
辛毗评国际 2023-09-15 06:58:00


Marcellina CongI have lived in South Korea for some months, and still visited there often.1. K-dramas are often thought to make girls raise their boyfriend standard. In reality, most of South Korean teenage boys act in accordance to the actions in K-dramas, as most of the girls in South Korea have exposed to the expectations.2. Manners (except in subways where there are seldom people who let elders sit). They turn their head to the right and hold the glass with 2 hands when drinking with older party. They pour the other person’s glass. They are willing to help you picking your luggages at Yongsan Station if the wave at the station’s not busy. They’ll show the way to the lost strangers. (Because most Koreans have the “lousy and unhelpful” image. I tell you, as a Chinese-Indonesian, I am fascinated with South Koreans)3. Relationship is taken seriously in Korea. Lots of couple activities, and of course, lots of special days invented for the couple.4. K-pops are one of the economy driver in South Korea. They are the most impactful influencer to market most of products sold in South Korea. Once your product’s being worn by a top-class artist, get ready to put “sold out” sign the next day.我在韩国生活了几个月,并经常去那里旅游。1. 韩剧通常被认为会让女孩提高对男友的要求。事实上,大部分韩国的年轻男孩都会根据韩剧中的行为表现来行动,因为大部分韩国女孩都接触到了这些期望。2. 礼貌(除了在地铁上,很少有人主动让长辈坐)。他们喝酒时会将头转向右边,用两只手拿着杯子。他们会给对方倒酒。如果车站人流不忙的话,他们愿意帮助你拿行李。他们会指引迷路的陌生人。(因为大多数韩国人有“态度差且不乐于助人”的形象。作为一个印尼华人,我对韩国人很着迷)3. 在韩国,恋爱关系很重要。有很多情侣活动,当然也有很多为情侣发明的特殊日子。4. 韩流是韩国的经济推动力之一。它对韩国市场上大部分产品的销售影响力最大。一旦你的产品被一位顶级艺人穿上,准备在第二天挂上“售罄”标志吧。

5. Teenage boys wearing BB cream is not weird. It’s kind of common in South Korea. Korean boys tend to take care of their body and face (and their faces are better than mine. I’m kinda jealous)6. Eating convenience store is very common (and once you do it, there’s no way to escape from the addiction)7. Plastic surgeons draw their patient’s face before they conduct the surgery. And most of people still go out after their faces were drawn.8. University students busk (by singing and dancing) around the university’s alley (the university’s alley is BIG, Hongdae area is one of them). They do it for the fun, money is a plus. And they’re famous in their university by doing this. Once you graduate with the reputation, you’ll be treated like an idol when you’re back at the alley.9. Americano + hazelnut syrup is good. I learned the recipe from my stay in South Korea and Indonesian Starbucks baristas still think my taste is kinda weird.5.青少年男孩使用BB霜并不奇怪,在韩国很常见。韩国男孩倾向于照顾自己的身体和面部(他们的脸比我的好看,我有点嫉妒)。6.在便利店吃东西非常普遍(一旦你开始,就无法戒掉)。7.整形医生在进行手术之前会给患者画他们的脸部轮廓。而且大多数人在脸部被画完后还会出门。8.大学生会在校园巷子里表演街头乐(校园巷子很大,弘大地区就是其中之一)。他们这样做是为了好玩,赚钱只是额外的。而且他们在大学里因此而出名。一旦你以这样的声誉毕业,当你回到巷子里的时候,你会像一个偶像一样受到待遇。9.美式咖啡+榛果糖浆很好喝。我在韩国呆过后学会了这个配方,印尼的星巴克咖啡师认为我的口味有点奇怪。原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

10. Idols, even famous trainees don’t have their free spaces. Fans wait in front of their respected entertainment building and will chase them once they’re emerged from the building (just to grab a coffee at a cafe next to their entertainment building). The fans WILL leave their things (this includes phone, wallet and others) behind and chase their beloved idols. For girl idols, they mostly shouted and waved “hi”, and they can walk quite leisurely.11. In reality, most of South Korean teenagers dream to be an idol. Probably 60% of them. I might say 40–60% of Korean teenagers are trainee under an entertainment company. Big or small, there are hundreds of entertainments in South Korea.12. Street casting is real. However, this is also a form of scamming.13. South Koreans are mostly religious. You’ll occasionally get a pack of wet tissue from random people on the street. That means the people invited you to visit the church.14. In Korea, age matters. They use Chinese year style to measure your age (means you’re 1 when you’re born, and the year is counted by the chinese year. The chinese new year is the borderline. Easier way, chinese zodiac sign’s hierarchy matters). You must address the person who has the elder chinese zodiac sign with honorifics, even if you are born on the same year10.偶像,甚至是著名的练习生,都没有自己的自由空间。粉丝们在他们受人尊敬的娱乐大楼前等待,一旦他们从大楼出来就会追赶他们(只是为了在娱乐大楼旁边的咖啡馆喝杯咖啡)。粉丝们会抛下他们的东西(包括手机、钱包等)去追逐他们心爱的偶像。对于女偶像来说,她们大多是喊着、挥手打招呼,走路也很悠闲。11.事实上,大多数韩国青少年的梦想是成为一名偶像。大概是其中的60%。我可以说 40-60% 的韩国青少年是娱乐公司的实习生。韩国有大大小小数百种娱乐活动。12.街头选角是真实的。然而,这也是一种诈骗形式。13.韩国人大多信教。您偶尔会从街上随机的人那里得到一包湿纸巾。这意味着人们邀请你参观教堂。14.在韩国,年龄很重要。他们使用中国的年份制来衡量你的年龄(意味着你出生时是1岁,年份以农历年份计算。中国农历新年是分界线。更简单的方法,十二生肖的等级制度很重要)。即使你们同年出生,也必须用敬语称呼十二生肖年长的人原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

