
淙淙康康 2024-02-11 17:06:04

时光荏苒,岁月如梭。转眼间,我们告别了充满变革与挑战的2023年。在先天性脊柱侧凸领域里,医疗和学术拓展仍在不断进步,涌现出较多高质量临床及基础研究,我们通过PubMed对过去一年的热点文章进行检索,涵盖领域内顶级期刊(Journal of bone and joint surgery(am),The Spine Journal,Spine, European Spine Journal, Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, Neurospine,Journal of pediatric orthopaedics),从发表杂志、发表地区、文章主题、研究设计等几个维度进行盘点。同时,我们回顾2023年关于先天性脊柱侧凸的相关专家共识。希望广大同道能从本年度回顾的高质量文献中得到启发,推进自己临床及科研工作的发展,所谓贝海拾遗,难免偏颇不足,谨期读者包涵指正。


经过人工筛选查,发表的关于先天性脊柱侧凸主题文章共43篇,其中JBJS杂志4篇,The Spine Journal杂志3篇,Spine杂志3篇,European Spine Journal杂志12篇,Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine杂志3篇,Neurospine杂志2篇,Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics杂志16篇,如表1所示。















1.Wang S, Zhao Y, Du Y, Yang Y, Lin G, Shen J, Zhao Y, Wu N, Zhuang Q, Zhang J. Dual Growing Rods and the Apical Control Technique for Treating Congenital Early-Onset Scoliosis: Lessons Learned. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2023 Dec 19.


igs. 4-A through 4-I A female patient who underwent an ACT-TDGR surgical procedure to treat a thoracic congenital deformity. Figs. 4-A, 4-B, 4-C, and 4-F She had multiple failures of formation and segmentation in the thoracic segment, with a large apical vertebral translation and apical vertebral rotation that restricted the convex hemithoracic volume. Figs. 4-D and 4-E She underwent the ACT-TDGR index surgical procedure at 8 years of age, and 7 subsequent lengthening procedures were performed at regular intervals. Fig. 4-G When she was 14 years of age (Risser 4, triradiate cartilage closed), a decision for graduation followed by observation was made. The computed tomographic scan showed that the apical vertebral rotation had been decreased at the apical segment and the convex hemithoracic volume had improved. Figs. 4-H and 4-I The mean predicted FEV1 was 73.2% and the mean predicted FVC was 70.7%. The radiographs confirmed good deformity correction and a T1-T12 height gain of 6.3 cm.

2.Wang Y, Hai Y, Kang N, Yang J, Su Q, Liu Y, Guan L, Meng X. Long-Term Radiographic and Pulmonary Function Outcomes After Dual Growing-Rod Treatment for Severe Early-Onset Scoliosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2023 Jun 21;105(12):915-923.


3.Wu N, Liu L, Zhang Y, Wang L, Wang S, Zhao S, Li G, Yang Y, Lin G, Shen J, Wu Z, Qiu G, Zhang TJ. Retrospective Analysis of Associated Anomalies in 636 Patients with Operatively Treated Congenital Scoliosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2023 Apr 5;105(7):537-548.


Forest plot showing the relative risk (RR) for combinations of anomalies in patients with congenital scoliosis in the present study. The rectangles indicate the RRs, and the horizontal lines indicate the 95% CIs.

4.Samadov F, Ozdemir HM, Talmac MA, Erinc S, Cakirturk S, Cengiz B. Traditional versus magnetically controlled growing rods in early onset scoliosis surgical treatment. Eur Spine J. 2023 Mar;32(3):889-898.

Acibadem Kayseri医院骨科和创伤中心Samadov F教授对比传统生长棒(TDR)及磁控生长棒(MCGR)治疗早发型脊柱侧凸的临床疗效。结果显示TDG在冠状位及矢状位的矫形效果上优于MCGR,且并发症的发生率较低。MCGR的最大优势是撑开操作无需手术,但仍然需要优化手术以提高矫形效果,降低并发症的发生。

5.Mainard N, Saghbini E, Langlais T, Metaizeau JD, Choufani E, Cunin V, Gouron R, Journeau P, Ilharreborde B, Lefevre Y, Vialle R, Fron D, Canavese F. Clinical and radiographic evolution of graduate patients treated with magnetically controlled growing rods: results of a French multicentre study of 90 patients. Eur Spine J. 2023 Jul;32(7):2558-2573

