《军事医学研究(英文)》(Military Medical Research,MMR)是一本综合性医学学术期刊, 2014年创刊后相继被SCIE,Medline,PubMed和SCOPUS等国际著名期刊评价及检索机构收录,并被评为“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划英文领军期刊” “中国最具国际影响力学术期刊” “中国科技核心期刊”和“中国科学引文数据库核心期刊”。杂志聚焦国际医学热点、难点,致力于传播与交流基础与临床医学、转化与精准医学、新兴及交叉学科等的最新理念与研究成果,面向国内外中高级医院及医学科研机构公开发行。2023年影响因子为16.7,在全球325种综合医学/内科学期刊中排名第9位,位列JCR Q1区。在全球所有SCI+SSCI+ESCI+AHCI期刊中,排名第186位。
Thuya WL, Peyper JM, Myen TT, Anuar ND, Anwar A, Gudimella R, et al. Exosome autoantibody biomarkers for detection of lung cancer.Mil Med Res. 2024;11(1):72.
Guo MH, Montero D. Hans Chinese consume less O₂for muscular work than european-american.Mil Med Res. 2024;11(1):73.
Huang D, Wang YY, Li BH, Wu L, Xie WZ, Zhou X, et al. Association between periodontal disease and systemic diseases: a cross-sectional analysis of current evidence.Mil Med Res. 2024;11(1):74.
Hao ZW, Zhang ZY, Wang ZP, Wang Y, Chen JY, Chen TH, et al. Bioactive peptides and proteins for tissue repair: microenvironment modulation, rational delivery, and clinical potential.Mil Med Res. 2024;11(1):75.
Mehta K, Hegde M, Girisa S, Vishwa R, Alqahtani MS, Abbas M, et al. Targeting RTKs/nRTKs as promising therapeutic strategies for the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer: evidence from clinical trials.Mil Med Res. 2024;11(1):76.
Zeng S, Wang XL, Yang H. Radiomics and radiogenomics: extracting more information from medical images for the diagnosis and prognostic prediction of ovarian cancer.Mil Med Res. 2024;11(1):77.
Xu JQ, Zhang WY, Fu JJ, Fang XZ, Gao CG, Li C, et al. Viral sepsis: diagnosis, clinical features, pathogenesis, and clinical considerations.Mil Med Res. 2024;11(1):78.
Ortega MA, Fraile-Martinez O, García-Montero C, Diaz-Pedrero R, Lopez-Gonzalez L, Monserrat J, et al. Understanding immune system dysfunction and its context in mood disorders: psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology and clinical interventions.Mil Med Res. 2024;11(1):80.
Yang Y, Cao TQ, He SH, Wang LC, He QH, Fan LZ, et al. Revolutionizing treatment for disorders of consciousness: a multidisciplinary review of advancements in deep brain stimulation.Mil Med Res. 2024;11(1):81.
Godiyal Y, Maheshwari D, Taniguchi H, Zinzuwadia SS, Morera-Díaz Y, Tewari D, et al. Role of PD-1/PD-L1 signaling axis in oncogenesis and its targeting by bioactive natural compounds for cancer immunotherapy.Mil Med Res. 2024;11(1):82.
Zhang WW, Xiang Y, Chen L, Liu ST, Lin CC, Li JX, et al. Dietary methionine supplementation promotes mice hematopoiesis after irradiation.Mil Med Res. 2024;11(1):83.