前 言
ForewordArt is a universal language that transcends national borders, recording the glory and changes of human civilization in a unique way. On the vast stage of international art, Chinese artists have contributed countless treasures to the world's art treasury with their profound cultural heritage, unique artistic perspectives, and exquisite skills. They not only left a significant mark in the history of Chinese art, but also occupy a pivotal position in the international art hall.Since ancient times, Chinese art has attracted the attention of the world with its unique charm and profound connotations. From ancient calligraphy, painting, and ceramics to modern sculpture, photography, and new media art, Chinese artists constantly innovate, skillfully blending tradition and modernity, East and West, and creating eye-catching works of art. These works not only showcase the talent and wisdom of Chinese artists, but also convey the essence and charm of Chinese culture.In the international art hall, Chinese leading figures have become bridges connecting China and the world of art with their outstanding artistic achievements and extensive influence. They have not only achieved extraordinary achievements in their respective fields, but also promoted the internationalization process of Chinese art through international exchanges and cooperation, allowing the world to better understand and appreciate Chinese art.
娄本义,现为环球华商书画艺术委员会理事、中国翰林书画院院士、国艺委书画艺术博物馆副馆长、中国书画研究中心秘书长、中华文化全球推广大使、中国企业文化促进会高级艺术顾问、中国东方文化研究会研究员、香港电视台签约书画家、中国瀚海雅墨书画艺术协会名誉会长、中国非物质文化遗产保护联盟书画艺术委员会委员、世界非物质文化遗产研究院副院长、中国非物质文化遗产研究院智库专家、中国书画报社特聘画家、中国民族建筑研究会书画艺术专业委员会理事会理事、东方艺术天地艺术顾问、瑞源阁书画紫砂艺术研究院常务理事、国家高级美术师香港书法家协会理事、中央艺术名家书画院首批央美智库专家。娄本义先生,自幼受家庭影响,酷爱书画艺术,书法从“柳、颜”入手,上溯“二王”,后崇米芾、王铎、吴昌硕书风格,用功尤深。绘画上在上世纪 70 年代末 80 年代初,有幸拜吴昌硕弟子陈荆源、王个簃先生为师,作为入室弟子谨遵先生教诲,“取法乎上、得其乎中、取法乎中、得其乎下、取法乎下、啥也不啥"。远追石涛、八大青藤、扬州八怪、任伯年、赵之谦、吴昌硕之风,寻根溯源,继承祖国的绘画传统。1984-1985年参加由王个簃先生主讲的上海《中国青年报》篆刻函授班。1988 年在中国书画函授大学毕业。1985 年参加全国青年篆刻大奖赛并获三等奖。70 年代末 80 年代初作品多次参加省市展览并获奖。
2014 年参加全国“草人杯”大奖赛获二等奖。参加在中华世纪坛举办的“留香墨韵”全国书画艺术家作品联谊展。
2015 年 9 月,参加“铭记历史·珍惜和平”70 周年书画展,书法条屏及国画牡丹双双入展并被组委会收藏。同年被提名为“中美杰出华人艺术家”候选人,其作品拟被选为美国邮票图案在全美及全球公开发行。
2016 年,在纪念房山石经刊刻与云居寺创建 1400 周年之际,书法作品四尺、十二条屏被云居寺文物管理处收藏;同年 12 月,作品《富贵神仙》入选北京纪念长征胜利 80 周年书法美术摄影展,并被组委会收藏。同年入选庆祝中国共产党成立 95 周年《时代先锋·中国当代书画名家邮册》;参加第二届华夏之星中国书画人才海选活动,书法、绘画作品分别入选获奖,并被中国书画家报社聘为特聘书画家。同年应中国企业报道邀请参加优秀人民艺术家献礼活动。
2017 年,作品被北京市人民政府收藏。同年入选《喜迎中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会“不忘初心,继续前进" 邮册》;作品获“不忘初心、牢记使命、继续前行”书画展一等奖。
2018 年,经中企报盟信息科学研究院综合评定,入选“中国书画名家库”;同年,在中国老龄委举办的爱心公益事业“心灯点亮”孝道活动中获得赞誉;获得全国两会重点推荐"人民艺术家"称号;9 月加入中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会。
2019 年 2 月,《中国书画家报》在“新时代书画艺术家风采系列推荐展示"活动中对其进行刊登报道。4 月,获 2019寻找知名书画家网络评选大赛第三名。8 月,作品寿桃和荷
2021 年 5 月,入编由雅亭斋文化传媒编纂的建党百年献礼巨作《聚焦中国当代艺术家》。
Luo Benyi, currently a member of the Global Chinese Businessmen Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee, a member of Chinese Hanlin Calligraphy and Painting Academy, the Deputy Director of the National Art Committee Calligraphy and Painting Art Museum, the Secretary-General of the Chinese Calligraphy and Research Center, a Global Ambassador of Chinese Culture, a Senior Art Consultant of the Chinese Enterprise Culture Promotion Association, a Researcher of the Chinese Oriental Culture Research Association, Contracted Calligrapher and Painter of Hong Kong Television, the Honorary President of the Chinese Hanhai Yamo Calligraphy and Painting Art Association, a member of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Alliance Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee, the Vice President of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute, a Think Tank Expert of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute, a Special Appointed Painter of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Newspaper, a member of the Chinese National Architecture Research Association Calligraphy Painting Art Professional Committee, an Art Consultant of the Oriental Art World, a Standing Director of the Ruiyuan Pavilion Calligraphy, Painting and Purple Clay Art Research, a National Senior Artistic Title Holder, a member of the Hong Kong Calligraphers Association, and one of the first batch of Central Art Think Tank Experts of Central Art Celebrities Calligraphy and Painting Academy. Mr. Luo Benyi, since childhood, has been influenced by his family and has a strong love for calligraphy painting art. He started with "Liu and Yan" in calligraphy, traced back to "the two Wangs", and later admired the calligraphy styles of Fu, Wang Duo, and Wu Changshuo, and worked especially hard. In painting, in the late 1970s and early 190s, he had the fortune to study with Chen Jingyuan and Wang Ge Yi, disciples of Wu Changshuo, and as a student in the room, strictly followed the teachings of the masters, "take the law from the top, get it from the midd