Mainard N教授联合10家法国医院开展多中心临床研究,共纳入90例磁控生长棒治疗的早发型脊柱侧凸患者,对毕业时的影像学资料、临床疗效及并发症进行分析。结果显示MCGR可有效减少手术次数,逐步改善脊柱侧凸畸形,毕业时胸段脊柱高度满意,但代价是较高的并发症发生率。

Patient, nonwalking, with thoracic and lumbar EOS secondary to neonatal encephalitis. A Before implantation of MCGRs (t1), the main and secondary curve were 89° and 62°. B Implantation of MCGRs (t2) resulted in an improvement in main and secondary curve of 29° and 13°. C At the end of lengthening (t3), the patient had undergone 10 lengthening procedures for a total lengthening of 45 mm. The curvatures slowly progressed from t2 to t3 from 60° to 67° for the primary curve and from 49° to 54° for the secondary curve. D At the last follow-up (t4), 36 months after final fusion, the primary curvature was 45° and the secondary curvature was 47°

6.Wu N, Liu L, Chen G, Wang S, Yang Y, Wu Z, Zhang TJ. The effect of pedicle screw instrumentation at a young age on upper thoracic vertebra and canal development. Spine J. 2023 Sep;23(9):1358-1364


Fig. 2.Demonstration of measurements performed on the preoperative (left) and final follow-up (right) computed tomographic images of a patient. Pedicle length (PL) and anterior-posterior vertebral body length (VAP). Anterior-posterior (SCAP) and interpedicular (CLAT) diameters of the spinal canal.

7.Faust M, Allahabadi S, Louer C, Sponseller P, Strum P, Boachie-Adjei O, Oetgen M, Swarup I; Pediatric Spine Study Group. Intraoperative Antibiotic Use in Patients With Early-onset Scoliosis: Current Practices and Trends. J Pediatr Orthop. 2023 Jul 1;43(6):373-378

Pediatric Spine Study Group的Faust M教授对早发型脊柱侧凸接受生长友好型手术的患者开展多中心临床研究,共纳入562例患者,对术中抗生素的应用现况进行回顾。结果显示,55.2%患者初次手术时单用头孢唑林,20.1%患者联合头孢唑林及氨基糖苷类药物。58.2%患者切口局部应用抗生素,最常用的是万古霉素粉末。在早发型脊柱侧凸抗生素最优应用准则(Best Practice Guidelines,BPGs)发表前,抗生素的应用存在多样化和异质性。

8.Zhao Y, Du Y, Yang Y, Lin G, Shen J, Wu N, Zhuang Q, Wang S, Zhang J. Dual Growing Rods Combined With the Apical Convex Control Pedicle Screw Technique Versus Traditional Dual Growing Rods for the Surgical Treatment of Early-Onset Scoliosis: A Case-Matched 2-Year Study. Neurosurgery. 2023 Aug 1;93(2):436-444


9.Yildiz Mİ, Goker B, Demirsöz T, Aslan C, Demirkiran HG, Karahan S, Yazici MK, Yazici M. A Comprehensive Assessment of Psychosocial Well-being Among Growing Rod Graduates: A Preliminary Investigation. J Pediatr Orthop. 2023 Feb 1;43(2):76-82.

土耳其的Yildiz Mİ教授关注传统生长棒治疗EOS患者的心理健康状况。生长棒治疗是一个漫长的过程,在这个过程中,患者会经历身体及心理上的困难,反复的撑开手术可能对患者造成心理健康上的负担。本研究首次评估EOS患者毕业后的神经病理、神经认知及社会心理方面功能的心理健康状况,结果显示尽管手术能改善脊柱畸形,但部分患者仍面临着较大的心理健康问题。

10.Alberghina F, McManus R, Keogh C, Turner H, Moore D, Noël J, Kennedy J, Kiely P. The Evaluation of Serum Metal Ion Levels and Metallosis in Graduated Patients With Magnetically Controlled Growing Rods. J Pediatr Orthop. 2024 Jan 1;44(1):43-48

内固定植入后对患者全身及局部造成金属碎屑已经引起脊柱外科医生的广泛关注。爱尔兰的Alberghina F教授评估磁控生长棒治疗毕业后患者体内的血清金属离子水平及局部金属碎屑的相关变化。结果显示,在MCGR治疗完成时,大多数患者表现出血清金属离子水平升高和局部金属碎屑相关的植入物周围软组织改变。





