
专筑网 2019-04-18 23:49:53


Villa Lepic Boutique Hotel / Paola Bagna


Text description provided by the architects. Nestled between palm trees and tropical plants, this Le Corbusier inspired diamond in the rough had retained its appeal despite waterproofing and conservation problems. Paola Bagna directed a renovation of the home, transforming it into a boutique hotel of 17 rooms including a reception area, restaurant, meeting rooms/event space, bar, wellness area, indoor and outdoor lounges, and a swimming pool.

创意总监Anette Hansen K提出了酒店的概念,即将别墅的舒适性、风格与原有的建筑特色相结合,凸显建筑从前的风貌,并采用本地的材料,在现代非洲风情的环境中显露出低调的奢华。酒店分为主别墅,儿童别墅和宾客别墅。在酒店的许多区域,室内和繁华花园之间的线条被刻意模糊。

The hotel concept, developed with creative director Anette K Hansen, combines the comfort and style of high-end hotels found in metropolises around the world with respect of the villa’s original architectural features. Highlighting the villa’s past and drawing on local materials would deliver unassuming luxury in a modern African environment. The 2000m2 accommodation is split between three buildings: The Main Villa (Villa Principale), the Children’s Villa (Villa Enfants) and the Guest’s Villa (Villa Salon). The line dividing interior and flourishing garden is blurred in many areas of the hotel.

别墅现在包括接待处、餐厅、酒吧、会议和活动空间以及三间套房。建筑师对内部和外部的布局都进行了修改,以实现最佳的循环和均匀的空间。地板和天花板表面根据其用途,采用不同的装饰。原本是Carrara和Nero Marquina大理石铺装的地板被部分修复,并与新的Tigerskin大理石和浅棕色洞石混合。其他楼层区域采用鱼骨或黑白棋图案铺设。

The Villa now contains the reception, restaurant, bar, meeting and event spaces plus three guest suites. Interior and exterior layout were modified to achieve optimal circulation and well-proportioned spaces. Floors and ceiling surfaces characterize the spaces according to their use. Original Carrara and Nero Marquina marbles of some floors were restored and mixed with new Tigerskin marble and light brown Travertine. Other floor areas were tiled in fishbone or black and white chess patterns.

来自艺术家Anne Derian设计的彩色马赛克组成了洗手间一部分的墙壁,同时还保留了原建筑的瓷砖。原始石膏天花板的几何形状被建筑师再现于此。餐厅中的有色玻璃桌反映了这些几何形状。室内家具都采用了本地材料,由精心挑选的非洲复古家具组成。你可以了解更多当代非洲设计师的作品,如John Servais Somian和Abderaham Haidara。

A colorful mosaic from the artist Anne Derian (https://www.instagram.com/annederian/) forms part of a restroom wall, together with preserved tiles from the original building. The geometries of the original plaster ceilings were reproduced. The tinted glass tables of the restaurant reflect these geometries. Interior furniture combines custom built pieces made from local materials with handpicked African vintage furniture. More international furniture icons sit alongside pieces from contemporary African designers such as Jean Servais Somian (https://www.instagram.com/somiandesign/) and Abderaham Haidara.

在别墅酒店的酒吧,你会觉得自己同时置身于室内和室外。酒吧位于可俯瞰花园的底层,可通往会议/活动区和露台。在白天,客人们流连忘返于黑白色的大理石餐厅,而到了深夜,人们则会来到White Quartzite酒吧。

In the Villa Principale bar, you feel like you’re both in and outside. Located on the ground floor overlooking the garden, the bar connects to the meeting/events area and terrace. Guests linger in the black and white Nero Marquina marble booths at the restaurant during the day and rendezvous at the Super White Quartzite bar at night.


Villa Enfants. Deco style balustrades lead from the Main Villa to Villa Enfants. This striking metalwork was both restored and reproduced throughout the hotel. All 10 bedrooms in former Villa Enfants are part of the same family yet none is exactly alike. A palette of locally sourced wood, Ethiopian leather, colored velvet, and black powder coated steel enhance custom made furniture and furnishings. Brass fittings are carried through to lamps, cabinet door handles, floor joints and headboards. Pastel tiles in herringbone patterns and locally made terrazzo adds context.


Villa Salon. Unique finishes add warmth and save resources. Terrazzo made of large leftover old and new pieces of marble configures the flooring of the former Villa Salon, which now offers four bedrooms, equipped to host families or groups. A common living area is the main feature of this space. All rooms have private terraces and small patios.


Beauty was found in unexpected places of the original building, in mismatched or cracked tiles and stained or distressed wood. This aesthetic influenced the design of Villa Lepic Boutique Hotel: new design interventions highlighting the original design decisions, to bring new life to this West African architectural gem.

建筑设计师:Paola Bagna



首席建筑师:Paola Bagna

面积:3500.0 m2


摄影:François-Xavier Gbré

合作商:Kohler, Imola Ceramica

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