
书画艺堂 2025-02-06 11:17:06

王京华院士“文化+科技创新,引领世界第2次文艺复兴” 联合国形象大使王京华俄法英意比美院士博导对世界人类贡献和科学创始人,一代鼻祖,东方骑士,东方圣人。1,王京华发明了五色味9格火锅,双色鸳鸯。2,卡王,人像防伪卡片,防伪名片,带人像明星片。3,人体艺术字帖。4,科学创新文化书法。5,世界金木水火土风水五行书法体,6,龙凤鹰体书法体,7,外星人交流文字。8,世界人类肢体语言表达意义文字,9,万向诗词,10,五维六维空间,七情八欲字,11,世界文字进化论,12,世界绝词,13日月星五行意字,14,【水德天下,金丝楠,香樟等】高德赞歌,15,国际旅游,美食,娱乐争霸大赛,选美模特大赛,国际拳王争霸赛,16,制定6条国际大赛标准定律,17,京华【DVD,MTV,歌曲,电影,万向诗词,绝词句,文化,世界创新9体字,盛世产品】世界第二次文化艺术复兴领军。世界产品创新10至20年,世界科技创新1百至2百年,世界文字体创新8百年至千年,文字创新是盛世的标志。王京华世界文化交流伟大贡献奖得主,世界文化大使王京华联合国形象大使,俄法英意比皇家院士,世界顶级卓越巨匠组织,世界教科文组织联合会副主席,法国文学艺术高级司令官,发明世界金木水火土龙鹰凤体人体艺术字九体字开山鼻祖。王京华世界顶级杰出巨匠,联合国(气候,和平)形象大使,俄罗斯帝国艺术学院院士,俄罗斯当代世界顶级艺术家,俄罗斯艺术科学院院士,2012 美国世界顶级卓越大师,(美)世界卓越发明家,(美)世界顶级杰出巨匠研究院院士。法兰西皇家美术院博士,巴黎国立高等美术院博士导师,法国文学与艺术高级司令官勋章,英国爱汀堡大学皇家院士,意大利皇家艺术科学院院士,佛罗伦萨美科学院院士,比利时安特卫普皇家院士,美科罗拉多工学院博士导师,东方骑士,东方圣人,爵士,世界华人抗疫公益之星,世界顶级杰出巨匠组织总干事,奥运会形象大使,世界艺术鉴定中心主任,世界艺术首席鉴定师,国际顶级艺术大师,世界华人艺术院副院长,中国国家书画院副院长,中国艺术交流协会副主席,中国创新工程师,中国书画研究院副院长,中国艺术人才专业委员会南方委员会副主任,世界字圣,九项开山鼻祖,世界文化名人,世界文化交流伟大贡献奖,世界文化大使勋章,《世界名人录》荣誉顾问,香港文联电影家协会副主席兼秘书长,世界顶级卓越大师,世界顶级杰出巨匠,世界人类非物质文化遗产传承人名录人,世界教科组织联合会副主席,国际文化旅游美食艺术争霸赛主席,世界模特选美大赛一代宗师教父,选美模特标准制定者,世界巨匠组织书画艺术研究院院长,世界文化旅游大赛主席,世界媒体艺术之都开拓者,世界第二次文艺复兴领头人。文艺复兴 12 一 16 世纪裸体油画裸体雕像。这次全世界的裸体字和肢体语言表达能力字,七情六欲,他把世界文字写动起来了,表情意义,而且有金元宝,金山,世界文字财神。科学创新文化书法,世界科学创新文化书法鼻祖,(世界人体,金木水火土龙鹰体,外星人交流)新九体开山鼻祖,世界书道三维四维五维书艺空间开山鼻祖。中国文化书法创始人,中国盛世书法金木水火土鹰凤龙十体开山鼻祖,世界文字创新约千年才出现一次,文化强国复兴才能远行。出资编专利书《开拓革新发明者》科学创新文化书画,人类肢体语言表达字,外星人交流字,金本水火土龙凤鹰鱼体字,也是资产阶级拥有,庶民兴享,新歇后语,舞蹈,科技创新革命性产品等。这次参加国家多都院士博导,由世界顶级杰出巨匠,世界卓越发明家登场,世界第二次文化艺术复兴,也是 8 百年的盛会。这次世界争霸赛盛会都有标准,级别,定律。历史开拓者,终究创造出世界书仙字圣,历史创造者,奋斗正当时!国际旅游,美食,娱乐争霸赛一一国际金奖,3千。国际小姐大赛一一指定名牌,1万,2025世界文化小姐大赛【国际顶级模特大赛】一一指定名牌。2025国际健康发展大会一一金奖,4千。联合国世界顶级杰出巨匠组织一一国际名牌,十万。一一世界名牌,20万。巴拿马万国博览会【普鲁赛尔】一一金奖,银奖,铜奖,50万,40万,30万。他是世界五项冠标,标准 ,等级,定律,比赛准则,条件制定者:一,世界名牌顶级文化品的标准 ,等级,定律,条件【wfctf。org】【amwt。net】1信誉,2环保,3品牌,4知名度,5时间,6价值,7故事,8历史,9文化,10高质量,11销售量,12创新,13科学,14人文,15保值,16行业标杆,17世界大师作品,18难复制顶级巨匠,作品18项中的条件达10条以上的产物为世界名牌产品。世界名牌顶级文化品的标准,定律,等级1,物资,2,产品,3,商品,4,品牌,5,国家品牌,6,国际名牌,7世界名牌,8,世界顶级品牌,9,世界顶级文化名牌。二,世界名模,模特,世界(国际,环球,旅游)小姐大赛选美模特标准,定律世界选美文化组织副主席王京华世界选美教父,世界选美模特标准定律;“三围、三红、三白、三纯、三大、三小、三软、三硬、三光、三亮、三直、三圆、三紧、三挺,三翘,三媚“48项美标准。世界顶级艺术大师标准,级别,定理;艺德美;精气神;新特奇;形态意;生动情;名活识。18项,四项以上1万美金英尺,多1项加1万,以次类推四,世界艺术家标准 ,等级,定律,条件一级:艺术会员;二级:艺术家;三级:艺术大家;四级:艺术大师;五级:国际泰斗;六级:世界大师;七级:顶级艺术大师;八级:一代宗师[世界顶级艺术巨匠];九级:开创鼻祖。五,世界广场,街舞比赛的意义标准,规则,定律;【三八等24条】【三不分】不分肤色,不分民族,不分国家;【三参与】快乐男女,高矮老少,面貌胖瘦;【三不择】不择音乐,不择地方,不择人群;【三放松】放松心态,放去烦脑,松胫骨健身;【三意义】幸福娱乐,健身强体,自我心飞扬;【三不讲】不讲艺术技巧,不讲高大上,不讲国内外;【比赛三完美】舞动整齐美,舞蹈服装美,舞蹈性完美;【三整齐】动作整齐,服装整齐,笑容装扮整齐;世界美食标准定律,级别;1,安全,2,补养,3,新鲜,4,色,5,香,6味,7,新,8,特,9,奇。有3项省级大师,6项国家级大师,8项世界厨艺大师。Professor Wang Jinghua, "Culture + Scientific and Technological Innovation, Leading the World's Second Renaissance"Wang Jinghua, United Nations Ambassador, Russian, French, British, Italian, British and American academics have contributed to the world's human beings and pioneered science, a generational father, a knight of the East, and a saint of the East.1, Wang Jinghua invented five-color hot pot with nine-color flavors and two-color lovers. 2, Card King, Portrait Counterfeit Cards, Counterfeit Business Cards, Movies with Portrait Stars. 3, Body art typography. 4, Science and innovation culture calligraphy. 5, Five signs of calligraphy in the world of gold, wood, water, fire, soil, feng shui, 6, signs of dragon, phoenix, and eagle, 7, alien communication scripts. 