
香课程 2024-03-05 06:02:55







英语中的并列句(Compound sentences)是指连接两个独立从句的句子,通常带有类似and或but的并列连词,有时也会通过某些标点符号(如分号)来连接。并列句最好是由两个或多个相对独立但又密切相关的句子组合而成的句子。如:

I have a pet iguana. His name is Fluffy.

I have a pet iguana, and his name is Fluffy.

I have a pet iguana; his name is Fluffy.



简单句:My father and my mother are both doctors.

并列句:My father and my mother are both doctors, and they both like tennis.

简单句:I came here to chew bubblegum and study grammar.

并列句:I came here to chew bubble gum and study grammar, but I’m all out of gum.



Get me some water, or the fire will spread!

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” —Lao Tzu

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” —Oscar Wilde

“You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated.” —Maya Angelou



You must take some medicine, or it may get worse.

I like basketball; I often play it on Sundays.

He wasn’t just late - he didn’t show up at all.

I learned my lesson: I can’t be trusted in Vegas.



I got up late this morning, so I missed the first bus.

Because I got up late this morning, I missed the first bus.

She had tried her best, but she still failed the test.

Although she had tried her best, she still failed the test.


英语中两个独立的句子一般不能仅仅通过逗号来连接,这种错误的句子被称作流水句(Run-on sentences)。试比较:

【修改前】Dogs have masters, cats have servants.

【修改后】Dogs have masters, but cats have servants.

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