
富甲北京 2024-12-27 10:26:02


When the design process began in the spring of 2015, the site visit highlighted a land nurtured over time, where history and nature are intertwined. On the former grounds of Takatsuki Castle, where historical elements coexist with park greenery, we sought to create a theater that would seamlessly integrate and resonate with the town as a natural extension of the landscape. Inspired by the Hokusetsu mountains to the north of Takatsuki—which have long overseen and nurtured the growth of the town—the aim was to infuse this venue with the enduring strength of the land, using timber from the Hokusetsu mountain range. The intention was to recall the charm of the castle town and the natural beauty of Takatsuki’s forests through a theater adorned with wooden exteriors.

▼项目概览,Overall view© 伊藤彰[aifoto]

多孔式“缝隙”打造出与公园融为一体的公共空间Porous ‘Gaps’ Create an Integrated Public Space

为了打造向公众开放的公共空间,我们以“具有回游性、与公园融为一体的剧场”为关键词进行了设计。通过将1个大剧场、2个小剧场和10间各种规模的多功能排练厅进行分隔并在其间留出“缝隙”的设计, 打造出一个充满阳光和绿色的开放空间,人们可以像漫步公园一般自由进出各个设施。

In pursuit of creating a public space open to all citizens, the design incorporated three halls and ten studios, each designed with ‘gaps’, promoting the concept of “a theater for strolling, integrated with a park.” This approach enables free access to the facilities as if one were meandering through a park, creating an expansive space filled with light and nature.

▼远观,Distant view© 伊藤彰[aifoto]

▼剧场前的公共空间,Public space in front of the theater© 伊藤彰[aifoto]


Securing sound insulation between the large and small halls and the ten studios was a critical aspect of the design. By segmenting and introducing “gaps”, each hall and studio were independently placed to avoid direct adjacency. The rooms and corridors serve as acoustic buffer zones, effectively meeting the required sound insulation standards.

▼建筑近景,Close view© 伊藤彰[aifoto]

▼巨大的挑檐,Huge overhanging eaves© 伊藤彰[aifoto]


The courtyards placed within these porous “gaps” and wooden louvers woven into the exterior skin like pleats, fosters interior and exterior environments brimming with light and greenery, reminiscent of wandering through a forest.

▼建筑立面,Facade© 伊藤彰[aifoto]

▼立面近景,Facade close view© 伊藤彰[aifoto]

山林所有者、木材加工工匠、施工方和设计方群策群力想出的木材使用方式Collaboration among Foresters, Woodworkers, Contractors, and Designers in Engaging with Wood


In recent years, wood has been used in architecture in various ways, but utilizing wood in a truly sustainable way remains a challenge. The Osaka Prefecture Forest Owners Association produces approximately 1,600 cubic meters of wood annually. At the time of design, a large amount of wood from Osaka’s forests was supplied to major cities such as Tokyo for the construction of facilities like the Olympic stadiums. This project’s primary focus was on forest conservation and the development of forestry, rather than constructing large wooden buildings that would burden the forest. Since medium to large-scale wooden construction projects consume thousands of cubic meters of wood, this project adopted a novel approach by utilizing wood primarily as finishing material.

▼立面走廊,Corridor© 伊藤彰[aifoto]

▼立面木材的使用,Use of timber for facades© 伊藤彰[aifoto]

▼绿化,Greenery© 伊藤彰[aifoto]

▼首层大厅,First floor hall© 伊藤彰[aifoto]

▼排练室,Rehearsal room© 伊藤彰[aifoto]

▼公共走廊,Public corridor© 伊藤彰[aifoto]

▼楼梯,Stairs© 伊藤彰[aifoto]


Consultations with local forest owners were repeatedly conducted to respectfully use the wood from local forests. About 350 cubic meters of wood were prepared from the project’s outset for a three-year construction period, the optimal amount to minimize impact on Osaka’s annual wood supply.

▼剧场空间,Theater space© 伊藤彰[aifoto]

▼演出现场,Performance scene© 伊藤彰[aifoto]

▼剧场细部,Theatre detail© 伊藤彰[aifoto]


The project also aimed to utilize every piece of wood harvested without waste. The dimensions of the wood components were optimized to match the thickness of logs readily available from Osaka’s mountains, and each piece was judiciously used according to its characteristics. For internal timber requiring fire retardant treatment, shirata (white wood), which allows high substance impregnation was used, while akata (red wood), known for its excellent weather resistance, was chosen as exterior materials. Hard-to-use core parts were innovatively employed as wooden cubes in the decor of the large hall, ensuring minimal waste and creating a theater encapsulated in a forest-like ambience.

▼项目区位,Location© 日建设计

▼地下一层平面图,Basement Floor Plan© 日建设计

▼一层平面图,First Floor Plan© 日建设计

▼立面图,Elevation© 日建设计

▼剖面图,Section© 日建设计

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