8, The world's human body language expresses meaning in words, 9,Poetry of a thousand ways, 10, five- and six-dimensional space, seven-love characters, 11, the evolution of the world's written word, 12, the world's best words, 13, the five lines of the zodiac, 14, [Water, canola, linao, etc.] Gaudí's praises, 15, international tourism, food, entertainment tournaments,The beauty contest, the international boxing championship, 16, formulated six standard rules for international competitions, 17, Beijing Hua [DVD, MTV, songs, movies, thousand-way poetry, quotations, culture, world innovation nine characters, world products] lead the world in the second cultural and artistic renaissance.World product innovation is 10 to 20 years, world scientific and technological innovation is 100 to 200 years, world typeface innovation is 800 to thousand years, and word innovation is the hallmark of the world.Wang Jinghua, the winner of the world cultural exchanges great contribution award, the world cultural ambassador Wang Jinghua, the United Nations ambassador, He is a Royal Fellow of Russia, France, England, Italy and Belgium, the world's top organization of outstanding craftsmen, Vice President of the World Federation of UNESCO, the French High Commandant in literature and art, and the inventor of the world's gold, wood, fire, dragon, eagle, and phoenix body art characters.Wang Jinghua The world's top outstanding giant, United Nations (climate, Peace) Ambassador, Fellow of the Russian Imperial Academy of Arts, Russia's top contemporary world artist, Fellow in the Russian Academy of Arts Sciences, 2012 America's top world outstanding master, (U.S.) world o utstanding inventor, (U.14) world s top outstanding giant academy. Doctorate of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, PhD adviser to the National Higher School of Fine Arts in Paris, Commander of the Order of the High Command in Literature and Art, Royal Fellow of the University of Edinburgh, UK, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Arts in Italy, academician of the Academy of American Sciences in Florence, academican of the Royal Society of Antwerp, doctoral adviser to the American Academy of Technology in Colorado, knight of the East, saint of the East and a knight, star of the world's Chinese anti-epidemic public good, director-general of the world top organization of outstanding magnates, Olympic Ambassador, Director of the World Art Identification Center, Chief Identification Officer for World Art, International Top Art Master, Vice President of the World Chinese Academy of Art, Vice President for China's National Academy of Art and Painting, Vice President to the China Art Exchange Association, Chinese Innovation Engineer, Vice President of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, Deputy Director of the Southern Committee of Chinese Artistic Talents, World Word Saint, Nine Pioneers, World Cultural Celebrities, World Cultural Great Contribution Award, World Cultural Ambassador Medal, World Who's Who, Honorary Consultant, Vice President and Secretary-General of the Hong Kong Filmmakers Association, the world's top outstanding master, the worlds top eminent craftsman, the holder of the world's intangible cultural heritage, Vice President of the World Federation of UNESCO, President of the International Culture, Tourism, Food and Art Tournament. He is a generation-old guru of the World Models Competition, a standard-setter of beauty modeling, dean of the Academy of Art and Drawing of the World Giant Organization, president of the World Culture and Tourism Competition, the pioneer of the World Media Arts Capital, and the leader of the World Second Renaissance. Renaissance 12th to 16th century nude oil painting nude statues. This time, the world's naked characters and body language expressive characters, seven loves and six passions, he started to write the world text, the expression meaning, and