北京协和医院骨科主任,主任医师,教授,博士研究生导师。目前已完成4000余例脊柱矫形手术,在全世界首次提出截骨联合生长棒技术治疗重度早发性脊柱侧凸。在《Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery》、《Spine》、《European Spine Journal》和《Spine Journal》等杂志共发表论文40余篇。参与创立特发性脊柱侧凸协和分型(PUMC分型)。在后路半椎体切除及先天性脊柱侧凸的治疗方面,曾多次在IMAST、SRS和ICEOS等国际会议上做大会发言。

中华医学会骨科学分会委员兼脊柱外科学组委员;中华预防医学会脊柱疾病预防控制委员会副主任委员兼脊柱畸形学组组长;中国医师协会骨科医师分会委员兼副总干事、脊柱学组副组长、脊柱畸形学组副组长;中国医师协会住院医师规范化培训骨科专业委员会总干事;中国康复医学会脊柱脊髓专业委员会副主任委员;中国康复医学会骨质疏松预防与康复专业委员会副主任委员;北京医学会骨科学分会副主任委员;北京医师协会骨科医师分会副主任委员;SRS(Scoliosis Research Society)会员;GSSG(Growing Spine Study Group)会员。




北京协和医院骨科副主任医师,硕士研究生导师。针对脊柱畸形的治疗在国内外骨科以及脊柱外科顶级期刊如《Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery(AM)》,《Neurosurgery》,《Spine》,《European Spine Journal》 发表论文10余篇。在开展临床治疗以及科研工作的同时,针对脊柱畸形的病因学研究积极开展基础科研工作,目前作为第一负责人承担国家级课题1项,北京市自然科学基金项目2项,中央高校基本科研经费1项;2021年获中华医学科技奖。

北京协和医院骨科脊柱畸形治疗专业组组长;北京协和医院脊柱畸形大数据研究与应用重点实验室副主任。中华预防医学会脊柱疾病预防与控制专业委员会委员、脊柱畸形学组委员;中国医师协会骨科医师分会青年学组委员、小儿脊柱学组委员;中国医师协会毕业后医学教育骨科专业委员会脊柱分委会委员;中国医疗保健国际交流促进会脊柱医学分会秘书长;中国康复医学会骨与关节康复专业委员会脊柱畸形学组常务委员;中国研究型医院学会脊髓脊柱专业委员会常务委员;中国研究型医院学会脊柱外科专业委员会脊柱畸形学组委员;北京医学会骨科学分会青年委员;中国脊柱畸形青联会副主任委员;中国骨科菁英会会员;AO Spine青年讲师。



2.中华护理学会骨科护理专业委员会. 半椎体所致先天性脊柱侧凸围手术期护理中国专家共识[J]. 中华骨与关节外科杂志, 2023, 16 (05): 398-407

3.Wu N, Liu L, Zhang Y, Wang L, Wang S, Zhao S, Li G, Yang Y, Lin G, Shen J, Wu Z, Qiu G, Zhang TJ. Retrospective Analysis of Associated Anomalies in 636 Patients with Operatively Treated Congenital Scoliosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2023 Apr 5;105(7):537-548

4.Wang S, Zhao Y, Du Y, Yang Y, Lin G, Shen J, Zhao Y, Wu N, Zhuang Q, Zhang J. Dual Growing Rods and the Apical Control Technique for Treating Congenital Early-Onset Scoliosis: Lessons Learned. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2023 Dec 19.

5.Wang Y, Hai Y, Kang N, Yang J, Su Q, Liu Y, Guan L, Meng X. Long-Term Radiographic and Pulmonary Function Outcomes After Dual Growing-Rod Treatment for Severe Early-Onset Scoliosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2023 Jun 21;105(12):915-923.

6.Hardesty CK. Waiting for Change: Pulmonary Function Improves in a Delayed Fashion Following Dual Growing-Rod Surgery for Early-Onset Scoliosis: Commentary on an article by Yunsheng Wang, MD, et al.: "Long-Term Radiographic and Pulmonary Function Outcomes After Dual Growing-Rod Treatment for Severe Early-Onset Scoliosis". J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2023 Jun 21;105(12):e31

7.Heemskerk JL, Willigenburg NW, Veraart BEEMJ, Bakker EW, Castelein RM, Altena MC, Kempen DHR. Heath-related quality of life and functional outcomes in patients with congenital or juvenile idiopathic scoliosis after an average follow-up of 25 years: a cohort study. Spine J. 2023 Nov 28:S1529-9430(23)03503-9.

