
专筑网 2019-07-30 23:52:50

The Room / Nook architects

来自建筑事务所的描述。THE ROOM空间设计项目为建筑师们提供了契机,让建筑师们能够按照客户当前的需求构思工作空间,也是一个可以根据不同的需要采用不同的结构营造出灵活的、多用途的环境空间。Text description provided by the architects. THE ROOM presented us with the opportunity to develop a workspace in line with present-day needs. A flexible, multipurpose environment that could take on different structures as required by the user.项目需要有一个大型空间用作研讨会场所,这个空间可以顺着过道进入,适应布局,两个小型盒子空间是办公室和小会议室,另外还有一个连接休息区和露台的办公室餐厅。A large space was needed to host occasional workshops, a room with an adaptable capacity and direct access from the street, two smaller boxes to be used as offices or small meeting rooms and an office-dining room linking the rest area with the patio. 主要空间的室内表面由两种轻质的云杉木材建造完成。空间整体划分为两大区域,一个是面向街道的大型会议室,另一个是中心位置的多功能区域。在办公区有着一系列的开放空间,使人们可以在这里俯瞰整个内部庭院。因为原有的支撑柱和承重墙的位置不可改变,所以空间过道比较窄小,但是也可以用于容纳一系列服务空间,即两间盥洗室、一个储物区和通道。The main space began with the installation of two light volumes of spruce wood. This divides the overall ambience into two large areas: a sizeable meeting room facing the street; and a multipurpose area in the centre. Finally, the location of the office, which looks out over the interior patio, closes the series of open spaces.The smaller passageway, defined by the pre-existing pillars and the supporting wall, houses a range of services; two bathrooms, a storage area and access points.空间高度为3.50米,这里足够容纳所有的功能需求,因此不需要额外的空间划分。这样做不仅确保结构框架的可见性,而且还可以在各个区域之间带来交叉通风。在中间区域有两个大小相同的盒子空间,是小型办公室和小型会议室。空间内的其他部分的定位依据这两个盒子而确定。建筑师在面向街道的一侧设计了公共办公区域,另一边是由搁板组成的楼梯,可以通向屋顶。这些固定空间以外的区域则是员工的个人工作存储区。With a height of 3.50 m, we were able to meet all functional requirements without building up to the ceiling. This not only ensures that the structural framing remains visible from all angles, but it also allows for cross ventilation between the different zones.The central rooms were designed as two identical boxes to accommodate small offices or occasional meetings. Once their position had been established within the overall layout, each space was carefully adapted. A utility office was created in the space facing the street and, on the other side, a staircase of shelving blocks were constructed, giving access to the roof. The area between these rooms is allocated to personal storage for the users.这些盒子由轻质半透明的聚碳酸酯隔板组合而成,窗户的设定为内部带来交叉通风。全新的工作环境满足灵活的需求。因此,建筑师构思了多功能的空间布局,从而满足不同的工作需求,其潜在的功能设定远远超出了原本的规划。These boxes incorporate lightweight, translucent polycarbonate partitions which, along with the practicable windows, facilitate the cross ventilation of the whole space.New approaches to work demand flexible rooms that can be adapted to emergent needs. THE ROOM, therefore, proposes a versatile arrangement of spaces that respond to these new realities, transcending the assignment of a specific chamber to a specific use. 建筑设计:Nook architects项目位置:西班牙,巴塞罗那项目类型:工作室室内设计概念设计:Zamness项目面积:1291.67平方英尺(约120平方米)项目年份:2019年照片摄影:Yago Partal
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