
三月流焱 2022-09-22 14:44:31

人生最重要的,莫过于有一个好心情,有了它,你的后半生,才能不慌不乱,稳步前行。The most important thing in life is to have a good mood. With it, you can move forward steadily in the rest of your life.

人生逆境时,切记忍耐;人生顺境时,切记收敛;人生得意时,切记看谈;人生失意时,切记随缘;心情不好时,当需涵养;心情愉悦时,当需沉潜。When life is in adversity, remember to be patient; When life is good, remember to converge; When you are happy in life, remember to watch and talk; When you are frustrated in life, remember to be lucky; When you are in a bad mood, you should cultivate yourself; When you are happy, you need to dive.

每当存了点余钱,觉得生活有点盼头的时候,它总会打我个措手不及 ,要是手里有点钱,它就会给你带来各种各样的问题,又要从头开始。Whenever I save some spare money and feel that life is a little hopeful, it will always catch me by surprise. If I have some money, it will bring you all kinds of problems and start from scratch.

走近,走进,走尽。时间识人,不经一事,不懂一人。拐个弯,与自己和解一切都是最好的安排。Come near, walk in, walk out. Time knows people, not one thing, not one person. Turning a corner and reconciling with yourself is the best arrangement.

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