8.Wu N, Liu L, Chen G, Wang S, Yang Y, Wu Z, Zhang TJ. The effect of pedicle screw instrumentation at a young age on upper thoracic vertebra and canal development. Spine J. 2023 Sep;23(9):1358-1364

9.Handa M, Demura S, Yokogawa N, Hinoi E, Hiraiwa M, Kato S, Shinmura K, Annen R, Kobayashi M, Yamada Y, Nagatani S, Kurokawa Y, Tsuchiya H. Characteristics of Scoliosis in Mice Induced by Chondrocyte-specific Inactivation of L-type Amino Acid Transporter 1. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2023 Oct 5

10.Asma A, Fralinger D, da Silva LCA, Mackenzie WGS, Gabos PG, Mackenzie WG, Shah SA. Predictors of rod length gain and sagittal alignment change after magnetically controlled growing rod lengthening. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2023 Feb 27

11.AlNouri M, Wada K, Kumagai G, Asari T, Nitobe Y, Morishima T, Uesato R, Aoki M, Ishibashi Y. Deriving a Novel Score for the Stratification of Risk Progression in Early-onset Scoliosis: A Multicenter Initiative. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2023 Jan 1;48(1):67-72

12.Pu X, Yang B, Zhou Q, Chen H, Wang B, Zhu Z, Qiu Y, Sun X. Halo-gravity traction combined with growing rod treatment: an effective preoperative management for severe early-onset scoliosis. J Neurosurg Spine. 2023 Sep 22;39(6):734-741.

13.Zhu Y, Mao S, Ma Y, Zhou J, Li S, Liu Z, Shi B, Qiao J, Qiu Y, Zhu Z. How does congenital cervicothoracic scoliosis bring about early trunk tilt and coronal imbalance during curve progression: a radiographic analysis to dissect the mechanism of proximal takeoff phenomenon. Eur Spine J. 2023 Oct;32(10):3591-3598

14.Lin G, Du Y, Wang S, Yang Y, Ye X, Zhao Y, Yu W, Li Z, Zhao S, Nan Wu, Zhuang Q, Shen J, Zhang J. Ten-year trends in surgical management of 1207 congenital scoliosis. Eur Spine J. 2023 Jul;32(7):2533-2540

15.Takahashi I, Watanabe Y, Sonoda H, Tsunoda D, Amano I, Koibuchi N, Iizuka H, Shimokawa N. Calcium sensing and signaling are impaired in the lumbar spine of a rat model of congenital kyphosis. Eur Spine J. 2023 Oct;32(10):3403-3412.

16.Yuan Y, Zhang Y, Song X, Zhang X, Li C, Yuan T, Qi H, Yan L. Value of multi-channel somatosensory evoked potentials recording in patients undergoing scoliosis correction surgery. Eur Spine J. 2023 Nov;32(11):4045-4053

17.Samadov F, Ozdemir HM, Talmac MA, Erinc S, Cakirturk S, Cengiz B. Traditional versus magnetically controlled growing rods in early onset scoliosis surgical treatment. Eur Spine J. 2023 Mar;32(3):889-898.

18.Mainard N, Saghbini E, Langlais T, Metaizeau JD, Choufani E, Cunin V, Gouron R, Journeau P, Ilharreborde B, Lefevre Y, Vialle R, Fron D, Canavese F. Clinical and radiographic evolution of graduate patients treated with magnetically controlled growing rods: results of a French multicentre study of 90 patients. Eur Spine J. 2023 Jul;32(7):2558-2573.

