
专筑网 2018-12-02 23:54:41


Tonkin Liu shrinks architectural shell lace structure to create prototype windpipe stent

建筑师Mike Tonkin和Anna Liu 制作了一款气管支架模型,可以用于气管移植手术。

Tonkin和Liu是Tonkin Liu建筑事务所的创始人,该事务所总部位于伦敦。他们用单层面结构技术设计了一种穿孔薄壳结构,并将它应用到气管支架的制作之中。



Architects Mike Tonkin and Anna Liu have created a prototype stent that adapts to a patient's throat for use after tracheal transplant surgery.

Tonkin and Liu, founders of London-based architecture studio Tonkin Liu, adapted the design of their single surface structural technology – called the shell lace structure – to create the stent.

Unlike the tubular mesh stents commonly used after surgery on the windpipe, their version is C-shaped and fits to the individual shape of each person's throat.

The prototype has been manufactured from medical grade silicone with a perforated surface that allows the wound to breath, and makes drug delivery to the tissues possible, which together prevent infection.

Tonkin Liu的支架模型是一个缩小版的穿孔薄壳结构/Tonkin Liu's prototype stent is a smaller version of its shell lace architecture structure


这个模型是“令人惊叹且史无前例的发明,同时跟现有相关装置相比,具有突破特征。”伦敦大学学院喉科学教授Martin Birchall如此说到。



Tonkin Liu建筑事务所之前仅仅将这种结构运用在建筑中,比如超轻结构的展览馆、桥梁以及塔楼。

To insert the stent, doctors must turn the item inside out and place it inside the windpipe cavity. It then unfurls and sits firmly within the patient's body due to the natural external pressure, without danger of slippage.

The prototype is "a remarkable and unprecedented stent invention, that is ground-breaking in the context of currently available devices," said Martin Birchall, UCL professor of laryngology.

Tonkin and Liu created the architectural shell lace structure, following a decade of research, as a sheet material that would perform as efficiently as items in the natural world.

The sheets were designed through abstracting design principles from the physiological makeup of molluscs and plants, in collaboration with scientists from the Natural History Museum.

Previously Tonkin Liu had only used the structure for architectural purposes, such as ultra-lightweight pavilions, bridges and towers.

这个支架可用在气管移植手术中/The stent is designed for use after tracheal transplant surgery


接着,他们和工程师Arup一起研究,深入发展他们的想法。与此同时,他们还获得了英国政府Innovate UK的创新基金,主要用于项目的研发。


Alerted to an unmet medical need by a clinical researcher at a talk they took part in 2014, the architects set about making prototypes of possible stents using the structure as their starting point.

They worked with engineers Arup to develop the concept, and secured funding for a year long research and development project from Innovate UK, the British government's innovation fund.

The architectural version of the shell lace structure has now been adapted and recreated 500 times smaller for the medical device.

这个医用支架大小是常用建筑形式的1/500/The medical stent is 500 times smaller than the architectural form

为了设计这个模型,Tonkin Liu建筑事务所扫描了猪的气管,3D打印了一个五倍大小的模型用于研究,是因为考虑到动物的喉部和人类的比较相似。完成之后,建筑师们在工作室里像测试建筑模型一样对仿生支架模型进行测试。





To design the prototype Tonkin Liu digitally scanned a pig's trachea, as the animal's throat is similar to that of a human, to create a 3D-printed model that was five times larger than life size. The architects tested this as they would an architectural model in the studio.

"To us it was no different to observing the particular characterises of a site. What were its peculiarities, the demands and the opportunities?" Liu told Dezeen.

They found that the trachea consists of a series of C-shaped rings, connected by softer tissues, which move up and down, with flexible tissue spanning the gap in the C. Using these findings, they developed models on which to develop and test the prototype stents.

"We mimicked these characteristic through a series of simple and intuitive rubber band models, which would later prove to be key to our invention," said Liu.

The stent is currently patent-pending and the architects hope that it will be rolled out for use in trachea transplant surgery: "Our aim is now to bring the Shell Lace Stent to manufacture stage and see it bring tangible benefits to patients globally," said Tonkin.

这个C形支架目前正在申请专利中/The C-shaped stent is currently patent-pending




除了为医疗行业提供设计,设计师们也经常打破传统医疗中心的形象,让其变得更亲切。比如Morag Mysercough设计的谢菲尔德的儿童医院,建筑就有着丰富的色彩,另外还有哥本哈根的彩绘癌症护理中心。

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