
三月流焱 2022-09-16 12:30:16

人生就像一次漫长的旅行,如果你带着欣赏的眼光,保持乐观的心态,那么你就会看到沿途的美丽风景,你的心情就会变得十分愉悦,你的生活就会充满情趣,你的生命就会无比充实。Life is like a long journey, if you keep an optimistic attitude with an appreciation eye, then you will see the beautiful scenery along the way, your mood will become very happy, your life will be full of interest, your life will be very full.

生活有斑驳,也有生机;有忙碌,也有悠闲,平和喜悦地活在当下,就是对自己最好的礼物,不是所有的失去,都意味着缺憾;不是所有的得到,都代表着圆满,得失随缘,自在随心。Life is mottled, also alive; busy, also leisurely, peaceful and happy to live in the present, is the best gift for yourself, not all lost, mean regret; not all get, represent complete, gain and loss with fate, at heart.

愿你在鸡零狗碎的生活中,找到专属你的称心如意的人。愿你渐入佳境的人生配得上这一路的颠沛流离。May you find your own and satisfying person in your fragmented life. May your growing life be worthy of this drift.

当你决定热爱生活的那天起,日子就会变得温柔而又闪亮。From the day you decide to love life, life becomes gentle and shiny.

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