19.Wang Z, Huang X, Tan H, Liang J, Li Z, Shen J. Proteomic Comparison of Paraspinal Muscle Imbalance Between Idiopathic Scoliosis and Congenital Scoliosis. Neurospine. 2023 Jun;20(2):709-724

20.Prior A, Hardesty CK, Emans JB, Thompson GH, Sponseller PD, Smith JT, Skaggs DL, Vaughan M, Barfield WR, Murphy RF; Pediatric Spine Study Group. A Comparative Analysis of Revision Surgery Before or After 2 Years After Graduation From Growth-friendly Surgery for Early Onset Scoliosis. J Pediatr Orthop. 2023 Sep 1;43(8):481-485

21.Gao R, Zhang X, Guo D, Cao J, Yao Z, Bai Y, Sun B. Medium-term and Long-term Follow-up Surgical Outcomes of the 1-stage Posterior-only Lumbosacral Hemivertebra Resection With Short-segment Fusion in Children. J Pediatr Orthop. 2023 Feb 1;43(2):e120-e126

22.Turner H, Hayes S, McManus R, O'Kelly P, Kennedy J, Noel J, Kiely P. Weight Gain and Nutritional Improvement After Magnetically Controlled Growing Rod Surgery in Early-Onset Scoliosis: A Single Centre Analysis of 68 Patients. J Pediatr Orthop. 2023 Aug 1;43(7):e519-e524.

23.Wang Y, Sun X, Li W, Shi B, Liu Z, Wang B, Qiu Y, Zhu Z. Hemivertebra resection after age three produces the similar results but with less complications compared to earlier surgery: a minimum of 5-year follow-up. J Orthop Surg Res. 2023 Sep 2;18(1):651.

24.Henstenburg J, Hori Y, Rogers KJ, Petfield JL, Shah SA, Gabos PG. Do Pedicle Screws That Terminate in the Costovertebral Joint Compromise Proximal Anchor Fixation in a Dual Growing Rod Construct? J Pediatr Orthop. 2024 Feb 1;44(2):e151-e156.

25.Faust M, Allahabadi S, Louer C, Sponseller P, Strum P, Boachie-Adjei O, Oetgen M, Swarup I; Pediatric Spine Study Group. Intraoperative Antibiotic Use in Patients With Early-onset Scoliosis: Current Practices and Trends. J Pediatr Orthop. 2023 Jul 1;43(6):373-378

26.Henstenburg J, Heard J, Sturm P, Blakemore L, Li Y, Ihnow SB, Shah SA; Pediatric Spine Study Group. Does Transitioning to a Brace Improve HRQoL After Casting for Early Onset Scoliosis? J Pediatr Orthop. 2023 Mar 1;43(3):151-155

27.Zhao Y, Du Y, Yang Y, Lin G, Shen J, Wu N, Zhuang Q, Wang S, Zhang J. Dual Growing Rods Combined With the Apical Convex Control Pedicle Screw Technique Versus Traditional Dual Growing Rods for the Surgical Treatment of Early-Onset Scoliosis: A Case-Matched 2-Year Study. Neurosurgery. 2023 Aug 1;93(2):436-444.

28.Shams K, Jha S, Swallow J, Caird MS, Farley FA, Stepanovich M, Li Y. Serum Titanium Levels Remain Elevated But Urine Titanium is Undetectable in Children With Early Onset Scoliosis Undergoing Growth-Friendly Surgical Treatment: A Prospective Study. J Pediatr Orthop. 2024 Jan 1;44(1):37-42.

29.Yildiz Mİ, Goker B, Demirsöz T, Aslan C, Demirkiran HG, Karahan S, Yazici MK, Yazici M. A Comprehensive Assessment of Psychosocial Well-being Among Growing Rod Graduates: A Preliminary Investigation. J Pediatr Orthop. 2023 Feb 1;43(2):76-82.

30.Skaggs KF, Bainton NM, Boby AZ, Rymond CC, Fields MW, Roye BD, Vitale MG. Reliability of Preoperative Supine Versus Bending Radiographs in Estimating the Structural Nature of Curves in EOS. J Pediatr Orthop. 2023 Feb 1;43(2):70-75

31.Gurel R, Elbaz E, Sigal A, Gigi R, Otremski H, Lebel DE, Ovadia D. Magnetically Controlled Growing Rods Graduation: Lessons From a Single-center Series of 48 Patients. J Pediatr Orthop. 2024 Feb 1;44(2):e157-e162

32.Alberghina F, McManus R, Keogh C, Turner H, Moore D, Noël J, Kennedy J, Kiely P. The Evaluation of Serum Metal Ion Levels and Metallosis in Graduated Patients With Magnetically Controlled Growing Rods. J Pediatr Orthop. 2024 Jan 1;44(1):43-48

作者:仉建国 王升儒



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