
专筑网 2021-02-19 19:51:09

法国Billère农家市场/ Pierre MarsanBillère Farmer Market / Pierre Marsan由专筑网沈17,小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述。既然工业化已经从质量上优化了人们的食物资源,为什么海边的餐馆菜单上不提供罐装的沙丁鱼呢?建筑材料同样受到质量上的限制,特别是胶合板,使用具有优化后极高组装质量的生态材料也是有可能的,如今人们有更多其他的选择。Text description provided by the architects. Why don't seaside restaurants offer canned sardines on their menu when industrialization has made it possible to qualitatively optimize our food resources? Construction materials are also subject to qualitative constraints. The use of glued wood, in particular, makes it possible to use a bio-based material with optimized assembly qualities. Other construction choices are possible.

项目主旨的其中之一就是参与到木材产业的发展过程中去,善用当地资源。这包含使用较短循环的材料,开展一段建设的过程。从组成场地的丰富材料中,建筑师选取比利牛斯山银杉木作为框架,道格拉斯木作为覆层。为了确保材料的可用性,建筑师优先会见了木材行业的利益相关者,而将实现建设的脚步延后。One of the objectives of this project is to participate in the development of the timber industry, using local resources. This involves initiating a construction process using materials in a short circuit. From the diversity of species that make up the richness of our territory, we have chosen Pyrenean silver fir for the framework and Douglas wood for the cladding. To ensure the availability of materials, we met with stakeholders in the wood industry prior to construction upstream of its realization.

建筑师利用木片优化了结构系统。建筑内部的承重点的利用使得三角梁的数目得以减少。为了提高舒适度,从框架到覆面的透明墙引入了天光,将保护使用者不受环境变化的影响。绿色顶层由两个屋顶部分组成,每个部分分别覆盖一半的建筑。We then optimized the construction system using solid wood pieces. The use of load-bearing points inside the building makes it possible to reduce the number of triangulated beams. To improve comfort, a transparent wall running from the framework to the cladding forming the skylight will protect the public from environmental changes. The green cover was generated by two roof sections, each diagonally covering one half of the building.

顶层延伸出顶棚部分,用作保护送货区。建筑体量是一个平行六面体,南立面旋转后对齐通向Bayonne的道路。正如1935年的航拍照片上看到的一样,现在这里仍然保留了乡村十字路口和两栋乡村别墅,其中一栋现在是市政厅,另一栋则是市政大楼,对面是一片梧桐林荫大道。西侧建筑与国道平齐,形成一道大门。集市大厅尽可能靠近这条路,创建了第二个东部出入口,并与公寓建筑相结合。The cover extends into a canopy to protect the goods delivery areas. The volume is a parallelepiped whose north facade has been rotated to align with the road to Bayonne. As seen in aerial photographs from1935, there remain rural crossroads and two villas (one of which became the Town Hall and the other a municipal building) opposite a mall of plane trees. On the west side buildings form a gate in line with the national road. The market hall is located as close as possible to this road to create a second, eastern gateway in conjunction with the apartment building.

建筑设计:Pierre Marsan类型:市场面积:530 m2年份:2020摄影:Franck Brouillet制造商:Chouard主创建筑师:Pierre Marsan城市:Billère国家:法国MARKET, BILLèRE, FRANCEArchitects: Pierre MarsanArea: 530 m2Year: 2020Photographs: Franck BrouilletManufacturers: ChouardArchitect In Charge: Pierre MarsanCity: BillèreCountry: France

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