美学家漫画像a——一位诺贝尔奖获得者,其成果揭示了美的客观本质 作者为华远
在此请注意不要把科学美学与科学性美学混为一谈。科学美学不同于本书本多媒体作者华远的以四维多层多线一元为大框架的科学性美学,科学性美学是以自然、社会和人性三大块以及它们三者之间关系的良性循环、信息中介为研究对象的一门理性的社会科学,至于科学美学的分析和界定具体请参看其他小论文的论述和概括。中国社科院的徐碧辉老师在中华美学学会举办的《2022年年会暨当代中国美学的创新之路全国学术研讨会》中提出了如下一些观点∶反本质主义本身是一种开放性的思潮它并不是意味着取消人的本质、美的本质这类问题,它所反对的只是抽象不变的本质观。事情没有所谓永恒不变的本质,却有相对稳定的一定范围的本质。因此,美的本质仍是可以探讨、言说的,并不存在的超越时代和历史的抽象的美的本质。美是人所据以改造世界的一种自由形式,它既有相对固定的哲学界定,同时这种自由的形式又随着时代的不同而有着不同的内涵。在后工业时代,美的本质不再仅仅是传统马克思主义所讲的自然化和自然的本真化 。而建基于人的自然化基础上的美的形态也不再是单纯的自然美和社会美,而是涵融着自然美和社会美的生态美。马克思的美的本质的规律论与反美的抽象论是有矛盾的,这与美学界的一些过于“主体性”过于“行而上”的倾向有关。本书本多媒体作者认为,科学性美本质论的时空定位参照观实质上也是相对应于审美实践的抽象性,这一个时空定位观对实践美论的兼容,也是实践论美学之所以在美学界难以被推翻,难以被替代,难以被兼容的理路之所在。实践美论只是美本质论的一种,而不是全部,它是必要的但不是充分的。高建平教授在2022年7月3日《中华美学学会青年美学学术委员会新一届理事成立大会》的致辞中有这样的观点,他认为不要强化学派之争,要以问题为中心解决问题才是关键,同时他认为派别之争也有一些层面好处,比如说可相互借鉴,其中只要不是为派别而派别就可以了。
Aesthetics cartoonist A——A Nobel Prize winner whose achievements reveal the objective nature of beauty
Maybe it's the unintentional focus of the world,
Because he was born to reveal the mystery of human antiquity.
Human nature is not lofty but natural (animal natural form),
The difference between animals and people is ridiculous, but it is necessary (balance artificial form),
Under the reference of benign cycle of space-time positioning, the information intermediary of unity of opposites between integrity and conciseness is the essence of beauty B,it’s to draw a circle (Hua yuan).
He was brave, but more timid, though scientific,
But also want to get the irrational balance, because he is not a beautiful man.
So he would just say, "I thought of it, I only thought of..."
I think of the legendary dispute between Kong Ming and Zhou Yu;
Think of the beauty of today's clothing and ethics;
Think of the origin of human war and green peace;
It also thinks of the gray progress of human beings and the self alienation of human beings;
Even more think of the instinct of flying in the colorful flowers C will only buzz the bees.
Written in May 1995
The author is Hua Yuan
Note and explanation:
A.Aesthetic Cartoonistst: This manuscript, in the form of "doggerel", expresses the core point of the ultimate revelation of the essence of beauty, and also explains the embarrassment and hardship encountered in the process of revealing the essence of beauty. In 1989, Hua Yuan, the author of this poem, began to mail the manuscripts and related materials related to the study of the essence of beauty to relevant experts, scholars and political celebrities at home and abroad. Now, the copies of this manuscript and all relevant materials are still well preserved, including the handwritten manuscript and related correspondence letters of the project. This poem was written in May 1995, when the environmental ecological aesthetics appeared. The appearance of environmental ecological aesthetics in the 1990s also marks the departure of human absolute centralism.
