
MS杨站长 2024-02-26 11:23:07


Fig. 1 Domain structure expected due to misfit between a thin film and its substrate.

近期,来自美国布鲁克海文国家实验室的Xi Yu,Longlong Wu和Ian Robinson等,为研究外延La2-xSrxCuO4(LSCO)薄膜中观察到的异常的电输运特性,该团队使用自由电子激光器(XFEL),对该LSCO薄膜进行了超快布拉格相干衍射成像研究。为解决XFEL实验中相干衍射数据的相位恢复问题,该团队提出了一种新颖的基于复数卷积神经网络的相位恢复方法。这一方法改进了实数卷积神经网络,将复数运算融入卷积计算,从而考虑到了幅值和相位之间的关系。在仿真数据和真实实验数据上,相对于传统的实数卷积神经网络,复数卷积神经网络均展现出更优真实空间复杂结构的重构效果。

Fig. 2 Schematic illustration of our complex-valued neural network for phase retrieval.

相比较于传统实数卷积神经网络,复数卷积神经网络有以下两点不同之处:1. 在神经网络结构上,实数网络输入是测量空间的强度,其输出网络包含两个分支分别输出强度和相位。复数网络的输入和输出都是单一分支,其输入输出都为复数。2. 实数网络的强度分支和相位分支是独立的互不影响的,因此忽视实部和虚部的联系。而复数网络其内部计算则是严格按照复数运算进行,充分考虑了样品的实部和虚部的联系。

Fig. 3 Representative results for the C-CNN and R-CNN for simulated test sets with different number of domains and domain structure.


Fig. 4 Resilience against Gaussian noise.

该工作提出了一种复数卷积神经网络用于解决X射线相干衍射成像中的相位恢复问题。为今后,研究超快相干衍射实验的相位恢复问题中提供了一种新思路。可广泛应用于各类超快相干衍射实验的成像问题上,如全息成像和以及其他外延薄膜应力分布研究等。相关论文近期发布于npj Computational Materials 10:24 (2024)。手机阅读原文,请点击本文底部左下角“阅读原文”,进入后亦可下载全文PDF文件。

Fig. 5 Performance of the C-CNN model on the experimental XFEL coherent X-ray diffraction samples.

Editorial Summary

Ultra-fast coherent x-ray diffraction imaging: Using complex-valued convolutional neural networks

During thin film growth, domain wall structures spontaneously form due to epitaxial mismatch. Observingthe dynamics of domains and domain walls at ultrafast timescales can provide fundamental clues for understanding important characteristics that affect electron transport in electronic devices. Thought phase retrieval, single-shot coherent X-ray diffraction patterns allows the imaging of nanoscale domain and domain wall structures. However, phase retrieval, a long-standing computational challenge, involves reconstructing complex-valued image from measured coherent diffraction pattern, which is fundamental in many coherent imaging techniques such as holography, and ptychography.

Xi Yu et.al., from Brookhaven National Laboratory proposed a novel phase retrieval method based on complex-valued convolutional neural networks (C-CNN). This method improves upon traditional real-valued convolutional neural networks by incorporating complex operations into convolutional calculations, thereby considering the relationship between amplitude and phase. On simulated data and real experimental data, the complex-valued CNN demonstrated superior reconstruction performance for complex structures in real space compared to traditional real-valued CNNs.As the C-CNN model can deal with large amounts of coherent diffraction patterns simultaneously, it will benefit experiments where large amounts of data are generated from the same experiments, for example, XFEL experiments. The proposed C-CNN model will be critical to the coherent imaging technique, especially in the case that the conventional method fails. The demonstrated reconstruction method is general for all epitaxial thin-film systems and can be widely applied to coherent diffraction experiments using other sources, so long as they are stable over the exposure time. This article was recently published in npj Computational Materials 10: 24 (2024).


Ultrafast Bragg coherent diffraction imaging of epitaxial thin films using deep complex-valued neural networks (基于复数卷积神经网络的外延薄膜超快布拉格相干衍射成像)

Xi Yu, Longlong Wu, Yuewei Lin, Jiecheng Diao, Jialun Liu, Jörg Hallmann, Ulrike Boesenberg, Wei Lu, Johannes Möller, Markus Scholz, Alexey Zozulya, Anders Madsen, Tadesse Assefa, Emil S. Bozin, Yue Cao, Hoydoo You, Dina Sheyfer, Stephan Rosenkranz, Samuel D. Marks, Paul G. Evans, David A. Keen, Xi He, Ivan Božović, Mark P. M. Dean, Shinjae Yoo & Ian K. Robinson

AbstractDomain wall structures form spontaneously due to epitaxial misfit during thin film growth. Imaging the dynamics of domains and domain walls at ultrafast timescales can provide fundamental clues to features that impact electrical transport in electronic devices. Recently, deep learning based methods showed promising phase retrieval (PR) performance, allowing intensity-only measurements to be transformed into snapshot real space images. While the Fourier imaging model involves complex-valued quantities, most existing deep learning based methods solve the PR problem with real-valued based models, where the connection between amplitude and phase is ignored. To this end, we involve complex numbers operation in the neural network to preserve the amplitude and phase connection. Therefore, we employ the complex-valued neural network for solving the PR problem and evaluate it on Bragg coherent diffraction data streams collected from an epitaxial La2-xSrxCuO4 (LSCO) thin film using an X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL). Our proposed complex-valued neural network based approach outperforms the traditional real-valued neural network methods in both supervised and unsupervised learning manner. Phase domains are also observed from the LSCO thin film at an ultrafast timescale using the complex-valued neural network.


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