
专筑网 2018-12-05 23:58:08


Sri Lanka Passive House / JPDA

来自建筑事务所的描述:Jordan Parnass Digital Architecture(JPDA)已经完成了南亚第一个认证的被动式建筑项目,证明了该技术在任何气候条件下都可以实现超高性能的效率标准。

Text description provided by the architects. Jordan Parnass Digital Architecture (JPDA) has completed the first Certified Passive House project in South Asia, proving that ultra-high-performance efficiency standards are achievable for buildings in any climate.


The Star Innovation Center is a product development facility located near Colombo, Sri Lanka. Intended to be a global model for the entire garment industry, the project sets a new high bar for sustainability, energy efficiency and worker comfort.


The project is one of only two certified Passive House factory buildings in the world, and annual energy consumption will be cut by over 75% compared to a conventionally “efficient” modern industrial building.


By choosing to renovate an obsolete building to Passive House standards, the project dramatically reduces the waste, carbon emissions and fossil fuels typically required for demolition and new construction, and promotes the client’s commitment to maintain high standards in social, environmental, ethical and safety compliance.

Star 创新中心是将被动式建筑技术应用于热带季风性气候的先驱,该地区全年气温稳定,但相对湿度极高。大多数现有的高性能建筑都位于凉爽的北欧风格气候中,所以供暖是首要的考虑因素。

The Star Innovation Center is a pioneer in applying Passive House technology to a tropical monsoon climate, which features steady warm temperatures year-round but extremely high relative humidity. The majority of existing high performance buildings have been located in cool, Northern European-style climates where heating is the primary consideration.


Careful design and engineering of the building systems and enclosure ensures that workers enjoy year-round comfort in a workspace that provides abundant natural light, low humidity, filtered fresh air, and maintains temperatures near a constant 24 °C (77 °F).


Thorough testing of the airtightness and remote monitoring of the ongoing energy usage provide quantitative confirmation of the building performance, achieving projected operational cost savings for the client and vastly upgraded workplace environmental standards for the employees.


From the outset the agenda was to assemble an integrated project team including local architects, engineers, fabricators and builders to encourage technology transfer and demonstrate the feasibility of high performance building in the region.


By promoting the project’s goals and inspiring the local building industry JPDA has sought to establish a clear path to both reducing global carbon emissions and putting an end to worker “sweatshop” conditions.

Star创新中心母公司Komar Brands的首席执行官Charles Komar阐述道:“我们对被动式建筑的舒适性能感到满意,并期待能节省更多能源成本。与JPDA的合作很愉快,Jordan和他的团队工作十分努力,成功克服了设计和执行等方面的挑战。”

Charles Komar, CEO of Star parent company Komar Brands expounds: “We are delighted with the comfort and performance of our Passive House building, and look forward to years of energy cost savings. Working with JPDA was a pleasure—Jordan and his team worked diligently to overcome challenges for the successful design and execution of the project.”



设计团队:Jordan Parnass, Marijke Huelsmann, Kevin Hennessey, Yereem Park, Philip Weller, Elizabet Bereslavskaya

主创建筑及室内设计师:Vinod Jayasinghe Associates (Pvt) Ltd (Sri Lanka)


摄影:Ganidu Balasuriya

能源顾问:Steven Winter Associates

机械工程:Chandana Dalugoda Consultants

结构工程:Ajith Vandebona PE

工程造价:Prasad Jasinghe, VFORM Consultants

电器工程:Kosala Kamburadeniya PE

客户:Star Garment Group

认证被动式建筑设计事务所:Jordan Parnass Digital Architecture

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