
专筑网 2018-11-27 00:00:01

Nest / Beza Projekt


Text description provided by the architects. We were commissioned to design interiors for The Nest - a modern coworking space. What is the real mean of the coworking space, how do we work nowadays? We tend to spend more and more time at work, or actually the border between work and leisure is being blurred. You may fight with that or just adapt.


The Nest is a place for a modern self-confident person who values its time - may work only few hours a day or maybe the whole weekend. Our main goal was to create spaces that aren't office like, they are more like club, where you should feel comfy and cosy.

著名的波兰建筑事务所G5 Architekci构思了设计方案,业主希望设计出尽量开敞的空间平面,另外还有温暖且丰富的细部与肌理。

We were given a great piece of architecture designed by famous Polish architects G5 Architekci. We wanted to keep as much of the open plans as possible. On the other hand our goal was to create something warm and rich in therms of details and textures.


In contrast with very graphic and angular architecture of the building and based on design brief delivered by Futu design agency we have decided to create our own language of colours, patterns, textures and materials that would be very organic and vivid.


Our floor plans introduce round corners in order to balance the outer edgy shapes.

“Nest”安装了特殊的大理石,这些大理石由Kasia Korzeniecka制作而成,建筑师决定将其作装饰在墙面上,同时结合在整个设计方案之中。这些大理石甚至应用在柱子上,它们改变了柱子的空间形态,同时也形成了统一的空间感受。

Part of The Nest brand identity system are beautiful marbling textures made by Kasia Korzeniecka - we have decided to make wallpapers out of them to incorporate them in the whole design. They are always applied on the pillars that go through the whole building, they change it therms of patterns, but create a consistent space perception.


Our materials library included many custom details, like ceramic tiles, wallpapers, carpets recoloured according to our needs. We have used simple materials like coloured MDF combined with real veneer.


We have designed two systems of furniture especially for the Nest.


One of them is dedicated to the open space and it consists of tables and sofas,  that can be combined together to make comfy islands on the open area. It also includes special elevated places for plants or other items for exposition. The second system is dedicated strictly for the office areas, it consist of desk, cabinets and two sided bookstands. It's far more traditional but at some point you also need this at work. Our goal was to give the users a spectrum of workplaces places to choose.



During our work we had great partners and it was a big team effort.

We have designed and produced a complex vision including big solutions and small details.


We design and work with passion. Each project is another story.

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