
爱思德学术 2024-04-12 15:14:35



RTSS 2024

The IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS) is the premier conference in the field of real-time systems and is a venue for researchers and practitioners to showcase innovations covering all aspects of real-time systems, including theory, design, analysis, implementation, evaluation, and experience. RTSS ’24, celebrating the 45th anniversary of the event, continues the trend of making RTSS an expansive and inclusive event, striving to embrace new and emerging areas of real-time systems research. It is to be held in York, UK from December 11th to 13th in 2024.






Track 1: Real-Time Systems Track

The objective of this track is to promote cutting-edge research in real-time systems, especially new and emerging topics. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: operating systems, networks, middleware, compilers, tools, scheduling, QoS support, resource management, testing and debugging, design and verification, modeling, WCET analysis, performance analysis, fault tolerance, security, and system experimentation and deployment experiences.

Track 2: Design and Applications Track

This track aims to highlight novel research pertaining to designs, implementations and applications that attend to some aspect of real-time requirements. Continuing with the success in previous years, the track will particularly focus on three specialized areas:

Cyber-Physical Systems

HW-SW Integration and System–Level Design

Internet of Things (IoT)

APLAS 2024

The 22nd Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS) aims to bring together programming language researchers, practitioners and implementors worldwide, to present and discuss the latest results and exchange ideas in all areas of programming languages and systems. This year’s conference is co-located with the 22nd International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA)






programming paradigms and styles: functional, object-oriented, probabilistic, logic, constraint programming; extensible programming languages; programming languages for systems code; novel programming paradigms;

methods and tools to specify and reason about programs and languages: programming techniques; meta-programming; domain-specific languages; proof assistants; type systems; dependent types; program logics, static and dynamic program analysis; language-based security; model checking; testing;

programming language foundations: formal semantics; type theory; logical foundations; category theory; automata; effects; monads and comonads; recursion and corecursion; continuations and effect handlers; program verification; memory models; abstract interpretation;

methods and tools for implementation: compilers; program transformations; rewriting systems; partial evaluation; virtual machines; refactoring; intermediate languages; run-time environments; garbage collection and memory management; tracing; profiling; build systems; program synthesis;

concurrency and distribution: process algebras; concurrency theory; session types; parallel programming; service-oriented computing; distributed and mobile computing; actor-based languages; verification and testing of concurrent and distributed systems;

applications and emerging topics: programming languages and PL methods in education, security, privacy, database systems, computational biology, signal processing, graphics, human-computer interaction, computer-aided design, artificial intelligence and machine learning; case studies in program analysis and verification.

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