
富甲北京 2024-09-15 16:10:40


Nestled within an elongated trapezoidal plot, this villa of 350m2 boasts a design that ingeniously navigates the contours of its surroundings to offer unparalleled views of the Mediterranean Sea. Initially challenged by the site’s oblique orientation towards the sea, the architects strategically crafted open corners that unveil breathtaking sunset vistas, transforming initial difficulties into design opportunities.

▼建筑与周边环境,the project and surrounding environment©Adrià Goula

▼建筑位于斜坡之上,the house located on a slope©Adrià Goula


To harmonize with the natural surroundings, the design strategy involved subdividing the extensive program into nine rectangular volumes of varying heights, artfully stepping down the slope and weaving around majestic trees. The stair-like setbacks follow the plot’s trapezoidal shape, creating intimate pockets of privacy in the garden, seamlessly blending indoor and outdoor spaces.

▼错落的体量关系,staggered volume relationship©Adrià Goula

▼建筑外观,exterior view©Adrià Goula


Inside, a central 6×6 meter patio floods the interiors with natural light, bouncing off the double-height ceilings of the surrounding day areas. This courtyard, furnished with a built-in sofa and lounge puffs, serves as a versatile living space, offering shade and cross ventilation in summer and transforming into a wind-sheltered outdoor space during colder months. The innovative design allows for seamless integration of the porch, living area, and patio into a single expansive space, achieved by sliding open two corner full-height windows. Tactically positioned, these openings appear to challenge the laws of gravity, their cantilevered edges extending boldly to offer unfettered sea views as part of the interior experience.

▼半户外生活区,semi-door living space©Adrià Goula

▼半户外庭院,semi-door courtyard©Adrià Goula


The architectural expression is defined by exposed concrete beams spanning between sturdy masonry walls and slender metal columns, forming an uninterrupted base of glazed facade that seamlessly links indoor and outdoor spaces. The villa’s geometry is modulated according to its construction technique, with ceramic vaulted ceilings and concrete blocks creating a cohesive design language. The light sandy-colored facade harmonizes with the surroundings while keeping the interior cool. It is also complemented by local sandstone pavements mirroring the ceiling pattern of joists and vaults.

▼底层室内概览,overall of interior©Adrià Goula

▼开放的空间氛围,open living space©Adrià Goula


Leveraging the double-height geometry of the patio, they induce a natural chimney effect, drawing in fresh air and effectively cooling the interior. Additionally, tall volumes with low positioned openings promote natural ventilation as warm air ascends, contributing to a comfortable indoor environment.

▼天井庭院,patio courtyard©Adrià Goula

▼室内空间围绕天井庭院流动,interior spaces flow around the patio courtyard©Adrià Goula


Indoors, a soft earthy color palette and natural materials create an inviting atmosphere, with sandstone, ceramic, granite, and wood adding richness to the tactile and visual experience. In contrast to the minimalist facade, the interior showcases an abundance of textures, intricate patterns, and openly displayed construction methods. Upon entering the double-height hall, one is greeted by an abundance of daylight, while a sculptural metal curved stair spirals up, connecting both floors.

▼楼梯,staircase©Adrià Goula

▼走廊,hallway©Adrià Goula


The ground floor spaces flow effortlessly around the courtyard, while upstairs corridors transform into bright open halls, visually connected to other areas of the house. The ensuite bedrooms exude spaciousness, featuring open washbasins, large mirrors, and fluted-glass cabins for WC and shower. Wardrobes are designed as open cabinets with curtains, adding softness to the interior design and optimizing space utilization.

▼卧室,bedroom©Adrià Goula

▼卧室细部,details of the bedroom©Adrià Goula

▼浴室,bathroom©Adrià Goula


As the pool seamlessly merges with the architecture, it serves as an integral design feature that encircles the dining area, creating a captivating visual effect akin to dining amidst the tranquil embrace of water. A quirky staggered stair leads to the rooftop terrace, offering stunning views towards Mallorca Island, completing this architectural masterpiece with a touch of whimsy and charm.

▼通往屋顶的户外楼梯,staircase leading to the rooftop©Adrià Goula

▼外观夜景,night view of exterior©Adrià Goula

▼泳池夜景,night view of the pool©Adrià Goula

▼庭院夜景,night view of the patio©Adrià Goula

▼屋顶平面图,roof plan© NOMO STUDIO

▼卧室区平面图,floor plan of the bedroom level© NOMO STUDIO

▼生活区平面图,floor plan of the living space level© NOMO STUDIO

▼地下层平面图,basement floor plan© NOMO STUDIO

▼立面图,elevations© NOMO STUDIO

▼剖面图,sections© NOMO STUDIO

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