
未来有苑 2024-08-30 22:45:39

文教事业部项目及客户Projects and Clients

团队介绍Team Introduction


Development Background


●The Mission of Campus Development




The "National Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020)” issued in 2010 determined that by 2020, Education Modernization will be basically achieved, a learning society will be basically formed, and the country will become a human resources powerhouse.

In 2015, the State Council issued the "Notice on Further Improving the Funding Guarantee Mechanism for Urban and Rural Compulsory Education" .

In the era of stockpiling, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued "China Education Modernization 2035". This document focuses on the outstanding issues and weak links in education development based on the current situation and a long-term perspective, and also concerns on deploying Ten Strategic Tasks for education modernization. Among them, promoting high-level and high-quality construction of education at all levels, help student to build a lifelong learning system, and accelerating the reform of education in the Information Age have attracted attention. The "New Campus" is student-led, changing the fact from "want me to learn" to "I want to learn." It is a new school where teachers sense happiness and all parties are willing to come.


●Upgrade the Management of Education System


The traditional system has shifted from “principals and some middle-level management” to "discovering school managers", allowing more and better teachers to participate in school management, allowing more and more circumstances be completed through consultation, coordination and collaboration. In the same time, shifting teachers and students from emphasizing execution to be the master of the school. For example the Four Academies of the High School Affiliated to Peking University: where the hierarchical differences among organizational members are narrowed, communication is more public and open, also the potential of organizational members is jointly realized; at the same time school turns to more professional off-campus professionals and introduces smart school management outside the school; In today's era, the channels for students to obtain knowledge are becoming more and more diverse. Teachers have changed from traditional teaching to more management of student learning. How to organize student learning, resources, practicals, and stimulate students' potentials are huge shifts in educational management.




Under this development background, the Culture and Education Special Research Office is a complete echelon of expert, senior, intermediate and junior designers, striving to serve the country's people's livelihood construction. The members of the Culture and Education Special Research Office as a growing team that continues to practice because of their love for education, at the same time through continuous practice, members get more understanding to this field, and through understanding want to get more innovation to improve.


Principal person in charge(left: Li Yi, middle: Rao Mai, right: Zhu Simiao)


The Culture and Education Special Research Office

文教事业部成员Member of the special research office of Education

工作中的我们Actively discuss at work


Productization of Educational Space in the New Era

● 绿色化、智能化

● Greenization & Intelligentize



Greenizationg directly corresponds to Environmental Protection Technology Review Opinions and Guidance of the project. A comprehensive score will be given to all aspects of the design throughout the project. One of the most important factor is the standardized design of the school, including plane space, facade shape, and building components. The "Green Building Design Guidelines" provides new creative ideas on how to demonstrate the use of local culture and natural resources in standardized design.

The transformation from intelligence to smart campus improves the quality and efficiency of teaching, makes school operations easier, and enhances the school's brand image.


●From Construct to Manufacture



In the traditional process, from design to construction, under the condition of tight schedule of mass production, no matter how fine the manual drawing and repeated drawings are, there will still be various errors. In order to improve, the BIM that was born on this situation is mostly post-BIM at the moment, still making errors at omissions in pipes and drawings, consuming lots of manpower, and the design will still lead to a large number of reservations that are not in place, resulting in later design changes; to facing such problems, modular design of standardized spaces is the best solution, it will reduce a series of problems at the construction site. The main key is to transform the thought from construction to manufacturing modules.

The full-professional section serves cultural and educational projects to comprehensively solve technical problems.


●Professionalism & Transmutability


After experiencing a series of project practices, such as the High School Affiliated to Peking University, the High School Affiliated to Renmin University, the High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University, the 101 Middle School, the High School Affiliated to the National People's Congress, and Yew Chung Yaohua, we have accumulated a large amount of practical experience in campus architectural space design. Based on this experience, we have summarized professional modules, striving to realize the transformation from construction to manufacturing. With this transformation of educational thinking, changes are sought in standardization to meet the new needs of educational reform and brand courses. Through the optional types of different building parts and building components, to achieve the transmutability of plane spaces and facade shapes.


●Commercialization Thoughts/Forward


The school curriculum is the product the core competitiveness of the school; in the stock era, the productization of campus space is the inevitable path. The productization of campus space and the high-level artistic completion of key spaces are the core competitiveness of the Design Institute in campus space.



From quantity to quality, Serve high standards owners, and Reach new heights with them.



来源:匠作 界


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