B.The essence of beauty: the concept of beauty and the essence of beauty are the combination of three definiteness and six in one, the synthesis of six key words of "time and space positioning", "virtuous cycle", "integrity", "simplicity", "information" and "intermediary". Without any restriction and reference of the above six keywords, it will be difficult to judge the beauty or ugliness of things, because the relationship between the six keywords is multiplication. "Virtuous circle" is not equal to "". The focus of virtuous circle focuses on the word "cycle". Compared with it, virtuous circle has more systematic and long-term meaning. It is similar to the field of vision outside the cross seen in shooting and aiming. It is a key link in the "positioning", "qualitative" and "quantitative" in the judgment of beauty of things .
C. Colorful Flowers: can you say that the natural colorful flowers are not beautiful? Why are they different in color and shape? The ultimate revelation of the essence of beauty is not only to study human beings and human society, including arts in the broad and narrow sense of human society, but also tilt the focus of research to the depths of nature.
D.Nature d beauty: the concept of beauty and the essence of beauty is armed and six, is the "time and space" "virtuous circle" "of" integrity "" concise "," information "" intermediary " six keywords, left the above six keywords of any limit and reference, the beauty of things will be difficult to judge, because the relationship between six keywords is the multiplication relationship."Benign cycle" is not equal to "benign", the focus of virtuous cycle on the word "cycle", compared to the virtuous cycle more systemic and long-term, virtuous cycle is similar to shooting aimed to see the cross outside of vision, it is the judgment of beauty "positioning", "qualitative", "quantitative" three "qualitative" this key link.
E.colorful flowers: can you say that the natural and colorful flowers are not beautiful, why do they have different colors and different shapes? The final revelation of the essence of beauty should not only study human beings and human society, including the broad and narrow art of human society, but also deepen the research into the depths of nature.
F.Here we introduce the unification of the "three categories" and "five schools" in the American academic field: First, talk about the unification of the "three categories" of contemporary aesthetics, First, summarize the "three categories" of domestic aesthetics, The first category is philosophical aesthetics——includes life, life, ecology, physiology, psychology, existence, practice, post-practice, practicality, body, post-human, Marxism and other aesthetics, Among them, the representative figures of philosophical aesthetics are Li Zehou, Jiang Kongyang, Zhou Laixiang, Pan Zhichang, Zhu Liyuan, Ruxin, Liu Yuedi, Zeng Fanren and so on.; The second category is literary and art aesthetics——including images, environment, images, realm, rhetorical language and other aesthetics, The first mention of the concept of literary aesthetics is Mr.Wang Mengou, Li Changzhi, Hu Jingzhi, Among them, the representative figures of literary aesthetics are Wang Guowei, Cai Yi, Wang Chaowen, Zhu Guangqian, Zong Baihua, Ye Lang, Wang Yichuan, Xu Bihui, Peng Feng and etc.; The third category is science, technology and design aesthetics——including science, technology, design, business, network media and other aesthetics, Among them, Mr.Cheng Shude, Qian Mu, CAI Yi, Yang Zuolong, Xu Jimin, Li Zhihong, Liang Sicheng, Liu Guanzhong, Wang Shouzhi, Tu Tu, Hangjian, Liang Mei and so on are the representatives of science, technology and design aesthetics. This kind of three-division method is divided according to the actual aesthetic practice in our country. There are some shortcomings, but it is generally reasonable. Can the "three categories" of aesthetics be unified? This division is not only applicable to China. Although there are different levels of foreign situations, the overall framework is much the same, because the aesthetic discipline of human society that has entered the information age has become a global humanities science. Positioning broad art level "three categories" aesthetic itself is scientific beauty research object or a broad kind of art of aesthetic object, is also a kind of discipline level orientation and order reference, the "three categories" aesthetic scientific beauty grasp is to follow the real scientific aesthetic beauty orientation, qualitative, quantitative the three pattern to evaluate to judge. Huayuan scientific aesthetics think only truly grasp the essence of the essence of beauty, found the aesthetic object, beauty and beauty and related "three categories" aesthetic "birthplace", don't forget the specific aesthetic characteristics, save differences, the above "three categories" method can be unified under the banner of real scientific aesthetics, such beauty, aesthetic road will be more walk more broad.Although western medicine has local grasp and precise treatment methods, traditional Chinese medicine also has the advantages of overall grasp and balanced conditioning. Aesthetic discipline since the 19th century divergent research is necessary, the problem is that in recent years, aesthetic regression and high level synthesis perhaps