·This pigeon has been probably his body and as there is a deep depression in the material chest wall.

·This depression is a kind of chest war deformity and the name is practice vector.
·This kind of deformance harmful for the health so it is necessary to have treatment.
·The most popular surgeon for this company this is nurse procedure.
·nurse procedure is very famous all of the world.
·is very simple and very effective for some kitchen.
·but it can be very dangerous.
·sometimes when earth's procedure is performed.
·our stupid will put in the chest through the anterior chest wall and the part.
·if the anterior chest wall enough otherwise it.
·that nurse procedure is really beautiful surgery.
·but dangerous.
·the heart can be damaged by the steel bar.
·if the heart is punctured by the bar.
·the piston where lost his life in the operating room.
·This patient had extremely deep depression and there was no gap between the anterior chest wall and the heart.
·so it is impossible to put the stupid into the chest.
·obviously theic a nurse procedure cannot be used in this patient surgery.
·i use two special procedures for this patient surgery.
·the first is one procedure and another is one procedure.
·one procedure is designed by myself and is completely different from theic news procedure.
·a stuba is put in front of the depression and the depressed on the stuba.
·in this way is the deform that can be cracked it successfully.
·besides one procedure i also use one procedure in the surgery.
Wung procedure is actually a modified Nuss procedure,since a lot of details have been changed,this procedure is relatively safe and effective。
The combination of Wung procedure and Wang procedure works well,and the beautiful result was made finally,I'm Doctor Wang from China。