
辛毗评国际 2023-09-15 06:58:01



PogeePieI lived in the Philippines when I was little, and we used to visit an island where Chinese ceramics from the 1500s would wash up after storms. We've got a box full of lovely weathered shards. There was intact stuff at the bottom, and our dive instructor had insane stories of working for a treasure-recovery crew (being down in almost zero visibility for hours vacuuming stuff out of silt, vomiting continuously while doing it because these weren't exactly safety first dudes)我小时候住在菲律宾,我们以前喜欢去一个岛上玩,那里偶尔会有16世纪的中国瓷器在风暴之后被冲刷到海岸上。我们就能带回家一整箱好看的沧桑的瓷器碎片。在海底还有一些完整的东西,我们的潜泳教练给我们讲过之前给一个挖宝队打工的时候经历过的令人难以置信的故事(下到能见度几乎为0的地方,从淤泥里面往外抽东西,一边干一边呕吐,因为他们并不是一帮把安全放在第一位的人。)

falsewallWhy the vomiting?为什么会吐?

PogeePieI was 12 years old at the time, so I just accepted the vomiting as "something that happens when you're underwater for too long!" Upon reflection as an Old, I think it was some combo of grueling physical conditions and massive, massive hangovers我当时只有12岁,所以我以为呕吐是“当你在水下待太长时间的时候自然会发生的事情”,但是长大之后回想起来,我觉得可能是难以忍受的环境加上非常,非常猛的宿醉导致的。

ancient_dinoGlobal trade networks in the 1500s must’ve been amazing considering the amount of stuff they were shipping考虑到他们运的这些东西,16世纪的环球贸易网络一定非常厉害。原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

a-shoeSeriously! That’s a huge amount of stuff and that was just one ship that didn’t make it! Wonder if these items were considered luxury or what. Maybe “fine china” wasn’t so fine and rare back then if you had this much product moving around.没错!这可是数量巨大的商品,而且还只是一艘没能抵达目的地的商船!我不知道这些东西人们觉得算是奢侈品还是什么。或许当时的“精品瓷器”还没那么精品、那么稀有,如果有这么大量的商品在到处流通的话。

SaelyreChina had a mature and thriving ceramics industry at this point, with large numbers of trained and specialised workers who could make consistently good products in a variety of styles. A lot of the ceramics and porcelain was tailored towards the market they were being sold to depending on what fashion the locals favoured at the time, be it locally in China, Europe, Japan, or South-east Asia.这个时候的中国已经拥有了成熟而繁荣的瓷器工业,大量受过训练的专业工人能够制作各种风格的产品,并且保证良好的质量。很多瓷器都根据当地人所喜欢的风格而进行了设计,不论是中国国内,还是欧洲,日本或是东南亚。

The city of Jingdezhen has been a major producer of porcelain for over a thousand years. The Ming dynasty had built twelve Imperial kilns there by 1402. As an example of the size of the commissions they received, the Imperial palace ordered 443,500 pieces with dragon and phoenix designs in just one order in 1433.景德镇一千多年以来都是瓷器的主要产地。明朝到1402年,在当地建造了12个皇家窑炉。举个他们能得到的订单规模的例子,皇室在1433年的一个订单就有443500件带龙凤设计的瓷器。

IMIndyJonesA lot of the ceramics and porcelain was tailored towards the market they were being sold to depending on what fashion the locals favoured at the time, be it locally in China, Europe, Japan, or South-east Asia.Looks like "Made in China" has been around a looong time.看起来“中国制造”已经有很——长的一段历史了。

