
专筑网 2018-11-09 23:56:13

印度尼西亚De Tjolomadoe制糖厂

De Tjolomadoe / Airmas Asri

来自建筑事务所的描述:De Tjolomadoe(The Colomadu) 制糖厂建造于1861年,当时还是荷兰殖民时期,建筑位于印度尼西亚中爪哇省,这也是这里的第一座制糖厂。建筑的周围环绕着甘蔗田,旁侧是皇宫统治区。经过相关政策的出台和土地的出售,甘蔗田逐渐消失不见,在1997年,由于经营者破产,甘蔗不再生产。多年来,这里一直是当地艺术家、工匠、诗人和活动人士交流、举办节日、展览或表演的聚集地。

Text description provided by the architects. Established in 1861 during the Dutch colonial era in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia (formerly Dutch East Hindi), De Tjolomadoe (The Colomadu) is the first sugar factory in Indonesia. Located near/inside the palace regency, De Tjolomadoe is surrounded by sugar cane fields. After several government policy and land sale, the sugar cane fields slowly gone and disappeared, and in 1997, the production is stopped due to bankruptcy of the operator. For several years, the location is used as a gathering place for local artists, craftsman, poet and activists to commune and making festivals, exhibitions or performances.

2016年,国有企业进行了资产重组,制糖厂(The Colomadu)也成为了复工的对象。由于周边不再有甘蔗田,因此没办法继续进行制糖。因此,这座综合体需要重新进行设计构思,以满足其他的需求。

In 2016, as the Ministry of State Owned Enterprises is restructuring and auditing their assets, The Colomadu is one of the assets that is going to be revived. As the sugar cane fields are not surrounding the area anymore, reactivating the sugar factory is not possible. Therefore, reprogramming the complex to be something else is needed to make The Colomadu fully-operate again.

一家国有企业负责接手这座废弃的工厂,他们正在进行一项复兴国有企业、振兴国家资产的项目,Airmas Asri成为了这座急需改造的历史建筑的主创建筑师。

A state owned company appointed as care taker of the abandoned factory as they were trying to formulate a program to revitalize state's asset and appointed Airmas Asri to do conceptual design of the building that needed rescue as time and weather beginning the historical building to a severe state of dilapidation.


The place has already getting public criticism and reaction due to its neglect of cultural and historical value by being one of the first private owned sugar factory and sugar production plant since the colonial era. There has been frequent artistic events as language of critics from non-governments -organizations and local artists so it was becoming clear that arts and culture-events in the abandoned factory is drawing public attention and interests.


Revitalization is the key of design strategy. Hence, to get the place vital again, preservation and additions on non intrusive part to existing building are introduced to make the factory embraces its new function. By context, Surakarta and Karanganyar cannot be separated of its home industry of hand-drawn and traditional print batik, megaliths and stone temples , grass rooted Javanese culture and people, so as a state owned company, this demand is prioritized as concept embedded to enliven the abandoned site to fits its future.


A center of cultural and arts is planned to fits the abandoned factory, firstly the building had to pass several requirements as a historical building and a public building. The procedures of planning, identification, historical documents research and structural evaluations as preliminary per-construction and preservation are done in 6 months followed by construction of a 3500m2 Concert Hall and the main attraction of the building.


Indeed many of the artifacts from the steam era technology has not survive due to severe metal corrosion of the machine and structure , looting, and hazardous to public display. These items were removed and scuttled and scrap metals. Artifact and has identity of historical trace by serial number, photograph, articles found from a dutch newspaper is preserve to fit display for public.


Architectural record of the main brick facade found in 1921 from an architect firm in Semarang , and it experience several changes and emplacement during the factory's Sugar production live time. Some Parts of the building has to be demolished due to its structural failure, many of the brick sections has been severely exposed to weather and crumble under its own weight, this sections sometime were not the original design and its found in many part of the building and a new design as infillment is done to suit the best proportions and architectural language as a public building.


Many parts and the building survive and only need a retrofits of a new components such as windows, doors, awnings, roofs , gutters and parts that supposed to held machinery are refurbished as food hall, restaurants, exhibition hall, and concert hall. The front sections of the building that roof a giant steam powered press-roller is transformed to a main lobby of the three main functions as it draws more public attention and interest.

许多开敞的房间周围都环绕着玻璃幕墙,这样可以将内部的巨型机器面向公众展览,其中甚至还有封闭机器或Moller Tanks,它们都面向音乐厅的内部而开放,因为这也是工厂的原有部分。

Many open air rooms are enclosed with a glass-wall to expose the interior giant machinery as a night time exhibition display, some are enclosed machinery or Moller Tanks and kept exposed to the concert hall interior as it was one of the original parts of the factory section.


The main steam kettle was kept as a display as its structure is embedded to the main chimney and too dangerous to remove. The room is transformed as a restaurant with the kettle's cover, only 2 out of 9 kettles survived.

建筑设计:Airmas Asri


项目负责人:Jusuf Setiadi, Setia Bakty

项目团队:Arry Wirahadikusumah, Ariearmend, Risa Prominda, Cahya Kurniawan,Doni Adrianto, Ihvan Pahrevy, Julia Shenjaya, Adityantari Satriani, Janitra Satriani, Ataslim, Ericko Limartha, Abdul Halim, Aziz Bahtiar, Wahyudi Latip

室内设计:Airmas Asri

景观设计:Airmas Asri

面积:13600.0 m2


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