
艺术照亮生活影 2024-05-06 04:36:42


——Alexei Lantsev

艺术家阿列克谢·兰采夫(Alexei Lantesv)1970年出生于俄罗斯西南部的克拉斯诺达尔,目前工作生活在莫斯科。自克拉斯诺达尔艺术学院毕业后,他进入了莫斯科的苏里科夫美术学院,在那里他在已故大师Nilkolai Andronov教授的工作室学习。阿列克谢的作品题材广泛,主要为抽象和半抽象风格。毕加索曾经说过:“要画画,你必须闭上眼睛唱歌。”当阿列克谢·兰采夫在画画时,他不仅仅是唱歌,同时还用画笔表演一种纸上的舞蹈,顺从于一种来自于内心的原始冲动。他所有的作品基本上都是优美的线条和铿锵的色点的结合,仿佛直观地分散在整个表面,主题始终是寻找逻辑和感觉之间的平衡。画作的旋律诉说着生命的喜悦,看着他的作品,仿佛置身于神秘的交响乐团之间,心灵既饱满又空荡。



Solo Exhibitions

1999 – “Les Oreades” Gallery. Central House of Artists, Moscow2000 – “Les Oreades” Gallery. Central House of Artists, Moscow2001 – “Zee Stone Gallery”, Hong Kong, Chine; “East Meets West Gallery”, Moscow2002 – “LeVall” Gallery. Novosibirsk; “Les Oreades” Gallery. Central House of Artists, Moscow2003–2004 – “East Meets West Gallery”, Hong Kong, China2005 – “Life under the Bright Sun” by “The East Meets West Gallery” at the “The Best Art Galleries” Art Fair. The International Exhibition Centre “InfoSpace”, Moscow, Russia.2006 – “Galerie Encadrement”, France; Embassy of Iceland in Moscow2007 – “Mimesis Galery”, Geneva, Switzerland.2008 – Centre for Contemporary Arts “M`ARS”, Moscow“Fine Art” at the Centre for Contemporary Arts “M`ARS”, Moscow“Fine Art, Graphic” by “Les Oreades” Gallery. Central House of Artists, Moscow2010 – “Fine Art” by “Les Oreades” Gallery. Central House of Artists, Moscow2012 – “Fluid Dinamics”. “Art Space Gallery”. Cambridge, Great Britain;“Istanbul, Trabzon, Batumi” by “Les Oreades” Gallery. Central House of Artists, Moscow2013 – “Reflective Forms”. Gallery “ArtSpace”, Cambridge, UK2015 – “Atlas”. Gallery “Roza Azora”, Moscow2016 – “Village Beregovoe Volleyball Team”. Gallery “Roza Azora”, Moscow2016-2017 – “Counterpoints”, Wolfson College, Cambridge, UK2017 – “South wind”. Krasnodar state art Museum named after Kovalenko, Krasnodar; “The Beach”. Gallery “Roza Azora”, Moscow; “Theorem of Сolor”. Gallery “Gros Art”, Atrium Of The Theatre “School Of Dramatic Art”2018 – “L’été avec du caractère”, Galerie de l’Est, Compiegne, France2019 – “Three journeys. Events and people”, gallery “Roza Azora”, Moscow

Group Exhibitions

1996-97 – XVI and XVII Youth exhibitions at the “Kuznetsky Most” Art Center”. Moscow1997-98 – “The Monumentalists”. “Kuznetsky Most” Art Center. Moscow1998 – “Andronov and his disciples”. Central House of Artists. Moscow;Victory in the “Peter the Great” competition in 1998, which earned him a tour of England.2001 – Group show with N.Hohlova-Lantseva in Dresden, Germany; Group show at Basel, Switzerland.2002 – “The Monumentalists”. Central House of Artists. Moscow; Annual exhibition “Summer in “Les Oreades” Gallery”. Central House of Artists. Moscow2007 – “The Graphic’s Lab”, East Meets West Gallery, Annual Graphic Arts Fair “HudGraf”. Moscow State Exhibition Hall “New Manege”2008 – “Traditions and Innovations”, East Meets West Gallery, “ART&DECO” Art Fair. Moscow State Exhibition Hall “New Manege”2010 – “Spain, my love!” East Meets West Gallery, “Art Manege” Moscow Art Fair. Moscow State Exhibition Hall “New Manege”2011 – “Secrets of Black and White”, East Meets West Gallery, Annual Graphic Arts Fair “HudGraf”. Moscow State Exhibition Hall “New Manege”2012 – 2014 – “Cité Internationale des Arts”, Paris, France2015 – “Indoor garden”, Gallery “А3”, Moscow2016 – Exhibition with N. Khokhlova-Lantseva, Gallery “Meinlchmidt”, Balingen, Germany2017 – “Dialogue with Miro”. Curator and participant of exhibitions. Spanish cultural center named after Cervantes, Moscow2019 – “Between Heaven and Earth”, art project East Meets West Gallery, VMDPNI, Moscow