more important, aesthetics like other scientific research, points to points, to close, this is we often say research analysis and synthesis, this is also the science on the basis ofification of empirical and inference. Here we should emphasize that the unutilitarian utilitarianism has the tendency of spiritual civilization, and a clear utilitarianism is the tendency of material civilization. There is no aimless or unutilitarian things in the world, only the purpose and utilitarian things under the distinction between spirit and material. Philosophy aesthetics has the tendency of reflection, selectivity and guidance, literary and artistic aesthetics has the tendency of the subject ality, aesthetic transcendence and spiritual civilization, and science, science and technology and design aesthetics has the tendency of object rationality, frame ontology and material civilization. Scientific aesthetic beauty is for the above "three categories" of bottom-up synthesis and experience level of abstract, scientific beauty essence theory of the philosophy aesthetics, literary aesthetics, science and technology design aesthetics, the three categories about the nature of the nature of the red revolution generalized art artificial rational beauty, blue narrow art artificial perceptual beauty and green humanities natural beauty of three art practice exploration experience about the nature of beauty."Rare confused" is also want to be divided into two to see? We do not object that some places are rare to be confused, we are not opposed to the beautiful things, aesthetic objects, beauty nature and beauty, subjective and objective and so on are all rarely confused. Aesthetic feeling corresponds to value, and value and beauty are looking for the essence of beauty, beautiful things and aesthetic objects. Existing, one-sided to aesthetic psychological research aesthetics is lead to aesthetic phenomenon, aesthetic practice is difficult to scientific grasp and mass media often say the art is more and more "ugly", popular aesthetics is also beautify the human material and human spiritual life science, forget the material aesthetic object, beautiful things like the most fundamental goal of this foundation, aesthetics and what social value and meaning? Even the beauty at the level of life can beified into the category of natural beauty. Life is a natural part of life and also a part of material civilization.
Let's talk about the unification of the " five schools, The information theory, proposed by Shannon, the representative of the old three theory, can sometimes be compared to the somewhat mechanical CAI Yi's typical theory in aesthetics, Put the uninterrupted, There are countless subtle brightness or grade changes of the fine tuning switch into either 1 or 0 on and off, Too few typical grades associated with information theory, Concrete, pertinence and precision, Besides, some concepts of "honor and disgrace concept" and "aesthetic view" are the typical beauty theory represented by CAI Yi that is difficult to be compatible and benign, But it's running in broad ads, big event, Public opinion propaganda is a very practical methodology. A friend on the Internet roughly read the author's new media after several articles to think that this is Cai Yi's aesthetic theory. CAI Yi's view is not correct, his view is mechanical materialism. Book multimedia author is this answer: scientific aesthetic theory of keywords "space and time positioning" can be located to the main body, object, unity, whole, local and spiritual and material four dimensional multilayer lines of aesthetic practice, scientific aesthetic theory of landing word is positioning, qualitative, quantitative premise of information intermediary, information intermediary also contains can go deep into the brain of the people's thinking, feeling and experience the biological electricity as the carrier of the spirit of information intermediary. Such as literary aesthetics emphasize "intention" is included, can only locate to the human brain internal form level, gestalt psychology or gestalt psychology and scientific beauty theory of quantitative level of integrity and simplicity of information mediation of quantitative standard regularity is consistent, it also in turn proves the scientific beauty theory in the aesthetic psychological level has the corresponding force and compatibility, also proved that it in the rationality of aesthetic psychological level, correctness. CAI Yi's typical beauty theory has some mechanical aspects, but in contrast, his theoretical basis is correct, and his rational path has its merits. Besides Zhu Guangqian professor of some labels of unified beauty is worth we again out, Chinese aesthetics five sent only unite around the scientific aesthetics, to make our Chinese aesthetics, with the existence of science, logic, the existence of the natural intuition in the world, based on the practice and theory of scientific beauty theory to the world, contribution to all mankind. The beauty concept of "three decisions and six integration" is compatible with and beyond the five schools of modern and contemporary scholars, including foreign countries, including Zhu Guangqian's unity of subject and guest theory, Li Zehou's practice theory, Goltai's subjective theory, Pan Zhichang's theory of life theory, and CAI Yi's typical theory.
