
旗渡多语法律信息中心 2025-02-27 11:33:38


negative act 通常指的是某种形式的不作为、拒绝行动或故意避免采取某项行动。包括forbearance(有意不为)和omission (非故意不为)。

forbearance是指有意不作为,为一种有意消极行为( intentional negative act),在合同法中常作为一种对价;

In consideration of the borrower's current financial difficulties, the lender agrees to a forbearance of loan repayments for a period of six months, during which interest will continue to accrue.


omission(旧称omittance)则是指一种无意的不作为行为( an unintentional negative act ),常用在侵权法中。

The contractor's failure to secure the construction site, an omission that led to unauthorized access and subsequent damage, was deemed negligent.


通常omission和act一起使用,构成固定搭配act or omission,表示“作为或不作为”。

That person shall not be subjected to any civil suit (being a civil suit to which the person could not be subject if he were not in the Requesting Party) in respect of any act or omission of the person that is alleged to have occurred, or that had occurred, before the person’s departure from the Requested Party.


转载自:旗渡红蓝律网站  作者:旗渡多语信息中心(出海资讯定制)

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