Quai de Montebello en octobre, Paris, 2023

Painting : tempera

42 × 62 cm

Matinée à Rome I, 2021

Print : pigment ink

26.5 × 39.5 cm

Aux alentours d'Aix en Provence, 2023

Painting : acrylic

75 × 100 cm

Côte rose. Matinée près de la mer, 2021

Painting : tempera

42 x 61 cm

Pins au bord de la mer, Bretagne, Circa 2021

Painting : pigment ink

26.5 x 39.5 cm

Soirée dans un village au sud, 2019

Painting : tempera

42 x 62 cm

Via Appia, 2021

Painting : pigment ink

30 × 45 cm

Riviera. Soleil hivernal, 2017


42 x 62 cm

Soirée dans les montagnes, 2021

Painting : acrylic, tempera

80 x 110 cm

La Seine sous la pluie, 2022

Painting : acrylic

80 x 110 cm

Vue sur le Louvre, 2017

Painting : charcoal, tempera

42 x 62 cm

Une tour et un pont, Espagne, 2022

Painting : acrylic, tempera

110 x 90 cm

L'Oise, 2018

Painting : pigment ink

30.5 x 45 cm

Les vignobles de Myskhako. Printemps, 2022

Painting : pigment ink

36 x 28.5 cm

Matinée à Rome V, 2022

Painting : acrylic, tempera

110 x 130 cm

Pêcheurs. Cascais, 2017

Painting : pigment ink, desk

30 x 42.5 cm

Composition 3, 2011

Painting : acrylic

92 x 92 cm

Aqueduc à Montpellier, 2021

Painting : pigment ink

30 x 45 cm

Côte de l'estuaire, Circa 2021

Painting : pigment ink

39 x 25.5 cm

Midi à Paris. Juillet, 2018

Painting : pigment ink

31 x 45 cm

Chariot à Istanbul, Circa 2021

Painting : pigment ink

25.5 x 38.5 cm

Matinée à Trastevere, Rome, Circa 2021

Painting : pigment ink

26.5 x 38.5 cm

Etude en Normandie, Circa 2021

Painting : pigment ink

26.5 x 38.5 cm

Régate à Perros-Guirec, Bretagne, 2019

Painting : pigment ink

40 x 60 cm

Côte bretonne, 2021

Painting : pigment ink

26.5 x 39.5 cm

Île d’Oléron, village de pêcheurs, 2018

Painting : pigment ink

40 x 60 cm

Florence, 2022

Painting : pigment ink

26.5 x 39.5 cm

Soleil d'hiver. La Seine en décembre, 2022

Painting : acrylic, tempera

70 x 100 cm

Une fleur sur la fenetre et des poivrons. Une nature morte zen, 2021

Painting : pigment ink

27.5 x 39 cm

Maison à côté d'un phare, Normandie, 2021

Painting : pigment ink

26.5 x 39 cm

Bateaux de pêcheurs. L'île de Bréhat, 2018

Painting : pigment ink

30 x 42.5 cm

L'aqueduc du Pont du Gard, France, 2021

Painting : pigment ink

27.5 x 39 cm

Marché à Istanbul. Tôt le matin, 2022

Painting : tempera

42 x 62 cm

Costa Brava, 2018

Painting : pigment ink

40 x 60 cm

Baigneuse, 2016

Painting : pencil, tempera

61 x 41 cm

Matinée à Venise III, 2022

Painting : acrylic, tempera

110 x 90 cm

Soirée près d'Honfleur, 2021

Painting : pigment ink

26.5 x 39.5 cm


巴勃罗·毕加索 Pablo Picasso,安迪.沃霍尔, 文森特.梵高Vincent Gogh, 亨利.马蒂斯Henri Matisse, 弗里达·卡罗 F.KAHLO, 格哈德·里希特 G.Richter, 威廉·阿道夫·布格罗 W A Bouguereau, 马克·夏加尔M. Chagall, 克劳德·莫奈 C.Monet, 伦勃朗·哈尔曼松·凡·莱因 Rembrandt, 圭尔奇诺 Guercino, 马蒂亚·普雷蒂 Preti, 翁贝特·波丘尼 U. Boccioni, 鲁西奥·芳塔纳 L.Fontana, 弗朗西斯·培根 F. Bacon, 让-米歇尔.巴斯奎特J.M.Basquiat, 拉斐尔·桑西 Raffaello, 卡纳列托 A. Canaletto, 保罗·委罗内塞 Veronese, 皮埃尔.奥古斯特.雷诺阿 P.A. Renoir, 保罗.塞尚P.Cezanne, 雷尼·马格利特 R.Magritte, 萨尔瓦多.达利 S. Dali, 阿梅代奥.莫迪利亚尼 A.Modigliani, 希罗尼穆斯·博斯 H.Bosch, 弗朗西斯科.戈雅 F.Goya, 彼得.保罗.鲁本斯 P.P. Rubens, 丁托列托 Tintoretto, 弗朗索瓦·布歇 F. Boucher, 安东尼·凡·克 A.Van Dyck, 弗朗西斯柯·德·苏巴朗 F. Zurbaran, 草间弥生, Kaws, 奈良美智, 赵无极等

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