
旧游成梦寐 2024-06-20 15:49:10


Read a short story:


Two couples arranged to play badminton at the badminton court, forming a mixed doubles team. After several rounds, both teams of couples were caught in an argument while shouting to stop. When they play football, anyone who makes a mistake will be blamed; Losing the ball, without exception blaming one's partner. Others can't bear to watch, so I suggest they switch partners and play another game. Who would have thought that after changing partners, they would all play politely, without any criticism or complaints, and happily play until the gym closes.


Why is this happening?


The statement by writer Yi Shu can be said to be a complete statement: the biggest mistake people make in their daily lives is being too polite to strangers and being too harsh on intimate people.


We always give patience and tolerance to others, but we are extremely strict with our families.


Teacher Luo Xiang once said: We always dislike the concrete people around us, but like those who are farther away and abstract.


Spending time with family day and night, the friction and conflicts between them are as ordinary as three meals a day.


In life, the most difficult thing is not to tolerate outsiders with a sense of distance, but to be amiable to family members who are close by.

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