
香课程 2024-04-06 07:51:01


be caught red-handed


该习语的意思是“to be caught in the act of committing a misdemeanour, with the evidence there for all to see”,即“被抓到犯有轻罪,证据确凿”,相当于汉语里的“当场被抓;当场被铺;被逮个正着;被抓个现行”。


The criminal was caught red-handed; all he could do was to confess.


Russia says he was caught red-handed with a computer flash drive containingified information.


A shoplifter was caught red-handed trying to steal a watch from a jewelry store.



该习语中的red-handed用来暗指在执行谋杀或偷猎后手上沾满鲜血,该习语源自苏格兰,其早期的形式是red hand,其较早用法可以追溯到1432年詹姆斯一世的《苏格兰议会法案》中:

"If he be not taken red-hand the sheriff cannot proceed against him."

已知最早的“red-handed”的书面使用记录来自沃尔特·斯科特爵士(Sir Walt Scott)的《艾芬豪》(Ivanhoe,1819年):

"I did but tie one fellow, who was taken redhanded and in the fact, to the horns of a wild stag."

目前已知最早引用该习语“caught red-handed”的是英国小说家乔治·阿尔弗雷德·劳伦斯(George Alfred Lawrence),他在自己的作品《盖伊·利文斯通》(Guy Livingstone,1857年)这样写道:

'My companion picked up the object; and we had just time to make out that it was a bell-handle and name-plate, when the pursuers came up - six or seven "peelers" and specials, with a ruck of men and boys. We were collared on the instant. The fact of the property being found in our possession constituted a 'flagrans delictum' - we were caught "red-handed".'



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