In fact, the subjective theorists of the nature of beauty also have their own relative reasons, although not quite comprehensive and overall. The subjective essence of beauty scholars holds that beauty is a subjective feeling, and there is no objective essence of beauty. The reasons include: First, beauty is a personal subjective feeling. The experience of beauty is because of our feelings of things, and these feelings vary from person to person, so the essence of beauty is not an objective existence, but a subjective experience that varies from person to person. Second, beauty is the product of cultural, social, and historical conditions. The standards and values of beauty are influenced by the culture and the society. For example, the same work is considered to have a different aesthetic feeling in different cultural and historical contexts. Third, beauty is the embodiment of emotion. Beauty is based on emotion, and beauty can only be experienced through emotion. Different people have different feelings and experiences, so the feelings of the beauty of the same thing will be different. Fourth, the essence of beauty is a subjective value judgment. The essence of beauty is a kind of value judgment, and the value itself is subjective. Everyone has different values of the essence of beauty, so there cannot be an objective standard of beauty. To sum up, the subjective essence of the beauty field believes that the essence of beauty is a kind of personal subjective feeling.
Here, please be careful not to confuse scientific aesthetics with scientific aesthetics. Scientific aesthetics is different from the book multimedia author China far with four dimensional multilayer line one yuan for the framework of scientific aesthetics, scientific aesthetics is in nature, society and human nature three blocks and the relationship between them, information intermediary as the research object of a rational social science, as for the analysis of scientific aesthetics and define specific please see other small paper and generalization. Xu Bihui teacher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in the Chinese aesthetic society of the 2022 annual meeting and the innovation of contemporary Chinese aesthetics national academic seminar put forward some ideas: essentiitself is a kind of open trend it does not mean to cancel the nature, the nature of beauty this kind of problem, it is against the essence of the abstract. Things have no eternal essence, but a relatively stable certain range. Therefore, the essence of beauty is still explored and spoken, and there is no abstract essence of beauty that goes beyond The Times and history. Beauty is a free form of transforming the world. It has a relatively fixed philosophical definition, and this form of freedom has different connotations with different times. In the post-industrial era, the essence of beauty is no longer just the naturalization and the natural nature of the traditional Marxism. The form of beauty based on the naturalization of people is no longer the pure natural beauty and social beauty, but the ecological beauty of natural beauty and social beauty. The law theory of Marx's essence of beauty is contradictory with the abstract theory of anti-beauty, which is related to the tendency of too "subjectivity" and "action up" in the beauty circle. According to the multimedia author of this book, the space-temporal positioning reference view of scientific beauty essence theory is essentially corresponding to the abstraction of aesthetic practice. The compatibility of this space-temporal positioning view to the practical beauty theory, which is also the reason why practical aesthetics is difficult to be overturned, replaced and compatible in the beauty circle. The theory of practical beauty is only one, not the whole, of the essence of beauty. It is necessary but not sufficient. Professor jianping on July 3,2022, the Chinese aesthetic society youth aesthetics academic committee of the new conference speech with such views, he thinks don't strengthen school, centered to solve the problem is the key, at the same time, he thinks the factions also has some level benefits, for example can learn from each other, as long as it is not for the factions.
In short, the correct view of the essence of beauty should be the structure of four dimensions, multiple layers, many lines and one yuan. The above is the author's introduction of the relevant unified problems of the "three categories" and the "five schools".
Written in May 1995
The author is Hua Yuan