目录:一、“董宇辉小作文事件”舆情监测分析“董宇辉小作文事件”回顾“董宇辉小作文事件”微博相关话题热榜“董宇辉小作文事件”话题热度“董宇辉小作文事件”网络口碑“董宇辉小作文事件”各主体网络口碑“董宇辉小作文事件”媒体关注分布“董宇辉小作文事件”媒体观点“董宇辉小作文事件”知名人物观点二、“董宇辉小作文事件”网民态度调查“董宇辉小作文事件”网民关注度“董宇辉小作文事件”网民看法事件影响下的网民态度转向小编评论影响下的网民观点转向消费者进行直播间购物的考量要素流量主播对社会大众奋斗观念的影响网民对直播带货社会价值的感知网民对抖音平台推荐流量现象的感知三、“董宇辉小作文事件”舆情监测总结图表目录图表1. 微博相关热搜排行榜及话题图表2. “董宇辉小作文事件”话题网络热度图表3. “董宇辉小作文事件”网络口碑及主题词云图表4. 董宇辉网络口碑图表5. 俞敏洪网络口碑图表6. 孙东旭网络口碑图表7. 东方甄选网络口碑图表8. “董宇辉小作文事件”媒体关注分布图表9.“董宇辉小作文事件”网民关注度图表10. “董宇辉小作文事件”网民看法图表11. 事件影响下网民对董宇辉的态度转向调查图表12. 事件影响下网民对东方甄选的关注度调查图表13. 事件影响下网民对东方甄选的态度调查图表14. 小编评论影响下的网民观点调查图表15. 网民选择直播间购物的原因调查图表16. 网民对流量主播影响社会奋斗观念的认同调查图表17. 网民对直播带货社会价值的认同调查图表18. 网民对平台借推荐之名扶持流量现象的感知调查Figure1. Microblog Related Hot Search Rankings and TopicsFigure2. "Dong Yuhui's Essay Incident" Topic Network HeatFigure3. Internet Word of Mouth (IWOM) and Theme Clouds for the"Dong Yuhui's Essay Incident"Figure4. Dong Yuhui Internet Word of MouthFigure5. Yu Minhong Internet Word of MouthFigure6. Sun Dongxu Internet Word of MouthFigure7. Oriental Selection Internet Word of MouthFigure8. Distribution of Media Attention to the "Dong Yuhui's Essay Incident"Figure9. "Dong Yuhui's Essay Incident" Netizen ConcernFigure10. Netizens' Views on the "Dong Yuhui's Essay Incident"Figure11. An Investigation into the Attitude of Netizens Towards Dong Yuhui under the Influence of the IncidentFigure12. Investigation on Netizens' Attention to Oriental Selection under the Influence of the IncidentFigure13. Investigation on Netizens' Attitude to Oriental Selection under the Influence of the IncidentFigure14. The Survey of Netizens' Views under the Influence of Editor's CommentsFigure15. Investigation on the Reasons Why Netizens Choose to Shop in the Live StudioFigure16. Survey on Netizens' Identification with the Idea of Social Struggle Influenced by Traffic AnchorsFigure17. A Survey of Netizens' Identification towards the Social Value of Live DeliveryFigure18. Survey on Netizens' Perception of the Phenomenon that the Platform Supports Traffic in the Name of Recommendation