
专筑网 2021-03-23 15:49:06

Burning Bridges Installation / KATARSIS ab由专筑网小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述:Nikola-Lenivets是俄罗斯的一座小村落,位于Kaluga地区,距离莫斯科并不遥远,艺术家Nikolay Polissky在这里设计了一座欧洲最大的艺术公园,该公园占地650公顷,是视觉艺术、建筑、音乐,以及戏剧的表演场所,Nikolay在与乡村社区接触了之后,设计了世界闻名的地标场所,有许多游客慕名而来,极大地促进了该地区的就业发展,这座公园定期举办大型节日,其中最为著名的就是Archstoyanie。Text description provided by the architects. Nikola-Lenivets is a small Russian village located in the Kaluga Region, not too far from Moscow, where artist Nikolay Polissky created one of the largest art parks in Europe. The area of 650 ha serves as an experimental ground for visual arts, architecture, music, and theatre. Having engaged the village community, Nikolay created a world-famous landmark with a steady flow of tourists that contributes to local employment. The park regularly hosts large-scale festivals, and Archstoyanie is, probably, the best known among them.

Maslenitsa是根植于Slavic神话的古老Slavic节日,这已经成为了Nikola-Lenivets日常事件,人们会在这里享受乐趣与美食,而这个节日的高潮则是焚烧冬日的印记,这似乎是在对寒冷的告别,也是对新春的迎接与祝福,在Nikola-Lenivets,这一传统得以新的延续,这似乎成为了一种全新的艺术行为,艺术品的焚烧也反映了当前的相关问题,让这些神秘的内涵进入到公众的视线当中。Maslenitsa, an old Slavic holiday rooted in Slavic mythology, has become one of the main events in the life of Nikola-Lenivets. It is the time to have fun, enjoy good company, and eat pancakes. The climax of the holiday is the burning of a winter effigy. It is a way to say good bye to the cold season and welcome the new spring. In Nikola-Lenivets, the tradition has undergone a new interpretation. Instead of an effigy, fire is set to an enormous art object. The theme of the burned work of art is often a reflection of currently relevant issues, bringing the prophetic and mystical ceremony into the centre of the public eye.

在2020年,Maslenitsa举办了一场艺术品的选择竞赛,项目组接收到了来自世界各地的许多作品,评审团则评选出了圣彼得堡KATARSIS建筑事务所的作品,该作品名为“燃烧桥体”,它表达了全球与个人的不可逆转的变革。In 2020, a competition was held to select the art object to be burnt at Maslenitsa. Out of the great many entries from all over the world, the jury selected the project by KATARSIS, a St. Petersburg-based architectural practice. The name of the project, Burning Bridges, is self-descriptive. The bridge embodies change, both global and personal, which is, most importantly, irreversible.

建筑师希望能够创建这样一种作品,它不会激发其人们过于明确的想法,同时拥有超凡脱俗的品质,能够反映出Kaluga地区无边的田野,这座桥体从田野中延伸而出,似乎横跨了河流,这是空间与时间的诗意象征,建筑师希望人们能够感受到自身的作用,从而发展为强烈的归属感和责任感。We wanted to create a long object that would not inspire any clear-cut associations. It had to have an otherworldly quality and reflect the feeling aroused by the surrounding endless fields of the Kaluga Region. The Bridge grows right out of the field and spans the invisible river: it is a poetic symbol of space—and of time. We wanted the spectators to feel that they were playing their own part in the event, so that the feeling could grow into an acute sense of belonging to everything happening in the world and a sense of personal responsibility for it.

在燃烧仪式之前,人们会穿过桥体,它似乎成为了人们生活的一部分,并且也是熟悉的景观要素,除此之外,这里和圣彼得堡的La Pushkin剧院共同举办了一场演出,目标是让人们更有凝聚力,因为大家都参与了燃烧的过程,人们围成一个圈,捡一些木柴放在桥体之上,这样能够促进燃烧,整个过程不仅仅是一场表演,更是一场集体的行动和个人的体验,这座桥体由当地的村民建造,两座高20米、宽16米的塔楼和通道连接在一起,整个装置长度为70米,柱子和木架在内部相互结合,让整体变得易于燃烧。Before the burning ceremony, the spectators could walk along or across the Bridge: it became a part of their lives and a familiar landscape element. Before the burning, we held a performance that we developed together with La Pushkin Theatre from St. Petersburg. Our goal was to bring people together around the burning process: they all played a part in it. The spectators formed a large circle. Each person picked up some firewood and placed it on the Bridge, thus, contributing to the bonfire. The burning ceremony was no longer a show, but a collective action and a deep personal experience. The Bridge was built by a team of village locals. The two 20-meter-high and 16-meter-wide towers were linked by a passageway platform. The structure was 70 meters long. The wooden frame of posts and trusses was supplemented with internal lining to make the structure more flammable.

材料的选择充分考虑了可持续性和生态特征,建筑师应用了已经虫蛀的木头来建造主体框架,这样参与人员不仅能够收集建筑所需的材料,还顺便清理了当地树林中的小虫子,装置的内部则是通过一些建筑垃圾以及干草制作而成,火焰激发人们的思考,这也成为了变革的象征,人们会因此而思考,世界的未来发展与人类息息相关。The materials were selected with the view of sustainability and eco-friendliness. For example, we built the main wooden frame from wood infested with bark beetles. This way, the team not only gathered up building materials, but also cleared the local woods of bark beetles. The lining was made of broken pellets, construction debris, and hay. The fire turned into food for thought: it became a symbol for the ever more rapid change. It made everyone think of how much of the global future depends on us.

当人们站在距离80米高的火焰只有几十米远的地方时,能够感受到来自火焰的焦灼,人们能够意识到火的危险性,它们能产生严重的问题,对人们而言,这种感受并没有叠加起来,只是一种个人经历的自然体现,也许,这样的艺术装置能够让人们把注意力转移到现实的问题中。As you stand only dozens of meters away from an 80-meter-high bonfire and feel the almost unbearable heat on your skin, you realize how deadly wildfires are and how much of a problem they present. It was important for us that this train of thought was not superimposed on the viewers, but rather emerged as a natural outcome of personal experience. Probably, this type of event can turn the public attention to the real problems of today.

这座桥体在2020年春天被烧毁,这个世界还没有意识到核心的震撼作用,而通过这种神秘的方式,这个艺术作品成为了世界变革的有利象征,在如今,人们跨越了重重桥体,已经进入了没有退路的新时代。The burning of the Bridge in the spring of 2020 turned out to be prophetic. The world was yet unaware that it was about to be shaken to its very core. In a mystic way, the art object became a powerful symbol of the upheaval to come. Today, we know that humanity did cross the Bridge and found itself in a new era. And there is no way back.

建筑设计:KATARSIS ab类型:主题公园\景观设计\临时装置面积:1120 m2时间:2020年摄影:Grigoriy Sokolinsky, Rustam Shagimordanov, Alexey Trakhanov, Lev Zvezdnyi, Eugenij Nemec, Dmitriy Serebryakov, Max Bezyglyj主创建筑师:Peter Sovetnikov, Vera Stepanskaya设计团队:KATARSIS ab城市:Nikola-Lenivets国家:俄罗斯

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