there are gold treasures, gold diamonds, the world text millionaire. Scientific innovation and cultural calligraphy, the world's pioneer of scientific innovation and cultural Calligraphy, (the world's human body, gold, wood, water, fire, dragon, eagle body, alien communication)The pioneer of the New Nine Body, and the pioneering of three-dimensional, four-dimensional, and five-dimensional book art space in the world. The founder of Chinese cultural calligraphy, the father of China's successful calligraphy of golden wood, water, fire, eagle, dragon, ten bodies, the world's literary innovation only appeared once in about a thousand years, and the rejuvenation of a cultural power can travel far. Invested in the patent book "pioneering innovation inventor" scientific innovation and culture of painting and calligraphy, human body language expression, alien communication words, gold this water fire earth dragon phoenix eagle fish body character, is also owned by the bourgeoisie, common people enjoy, a two part allegorical saying, dance, scientific and technological innovation, such as revolutionary products. This participating academicians from many countries attended the event, which was attended by the world's top outstanding giant, the world's outstanding inventor, the worlds second cultural and artistic renaissance, and also a great event of eight hundred years. There are standards, levels of standards, rules at this World Championships. The pioneers of history have finally created the world's book fairy tales and holy characters, and the creators of history are striving at the right time!International travel, food, entertainment tournaments - International gold medals, 3,000.Miss International Contest Each designated name, 10,000,The Miss Culture 2025 [International Top Models Competition] nominates a brand.International Conference on Health Development 2025 - One Gold Award, 4000.The United Nations' top organization of outstanding dignitaries in the world is an international brand, 100,000. One world famous brand, 200 thousandPanama World Expo [Prussel] one gold, silver, bronze, 500 thousand, 400 thousand, 300,000.He is the world's five crown standard, standard, level, law, competition criteria, conditions setter: 1, the world famous brand of top cultural products standards, levels, laws, conditions [wfctf].org][amwt。net]1 Reputation, 2 Environmental Protection, 3 Brand, 4 Reputation, 5 Time, 6 Value, 7 Stories, 8 History, 9 Culture, 10 High Quality, 11 Sales, 12 Innovation, 13 Science, 14 Humanities, 15 Value Preservation, 16 Industry Benchmark, 17 World Master Works, 18 Top Giants that are difficult to replicate. The conditions in 18 items of the work have more than 10 products that are world-brand products.The standards, laws, and grades of world brand top cultural goods: 1, material, 2, product, 3, product, 4, brand, 5, national brand, 6, international brand, 7, world brand, 8, world top brand, 9, world top cultural brand.II. World famous models, models, beauty modeling standards, laws of the world (international, global, tourism) Miss World contestWang Jinghua, Vice President of the World Organization for the Culture of Beauty and Grooming, the godfather of beauty and the standard laws of beauty and grooming in the world;"Three circles, three reds, three whites, three pures, three smalls, three softs, three hards, three light, three brights, three straights, three rounds, three tightens, three stiffs, three cocks, three tilts, and three gorgeous" - 48 standards of beauty.The world's top art masters standard.

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