15. South Korean girls looks pretty everyday because make ups are cheap. They even brush their teeth immediately after they eat.16. There are a lot of duty free stalls with chaebol (riches family. e.g. Samsung and Hyundai group) names on it. Easier way, there are a lot of VAT refund provider, provided by these chaebols.17. Did not bring wipe tissue? Don’t worry. There are tissue vending machines in front of public places’ toilets in Seoul.18. If you use to live with heat every summer (or you live in tropical country), South Korea’s summer is not hot at all. However, all prefectures in South Korea, even Seoul have extreme degrees and climates during winter.15.韩国女孩每天都看起来漂亮,因为化妆品便宜。她们甚至在吃完饭后立即刷牙。16.有很多免税摊位上都写着财阀(富裕家族,如三星和现代集团)的名字。更简单的说,有很多由这些财阀提供的增值税退税服务。17.忘记带湿纸巾了?别担心,在首尔的公共场所厕所前有纸巾自动售货机。18.如果你习惯了每年夏天的酷热(或者你住在热带国家),韩国的夏天一点也不热。然而,韩国所有都道府县,甚至首尔在冬季都有极端的温度和气候。

19. People might think that Gangnam is the only “heart” in Seoul. Matter of fact, foreigners in South Korea usually hang out in Itaewon area. I also consider Itaewon as one of the “hearts” in Seoul.20. Entering Seoul National University? Great! Means you’re not entering Seoul’s university system with Kpop on mind (as there’s only a little percent of artists graduating from this #1 uni). You’ll be treated like a god(dess) of knowledge (as the acceptance rate is only less than 5%) and your future’s will be bright like a diamond.That might be enought for now. I don’t know if it’s common in other country, as those 20 are what most people ask to me about Korea.19.人们可能认为江南是首尔唯一的“心脏”。事实上,在韩国的外国人通常会在梨泰院地区聚集。我也认为梨泰院是首尔的一个“心脏”。20.进入首尔国立大学?太好了!这意味着你进入首尔的大学体系时没有考虑韩流(因为只有很小的一部分艺人毕业于这所排名第一的大学)。你会被像知识之神(因为录取率不到5%)一样对待,你的未来将会光明如钻石。那就先说这么多吧。我不知道这在其他国家是否普遍,以上是大多数人询问我有关韩国的20个问题。

Manuel MoratoHere are some more I would add to the list of the others:1. How crazy and passionate Koreans are about baseball.2. How spicy the food is (and I'm Mexican).3. The vibrant live indie rock music and cultural scene in Hongdae.4. How insanely cluttered and packed the subway is at rush hours.5. How hot it is during the summer (haven't seen the Korean winter yet).6. The K-Pop madness (people are really obsessed about it).以下是我想添加到其他意见清单中的一些内容:1. 韩国人对棒球的疯狂和热情。2. 食物有多么辣(我是墨西哥人)。3. 弘大区充满活力的现场独立摇滚音乐和文化氛围。4. 高峰期地铁有多么混乱和拥挤。5. 夏天有多热(还没有见过韩国的冬天)。6. K-Pop的疯狂(人们真的很沉迷于它)。原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

7. There's a great quality in services (you can rent a cellphone at the airport, restaurants serve food in a flash, rent rooms to go play games, watch movies or sing karaoke with friends, etc.).8. There's lots of foreigners in Seoul.9. Amazed with how true the following statement is: "The more flashy and wealthy-looking you are, the more girls you get."10. Sophisticated technology is ubiquitous in Seoul.11. The serious regard for hierarchical culture.12. How side dishes are "free refill" at any restaurant (and the custom of side dishes).7.服务质量很高(你可以在机场租手机,餐厅快速上菜,租房间去玩游戏、看电影或和朋友唱卡拉OK等等)。8.首尔有很多外国人。9.“你越华丽富裕,你就能追到更多女孩”这个说法让我惊讶。10.在首尔,先进的技术无处不在。11.韩国严肃看待等级制度文化。12.在任何餐厅都可以“免费续杯”的小菜。

Definitely agree with some of the others, like the heavy drinking culture, the omnipresence of internet, and how fashionable women strive to be.In the end, I would say Korea is a fascinating country and I have learned a ton of things just by living immersed in its unique society and culture. Come check it out, definitely worth it.绝对同意其他人提到的一些事情,例如饮酒文化浓厚,互联网无处不在,时尚女性追求的方向等等。总的来说,我认为韩国是一个迷人的国家,通过沉浸在其独特的社会和文化中,我学到了很多东西。来看看吧,绝对值得一去。

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