snytaxEven earlier than this the Romans were using various land and sea trade routes known as the Silk Road to bring Chinese goods (mostly silk) back to Europe.In exchange the Romans would trade gold, silver, glassware, or wool. Records indicate that there was at least an indirect exchange of goods between the two dating back to around the first century and Roman coins from that era have been found as far as Japan. The trading was definitely sporadic and not without interference from the various empires between the two powers but it's crazy to think about the nobility in Rome buying Chinese silk or vice versa Chinese nobles with Roman glass and silver.中国制造的历史可要比罗马人用那条被人所知的“丝绸之路”,各种陆路和海路来将中国商品(基本都是丝绸)运到欧洲的时间还要长。作为交换,罗马人把黄金,白银,玻璃或者羊毛送给中国。有记录表明,至少在公元一世纪左右,罗马和中国之间就存在了间接的商品交换了,并且那个时代的罗马货币最远在日本也有出土。这种贸易显然是零星的,并且有这两大强国之间的几个帝国的干预,但是罗马的贵族们能买到中国的丝绸,或者中国的贵族能买到罗马的玻璃和银器,这种事情想想就很疯狂。

Imaginary-Gur4856Wish they spent a little more time on the silk road in school. Such an interesting history希望他们能在学校里多花点时间教丝绸之路的知识。这段历史太有意思了。原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Accomplished_Soil426Even earlier than this the Romans were using various land and sea trade routes known as the Silk Road to bring Chinese goods (mostly silk) back to Europe.引用:“比罗马人用那条被人所知的“丝绸之路”的,各种陆路和海路来将中国商品(基本都是丝绸)运到欧洲的时间还要长。”原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I thought they were trading bitcoin?我以为他们贸易的是比特币呢

One-Appointment-3107And just think, “made in China” it used to be a sign of quality and utmost elegance. How sad.想象一下,“中国制造”曾经是质量和绝对的优雅的标志。真让人难过。

MiskatonicDreamsStill can be, but if you go to dollar general, you get dollar general quality.仍然可以是,但如果你去的是一元店的话,那你买的也只能是一元店的质量。

ssnistfajen"Made in X" is irrelevant without the price. You pay bottom shelf price and you get bottom shelf quality. So what are you lamenting about?“某某制造”跟价格没关系。你花底层货架商品的价格,买到的就是底层货架商品的质量。你在这儿抱怨什么呢?

funfsinn14Entirely outdated and unnuanced view. China does also produce high quality goods but you're going to pay commiserate prices. If there's continued demand for lost cost and cheaply-made goods, which there is, Chinese companies will continue to supply that demand. But it's little indication of their inherent manufacturing skill or craftsmanship.这完全是过时的、不理性的观点。中国也制造高品质的商品,你得花相应的价钱。如果对于低成本、廉价的商品的需求一直都存在,并且确实如此,那么中国公司就是会继续供应这种需求。但这并不能说明他们的制造能力或是工匠精神有什么问题。

MutyaPearlManila actually became wealthy by monopolizing the trade of Chinese products in the Philippine archipelago and other parts of maritime Southeast Asia, that's the reason why the Bruneian royal family intermarried with the local royal family and this is also the reason why Spain made Manila it's colonial capital in Asia.其实马尼拉就是通过垄断在菲律宾群岛和其他东南亚海岛区域内的中国商品贸易而变得富有的,所以缅甸王室才会与当地的王室联姻,并且这也是西班牙将亚洲区域的殖民地首府设置在马尼拉的原因。

ClassNexti'm excited to see how they will manage to rescue these我很期待能够看到他们是怎样发掘出这些瓷器的。

AWholeHalfAshAs long as they don't go down there with anything made by OceanGate they'll be good只要他们不用海洋之门公司做的东西潜水的话就没问题(注:还记得几个月前在海底爆的那个潜水器吗)

Norman_BixbyThis comment really pops!这条评论可太炸裂了!

Chalupa_DaddddyHow’d you get a picture of my dishwasher你是怎么拍到我的洗碗机的

UncannyTarotSpreadClean your filter那你该清清过滤网了。

rjsh927wow, the color is still so vibrant even after ~500 years.哇,就算过了五百年之后颜色仍然如此生动。

are these wares are still usable?这些瓷器今天还能用吗?

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