
专筑网 2019-02-14 23:35:47

The Frames创意办公场所

The Frames / Squire & Partners

来自建筑事务所的描述:The Frames创意办公场所位于伦敦东区肖尔迪奇,它专为伦敦小型创意公司而开发设计。建筑为5层,面积约80000平方英尺,内部灵活的办公空间可以满足不同的使用需求,另外,建筑内还设置有公共会议室、休息区、茶歇区、自行车停车点、淋浴设施,以及咖啡厅。

Text description provided by the architects. The Frames is a bespoke development tailored to small and creative businesses in Shoreditch. The five-story building creates 80,000 sq. ft. of flexible workspace for London’s new and growing companies, providing office and studio units to suit a variety of users, along with shared meeting rooms, break-out areas, tea points, cycle storage, shower facilities, and a café.

这座建筑受到南部肖尔迪奇保护区域的当地传统仓库建筑的特征影响,建筑师结合使用了砖石、金属,以及玻璃面板。并且通过Phipp Street的曲线和一系列装点玻璃窗的砖石支柱,整体的设计方案强调了建筑的垂直线条。

Influenced by the characteristic warehouse vernacular of the surrounding South Shoreditch Conservation Area, the building envelope employs a palette of brick, metal, and glass. Following the curved line of Phipp Street with a series of brick columns punctuated by corten-clad window reveals, the design emphasizes the vertical proportions of the structure.


The top two floors of the building are set back and feature twisted dark grey perforated aluminum fins, which reference the historical textile manufacturing history of the neighborhood and provide solar shading.


A language of raw materials and finishes continues inside the building, with polished concrete floors, exposed soffits, corten-clad lift cores, and a striking folded steel staircase. An art installation in the reception area by renowned artist Mr. Jago creates a unique double-height mural.

建筑设计:Squire & Partners



摄影:James Balston, Jim Stephenson

结构工程:Thornton Tomasetti

总顾问:HG Construction

机电顾问:Furness Green

施工技术:Pierce Hill

接待区艺术作品:Mr. Jago



声学顾问:Applied Acoustic Design

建筑审查:BCA (Building Control Approval)

内部区域总面积:7,343 m2

外部区域总面积:8,446 m2


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简介:专于设计 · 筑就未来