
专筑网 2021-03-05 14:42:34

Pizza 4P’s Restaurant Landmark 72 / ODDO architects由专筑网Cortana,小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述:越南的首都河内是一个快速发展的城市,是各方面都充满活力的东南亚城市的典型代表。随着城市化进程的加快和人口的增加,目前河内约有800万人口,这就导致城市中高层建筑的数量将会显著增加。新设计的餐厅位于高密度的办公住宅高层建筑区,周围有众多主要道路连接邻近的城市。Text description provided by the architects. The capital of Vietnam - Hanoi is a fast growing city in all aspects typical for dynamic Southeast Asian region. With increasing urbanization and population, currently approximately 8 million people in Hanoi, the number of high-rise buildings in the city will certainly be significantly growing. The location of the newly designed restaurant is a high density area of high-rise buildings with offices and residential dwellings along with a large number of major roads connecting the neighboring cities.

餐厅位于地标建筑72层,Pizza 4P'S品牌是由日本人在越南创办的规模较小、声誉很高的小型连锁餐厅。该品牌非常注重食物的质量和客户服务,例如自己种植有机蔬菜,并在越南中部地区自己制作奶酪。Restaurant is located in the ground floor of the high-rise building called Landmark 72.Pizza 4P'S brand is part of a smaller chain of restaurants with a high reputation of the quality in Vietnam founded by Japanese owners. Very caring about the quality of food and customer service, for instance they grow their own organic vegetables and make their own cheeses in the central Vietnam for their restaurants.

餐厅的主要概念是让建筑脱离单调的传统空间,创造一个让顾客可以忘记自己正身处高楼大厦的空间。该空间的优势是5米的天花板高度,这有助于后续设计。One of the main conceptual goals of the restaurant was the sensational separation from the monotonous conventional space and creating place where the customers forget about the surrounding commerce of a high-rise building. One of the advantages of the space was the generous ceiling height of 5 meters which helped to enhance the subsequent design.

不同高度悬挂和支撑的穿孔圆柱体整合了座位区域,这样设计的另一个意图是运用巧妙的悬浮圆柱来冲击游客的心灵,而圆柱体的概念灵感则来自于越南传统烧制陶土砖的窑炉的空间体验。Suspended and supported perforated vertical cylinders in different height levels providing zones for seating. Another intention was to impact visitor's mind applying ingenious composition of levitating cylinder volumes. Conceptual inspiration of cylinders arose from the spatial experience of traditional kilns for firing Vietnamese terracotta bricks.

Pizza 4P'S餐厅设置了7个大小不一的木制圆柱体。这些圆柱体被固定和悬挂在上层的钢筋混凝土板上,并由T型柱支撑。这样的设计使餐厅空间更有节奏,同时最大限度地增加了可用面积,满足更多顾客的需求。Pizza 4P'S restaurant is arranged with seven wooden cylinders of different sizes. These cylinders are anchored and suspended from the reinforced concrete slab of upper floor and structurally supported by T- columns as well. This system allows rhythmic highlighting of the restaurant space and at the same time maximizing usable area for a larger number of customers.

这些圆柱体由一个个木块组成,其大小与越南北部的传统砖块相似。用干燥的方法将木块拼装在一起,不用胶水,这样木材就可以自行膨胀,并根据湿度的变化而变化。在河内的气候中,湿度和温度的变化十分常见。在有需要时,这种安装方法可以将材料在另一个地方重复使用。The construction of these cylinders is built of wooden blocks similar in size to traditional bricks in northern Vietnam. Wooden blocks assembled together by using careful joints by the dry method without gluing so that the wood can expand itself and work according to changes in humidity. Changes in humidity and temperature are quite common for Hanoi′s climate. In case of need this installation method will allow the material to be reused at another location.

设计运用当地的传统材料如木材,当地的一种速生金合、藤条、鞣制木材、水磨石、钢构件等,都是成本低且常见的材料。餐厅内部配备了从河内一家已经结束营业的餐厅翻新和定制的旧家具,其中最具特色的是一张可容纳12人的长餐桌,桌面是透明的玻璃,可以看清下方用钢筋做成的结构和木材与混凝土结合的桌腿。A combination of local traditional materials such as wood - a local species of fast-growing acacia, rattan, tanned wood surfaces, sanded terrazzo, steel elements, etc. are low cost and local common materials. The restaurant interior was partially equipped with renovated and customized older furniture from one already terminated restaurant in Hanoi. One of the most distinctive furniture element is a long dining table for 12 people made of reinforcement steel bars in the shape of structural stirrups, wood-concrete supporting legs and glass top to expose table structure underneath.

Pizza 4P'S餐厅空间是一个吸引人的地方,游离于河内典型的光鲜亮丽的商业空间之外,有一种舒适感和空间兴奋感。Pizza 4P'S restaurant space is an attractive place with a certain dose of Hanoi Genius Loci with a sense of comfort and spatial excitement from being outside from the conventional "glossy" commercial spaces typical for Hanoi.

建筑设计:ODDO architects类型:餐厅/酒吧面积:330 m2时间:2020年摄影:Hoang Le主创建筑师:ODDO architects设计团队:Nguyen Duc Trung, Marek Obtulovic, Nguyen Manh Cuong, Mai Lan Chi Obtulovicova, Doan Quoc Dat城市:河内国家:越南

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