
专筑网 2020-03-28 23:27:04


Dezeen Awards architecture, interiors and design winning projects revealed

Tom Emerson工作室、Taller 5工作室、麻省理工Mediated Matter Group以及Branch工作室,获得了Dezeen2019年的最佳项目奖。





Studio Tom Emerson and Taller 5, Mediated Matter Group at MIT and Branch Studio Architects have won awards for the best projects of the year at Dezeen Awards 2019.

The announcements were made in front of 250 guests at Ennismore Sessions House in London, where the best established and emerging studios of the year were also revealed.

The overall winners across the sectors of architecture, interiors and design were chosen from the thirty winning projects, which were announced earlier this month.

A shelter for archeologists in Peru, a school office interior in Melbourne based on Italian piazzas and a robotically fabricated structure made from organic matter were selected as this year's overall project winners.

This year's three master juries, who met in London in September, chose the winners based on how beautiful, innovative and beneficial they are to people and planet.

一间为考古学家和儿童设计的房屋获得了建筑项目奖。图中是建造在秘鲁沙漠的项目/A Room for Archeologists and Kids is the architecture project of the year. Top image: the project was built in the Peruvian desert


该项目由苏黎世的TomEmerson工作室和Taller 5工作室设计,位于秘鲁天主教大学内,为考古学家和孩子们设计了一座有白色纺织品天篷、竹藤墙和土地板的建筑。

The architecture project of the year, which also won the small building award, was designed and built by 45 architecture students from Zurich and Lima.

Designed by ETH Zurich's Studio Tom Emerson and at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru (PUCP), A Room for Archaeologists and Kids has a woven white textile canopy, bamboo cane walls and earthen floors.

这座为考古学家设计的建筑由来自苏黎世和利马的学生设计/The shelter for archeologists was designed by students from Zurich and Lima



The pavilion provides shelter for archaeologists in Pachacamac, an archaeological site in Peru that covers around 600 hectares of desert.

The open rectangular structure was designed so that the archeologists' examinations of artefacts are in view of passing visitors and children from a nearby school.

考古避难所/The building shelters archaeologists



The architecture master jury, which consisted of Sou Fujimoto, Lyndon Neri, Kunlé Adeyemi, Sonali Rastogi and Jing Liu, championed the project for its structural preservation and the characteristics of the space.

"This project is a perfect response to an old structure," said the judges. "The introduction of softer elements creates a surprising and pleasant atmosphere."

来自Branch Studio建筑事务所设计的Piazza Dell'Ufficio是去年室内设计的获奖作品/Piazza Dell'Ufficio by Branch Studio Architects is the interior design project of the year

来自Branch Studio建筑事务所设计的Piazza Dell'Ufficio是室内设计的获奖作品。该项目涉及墨尔本一所大学的行政管理办公室的二次设计。



Piazza Dell'Ufficio by Branch Studio Architects has been named interior design project of the year. The project involves the redesign of executive administration offices of a college in Melbourne.

Almost every surface of Piazza Dell'Ufficio, which was also named small workspace interior of the year, has been lined with slim cardboard tubes.

The Australian architecture studio wanted to create an environment that broke down barriers between staff and student interactions.

由Branch Studio工作室完成的室内设计/The interior was designed by Branch Studio Architects



"This aesthetically pleasing space creates a break-out space for busy school life," said the interior design master jury, which was made up of Ab Rogers, Eva Jiricna, Eero Koivisto, Matali Crasset and Yoko Choy.

"There is a great balance between contemporary, recyclable and affordable materials and colours, creating a warm and calming environment that is suitable for student welfare," the judges added.

Piazza Dell'Ufficio项目同样获得了小空间奖/Piazza Dell'Ufficio also won small workspace of the year

该评审团由Philippe Starck、Nelly Ben Hayoun、Yinka Ilori、Aric Chen、Lonny van Ryswyck、Sofia Lagerkvist组成,他们选择了由麻省理工学院Mediated Matter团队的作品Aguahoja I为年度设计项目。

Aguahoja I是一种数字设计和机器制造的结构,其使用的是在树枝、昆虫外骨骼和人类骨骼中发现的分子成分。

The design master jury, which consisted of Philippe Starck, Nelly Ben Hayoun, Yinka Ilori, Aric Chen, Lonny van Ryswyck and Sofia Lagerkvist, selected Aguahoja I by MIT Media Lab's Mediated Matter Group as the design project of the year.

Aguahoja I is a digitally designed and robotically fabricated structure made using the molecular components found in tree branches, insect exoskeletons and human bones.

Aguahoja I由麻省理工学院Mediated Matter 团队设计,该项目获得了设计项目奖/Aguahoja I by Mediated Matter Group at MIT Media Lab is the design project of the year


Neri Oxman的研究和设计小组的项目也获得可持续设计的奖项,展示了基于水的机器人制造在自然生态尺度上的应用。

Standing five meters tall, the structure's flexible bio-composite skin is composed of cellulose, chitosan and pectin, examining how even the materials that we consider waste can inform design.

The project by Neri Oxman's research and design group, which also the won the award for sustainable design, demonstrates the application of water-based robotic fabrication at a scale close to those of natural ecologies.

Aguahoja I由数字化设计和及机器自动化制造/Aguahoja I was digitally designed and robotically fabricated

“寻找新的可持续材料是一个紧迫的问题。”设计评审说,“Aguahoja I向我们展示了大自然如何帮助我们设计新材料,强调了自然与技术之间的关系。”


每个获奖团队都会收到一个手工制作的奖杯,该奖杯由Atelier NL设计。

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