
专筑网 2018-11-09 23:55:02


10 office furniture designs that prove "the desk has had its day"


2018年Orgatec展销会的主题是“新工作文化的展望”(visionary concepts for a new work culture),展会于10月23日至27日在德国科隆举行。



Edward Barber、Jay Osgerby与瑞士品牌Vitra合作,推出了模块化座位系统,使之成为工作台。两位设计师表示:“工作台和餐厅一样,其原型正在消失,工作台已经不再受欢迎了。”


伴随着设计师Thomas Bernstrand和Stefan Borselius推出的可定制座椅系统,瑞典Blå Station公司对于传统办公桌的淘汰也深表赞同。




丹麦设计品牌+Halle推出了Us With Love设计的一系列简约桌椅,该品牌负责人表示:“每个人对自己的居住要求不同,然而,家具却可以改变我们的想法,我只要移动椅子,调整出喜欢的陈设布局。”



Offices furnished with rows of desks and swivel chairs are now a thing of the past, according to designers and brands exhibiting at this year's Orgatec furniture fair. Here are 10 new designs for today's more flexible workspaces.

The theme for Orgatec 2018, which runs from 23 to 27 October in Cologne, is "visionary concepts for a new work culture".

For some designers, the development of mobile technology means that people no longer need to be sat at a conventional desk – sofas with integrated power points and surfaces can do the same job.

"The desk is dead"

"The workstation is going the same way as the dining room – it's disappearing as an archetype. The desk has had its day," said Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby, who have teamed up with Swiss brand Vitra to launch a modular seating system that doubles as a workstation.

"With mobile technology you need a place to sit occasionally, or a comfortable place to hang out," they said.

Swedish company Blå Station echoes the sentiment, with the launch of its customisable seating system by designers Thomas Bernstrand and Stefan Borselius.

"The desk is dead," said the brand. "Work doesn't have to tie you to an office desk. Meetings don't need conference rooms."

"Design is built on behaviour"

This change is paving the way for open-plan offices to be furnished with more flexible elements, from stackable chairs and furniture on castors, to pop-up structures that can accommodate meetings or private working.

"We all respond differently to the place we inhabit, however furniture can transform us to think 'I will just move that chair to suit my need for the day'," said Danish design brand +Halle, which is launching a range of simple chairs and tables designed by Form Us With Love.

"In that way, the design is built on behaviour, just as much as it becomes a part of an improved experience," he said.

Here are 10 of our top picks for the desk-free office:

Vitra的工作沙发/Barber & Osgerby

Barber & Osgerby为Vitra设计了一款模块化座椅系统,该座椅名为“工作沙发”,它专为使用笔记本电脑工作的人而设计,这是不需要办公室的典型家具。


Soft Work by Barber & Osgerby for Vitra

Barber & Osgerby has designed a modular seating system for Vitra that doubles up as a workstation. Called Soft Work, it is designed for people who work at laptops, but don't need require the typical facilities of an office.

Pivoting tables and power sockets located between the seat cushions enable diverse seating and working positions. Partition screens can also be used to divide zones and create privacy.

+Halle品牌的Torno系列/Form Us With Love

“Form Us With Love”工作室为工作沟通设计了该系列桌椅,它们由丹麦设计品牌+Halle推出。该系列座椅允许人们以不同的方式坐着,而不只是笔直地坐立。


Torno Collection by Form Us With Love for +Halle

Form Us With Love designed this series of chairs and tables to open up conversations in a workplace. Launched by Danish design brand +Halle, the seats allow people to sit in a variety of ways and not just straight on.

Each piece is also lightweight, so can be easily moved to create an informal meeting space at a moment's notice.

BuzziSpace品牌的BuzziBracks工作空间/Alain Gilles

布鲁塞尔设计师Alain Gilles设计了一系列模块化工作空间,它们可以进行不同的组合,从而在大开放性工作空间中形成“微环境”。


BuzziBracks by Alain Gilles for BuzziSpace

Brussels-based designer Alain Gilles has created a series of modular workspaces that can be combined in various compositions to create "micro-environments" within large, open workspaces.

According to BuzziSpace, the system is designed in direct response to the "dynamicity" of today's workplace. Featuring standalone frames finished with curtains, it acts as a visual and noise-reducing acoustic shield.

Blå Statio的Bob Job沙发/Borselius & Bernstrand

Thomas Bernstrand与Stefan Borselius联合为Blå Station设计了这款沙发系统,它可以以多种形式组合。


Bob Job by Borselius & Bernstrand for Blå Station

Thomas Bernstrand and Stefan Borselius teamed up to design this sofa system for Blå Station, which can be configured in multiple ways.

Table add-ons can transform the sofa system into a desk, while shelves can be used to store magazines, documents or even plants. Meanwhile wall partitions can be added to allow for private conversations and face-to-face meetings.

Pedrali的Boxie存储系统/Claudio Dondoli和Marco Pocci

意大利设计师Claudio Dondoli和Marco Pocci为Pedrali品牌设计了一款移动存储系统,它由一套装在钢架上的抽屉组成,柜子下面装有脚轮。


Boxie by Claudio Dondoli and Marco Pocci for Pedrali

Italian designers Claudio Dondoli and Marco Pocci have created a mobile storage system for Pedrali – a set of drawers housed in a steel frame and mounted on castors.

Boxie provides a solution for open-plan offices, co-working spaces and adaptable workspaces.




Dune by Front for Offecct

First debuted in Milan last year, Swedish brand Offecct has now officially launched Dune, a seating system that could function as easily in a public space as in an office.

Designed by Front, the ottoman is designed for places where the need for informal meetings crosses over with the demand for relaxed seating. It can be used by up to eight workers at a time.

Normann Copenhagen品牌的工作室椅子/Simon Legald

丹麦设计师Simon Legald从传统的法国工厂椅子中汲取灵感,为Normann Copenhagen设计了这套座椅。


Studio Chair Series by Simon Legald for Normann Copenhagen

Danish designer Simon Legald took inspiration from traditional French factory chairs for this range of seats for Normann Copenhagen.

The chairs are designed to be easily stacked, meaning they can be used in different types of setting. The steel frame also makes it easy to lift them and move them around. The design comes with or without arms, and as a bar stool.

Office Pavilions/Kettal

Kettal工作室的室内设计团队开发了Office Pavilions,它用于在室内和室外所创建的弹出式会议室和工作区。


Office Pavilions by Kettal

Kettal's in-house design team developed its Office Pavilions, which can be used to create pop-up meeting rooms and workspaces both indoors and outdoors.

The structures can be left open or enclosed with movable walls that come in finishes including aluminium, wood, fabric and glass.

Menu的Co椅子/The Office Group与Norm Architects 事务所

The Office Group与Norm Architects事务所为现代办公空间协同设计了这款美观的可折叠椅子。


Co Chair by The Office Group and Norm Architects for Menu

TOG and Norm Architects teamed to design this "stackable, good-looking chair" for modern office spaces.

Launched by Danish brand Menu, the chair features a wide veneer backrest, supported by a powder-coated steel frame. While it was designed with the modern-day office in mind, the chair is also designed to suit the home.

Wästberg的Pastille灯/Industrial Facility

这盏小灯由连接在一条细线上的光盘组成。它是Industrial Facility为瑞典品牌Wästberg设计的一款灯。这盏灯可以转向各个方向,适用于广泛的工作空间。


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