独立主格结构 19. The night falling, they put up a tent and wolfed down a simplified dinner. 夜幕降临,他们支起帐篷,快速地吃了个便饭。 20. Suddenly a low, buzzing sound appearing, Whiston raised his head, glanced around and spotted a helicopter in the distance. 突然,出现了低沉的嗡嗡声,Whiston抬起头环顾四周,发现远处有一架直升飞机。21. Blood rushing to his face and heart palpitating fiercely, he leapt to his feet and yelled at the top of his voice. 他涨红了脸,心脏怦怦直跳,跳起来,扯着嗓门喊。 22. The heavy smoke curling upward slowly into the sky, he clasped his hands tightly, praying in the depth of his heart that it would work. 浓烟缓缓升腾而起,他双手紧握,在心底祈祷能够奏效。 23. “Joe, I’m here!” I wound down the window, tears of horror mixed with rain streaming down my face. “Joe,我来了!”我摇下车窗,惊恐的泪水和雨水一同从我脸上流下来。 24. Eventually, I sat beside the stream, my arms and legs aching. 我终于在溪边坐下来了,胳膊和腿感到酸痛, 25. My brother made his way to me, his eyes filled with concern. 我哥哥向我走来,他的眼睛里满是担心。 三、形容词、副词作状语 26. Shocked and proud, their mother said in a sweet whisper, “Thanks, my kids.” 他们的母亲既震惊又骄傲,幸福地低声说道,“谢谢孩子们。” 27. Remorseful for my simple-minded behavior, thinking about the missing rainbow, I burst into tears again. 我对自己愚蠢的行为感到非常后悔,想着错过了彩虹,我又哭起来。 四、强调句 28. Patting them gently on their shoulders, father said in a warm voice, “Darling, it’s love that counts. 爸爸轻轻地拍着他们的肩膀,暖声说道,“亲爱的,重要的正是爱。” 29. During their pleasant chat, they learned it was exactly the message in the bottle that saved them. 在轻松的谈话中,他们知道了正是瓶子里的消息救了他们。 30. It was Joe that shouted and waved violently. 是Joe在大喊大叫,拼命地挥手。 五、介词和介词短语 31. Let’s do this again together!” To their relief, with the guidance of father, they successfully made the breakfast. “我们再一起做一遍!”他们在父亲的指导下,如释重负,成功地做好了早餐。 32. At the sight of the black dot on the horizon, Whiston made a smoky fire. Whiston看见地平线上有个黑点,便生起了烟。 33. In spite of his age, he still leads an active life. 尽管年事已高,他依旧过着一种忙碌的生活。 六、倒装 34. In the small space was the brightest and most beautiful Christmas tree I had ever seen. 在那狭小的空间里是我见过的最明亮、最漂亮的圣诞树。 35. So incredible was I couldn’t believe my eyes. 太不可思议了,我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。 36. The black dot grew larger and larger against the orange sky, so was their hope of being rescued. 黑点在橙色的天空中越来越大,他们获救的希望也越来越大。 37. So overwhelmed was I that I almost wanted to dash out of the stage. 我不知所措,几乎想冲出舞台。 38. Not only did I use my unicycle and hula hoop performance to win the first prize, but also I had proved it to others that even a weak girl like me could win, just through my practice! 我不仅用我的独轮车和呼啦圈的表演获得了一等奖,而且我也向别人证明了,即使是像我这样弱小的女孩,只要通过练习,也能赢! 七、无灵主语 39. Great excitement and surprise flooded in—I rushed to the tree. 巨大的兴奋和惊喜涌上了心头——我冲向那棵树。 40. However, the sound of the helicopter drowned him out. The helicopter hovered for a while and faded in the suffocating darkness. 然而,直升飞机的声音将他淹没了。直升飞机盘旋了片刻,消失在令人窒息的黑暗中。 41. A tide of exhaustion and despair washed over him. 一股疲惫和绝望的感觉向他袭来。 42. A sense of palpable relief enveloped me. 我明显感到如释重负。 43. The night wind howled ruthlessly, nameless creatures murmured in the dark and the moonlight shone weakly on the ground. 夜晚的风无情地咆哮,无名生灵在黑暗中低语,月光微弱地铺洒在地上。 44. “You did it,” an inner voice told me. “你做到了,”我内心的声音告诉我。 45. A sense of anxiety crept upon me, and my fingers were nearly frozen. 一种不安的感觉涌上心头,我的手指几乎冻僵了。 46. Great sorrow clouded the mother. 巨大的悲伤笼罩着母亲。 