
专筑网 2018-12-06 23:53:10

俄亥俄州国家退伍军人纪念馆和博物馆-Allied Works

Allied Works completes National Veterans Memorial and Museum in Ohio

美国Allied Works工作室在哥伦布市中心建造了一座建筑,该建筑物由大型纵横交错的混凝土飘带围合外立面。旨在纪念退伍军人。


US studio Allied Works has created a building to honour military veterans in downtown Columbus, which appears as a circular form crisscrossed by large concrete arches.

The National Veterans Memorial and Museum was built on a seven-acre (three-hectare) site that sits alongside the Scioto River in Ohio's capital city.

建筑占地53000平方英尺(4924平方米),由一系列画廊和聚集空间组成。Allied Works表示,该设计希望将“建筑与景观融为一体”,Allied Works在纽约和俄勒冈州波特兰市都设有办事处。

Encompassing 53,000 square feet (4,924 square metres), the building contains a range of galleries and gathering spaces. The design is meant to unite "architecture and landscape in one gesture", said Allied Works, which has offices in New York and Portland, Oregon.

创始人Brad Cloepfil说:“我们对博物馆和纪念馆的设计通过其形式阐明这座建筑的主题,它将土地转变为服务的纪念碑,并进入一个促进交流和具有纪念性的社区聚会场所。”

"Our design for the museum and memorial helps to articulate the intention of this new institution through its very form, transforming the land itself into a monument to service and into a community gathering place fostering conversation and commemoration," said founding principal Brad Cloepfil in a project statement.


The circular building is wrapped in glass and intersecting bands of concrete. The structural bands, arranged as three concentric rings, are meant to "give to form to the museum and bind the building to the site". A ramp curls around the exterior and connects to a rooftop plaza.


Visitors enter the building through a ground-level forecourt and pass underneath a pair of concrete arches. Inside, they step into a lobby, which leads into a double-height hall offering views of the river and cityscape.

一楼的周边布置画廊,其展览由全球工作室Ralph Appelbaum Associates设计。


The perimeter of the ground floor is occupied by galleries, with exhibits designed by the global studio Ralph Appelbaum Associates.

"A series of light-filled galleries organised along the building's perimeter bring visitors on a narrative journey that explores core moments of the veteran experience," the team said.


"The exhibits provide a thematic look at the experience of transitioning from a civilian, to a member of the armed services, to a veteran reentering civilian life, as they carve a chronological and thematic path of key historic moments in American history."



On the upper level, the team placed a Remembrance Gallery and the central plaza, called the Rooftop Sanctuary.

"Defined and held by the circular form of the building's green roof, the Sanctuary provides a place for quiet contemplation as well as ceremonial events for the community," the team said.


The building sits on a verdant site, with a landscape design by Philadelphia-based studio OLIN. A central feature is the Memorial Grove, which consists of trees encircled by a pathway.

根据设计团队的描述,虽然美国有许多纪念特定军事活动和部队的地点,但这是第一个致力于纪念美国退伍军人的国家机构。这座建筑最初是军事英雄、宇航员和政治家John Glenn的愿望,他于2016年去世,而Allied Works在2013年中标获得设计机会。

Allied Works的另一个项目是Calgary的一个音乐中心,其中装饰着高耸的青铜色瓷砖。

摄影:Jeremy Bittermann

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