47. As they disappeared into the far distance gradually, a strong sense of satisfaction poured into my mind. 随着他们逐渐消失在远方,一股强烈的满足感涌上我的心头。 八、it用法 48. But it occurred to me that our family couldn’t afford it in the tough time. “How did you make it?” I raised my question. 但我突然想到,我们家在困难时期是买不起的。“你是怎么做到的?”我提出了我的问题。 49. At this time, a thought popped into my mind—it was the high time that I examined the effects of my practice. 这时,我的脑海里突然冒出一个念头——正是我检查练习效果的时候了。 九、从句 50. Christmas of 1939 was the most magical Christmas that reminded me of what was essential in later life—love from a family. 1939年的圣诞节是最神奇的圣诞节,它让我想起了后半生最重要的东西——家人的爱。 51. After what seemed like an eternity, the helicopter finally came to a halt over them and lowered a rescuer. 似乎过了很久之后,直升机终于在他们头顶停下并放下了一名救援人员。 52. Cassie cast a queer look at me as if to declare war. 卡西奇怪地看着我,好像要宣战似的。 53. A sweet peace flooded into me like a blessing, which made me hopeful again. 甜蜜的平安像祝福一样涌入我的内心,让我再次充满希望。 54. I picked up the note, which read “Thanks for your returning of the umbrella.” 我拿起纸条,上面写着“谢谢你把给我送回来。” 55. Though warm, it was uncomfortable for children, who nestled closely by the Christmas tree 虽然很暖和,但对于紧紧依偎在圣诞树旁的孩子们来说,这很不舒服。 56. Unfortunately, she was met with refusal, which failed her to hold back tears. 不幸的是,她遭到拒绝,这让她忍不住流眼泪。 57. Soon we were busy preparing presents for our unexpected guests, who just wanted to stay warm on Christmas Day. 很快我们就忙着为不速之客准备礼物,他们只想在圣诞节来点温暖。 58. Megan insisted we should let them know that I had tested positive. Megan坚持我们应该让他们知道我的检测呈阳性。 59. Hard as it was to inform people that we might have given them the coronavirus, it was the responsible thing to do. 尽管很难告诉别人我们可能给他们传染了冠状病毒,但这是负责任的事情。 60. We heard the news that our team had won. 我们听到消息了,我们队伍赢了。 十、连续动作 61. I opened the door, reached out my foot, trying to find a proper land point. 我打开门,伸出脚,试图找到一个合适的落脚点。 62. After confirming the safety, I inched forward in the muddy water and eventually rushed frantically towards my husband. 确认安全后,我在浑水中一点点前行,最终发狂似地冲向我的丈夫。 63. Joe also ran in my direction, gathered me into his arms and kept patting my back. Joe也朝我跑过来,把我抱在怀里,不停地拍着我的背。 64. I grinned dazzlingly, raced to them and embraced them tightly. 我咧嘴一笑,跑到他们身边,紧紧地拥抱着他们。 65. Cassie looked at me, and her glare softened. I grinned. She giggled. Cassie看着我,她的目光柔和了下来。我咧嘴一笑。她咯咯地笑了起来。 66. Then I raced down and got to the bottom before Cassie did. 然后我跑了下来,在Cassie之前到达了谷底。 67. I had to inhale sharply to calm myself down, then I bent down towards the crowd and started my performance. 我不得不猛吸一口气让自己平静下来,然后我弯下腰向人群开始了我的表演。 十一、with复合结构 68. I was shivering with cold, with my empty stomach rumbling. 我冷得瑟瑟发抖,空荡荡的肚子咕咕叫。 69. He was a delivery man with his arms full of parcels. 他是个快递员,手里满是包裹。 70. Holding the note tightly, I was on the verge of tears, with a stream of warmth spreading across my body. 我紧紧握着那张纸条,眼泪快要掉下来,一股暖流在我身上蔓延开来。 71. The rest froze, with eyes falling on their little sister. 其余的人都愣住了,目光落在他们小妹妹身上。 72. With gifts in hand, the kids were wild with joy. 孩子们手里拿着礼物,欣喜若狂。 73. “No time to make mum a breakfast now.” Jenna cried with regret and guilt overwhelming her like endless tides. “现在没时间给妈妈做早餐。”Jenna哭了起来,遗憾和内疚像无尽的潮水一样淹没了她。 74. I stood there and stared at it with tears rolling down my cheeks. 我站在那里,看着它,眼泪顺着脸颊滚落。
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