自动驾驶汽车Self-driving cars
1. They could cut down on traffic congestion.它们可以减少交通堵塞。
2. They could reduce pollution.他们可以减少污染。
3. They could limit accidents.他们可以减少交通事故。因为自动驾驶汽车不会超速(won’t speed),不会酒驾(won’t drive drunk),不会开车时发短信(won’t text while driving)。
第二部分:自动驾驶汽车面临的主要问题The challenge facing self-driving cars
1. How can they handle emergencies?它们如何应对紧急情况?
2. It might put the brakes on this technology.如何应对紧紧情况可能会限制这项科技的发展。
3. Imagine a car that suddenly meets some pedestrians in the road.想象一下一辆在路上突然遇到一些行人的车。
4. Even with braking, it’s too late to avoid a crash.即使刹车,也来不及避免碰撞。
5. So, the car’s artificial intelligence must decide whether to swerve.因此,这辆车的人工智能系统必须决定是否急转弯。
6. Should the car swerve off the road or swerve into oncoming traffic?这辆车应该急转弯驶出道路还是撞上迎面驶来的车辆?
7. Researchers used online surveys to study people’s attitudes about such situations.研究者使用网上调查,研究人们关于此类情况的态度。
8. Participants mostly agreed that driverless cars should be designed to protect the most people.参与者主要同意无人驾驶汽车应该被设计来保护大多数人。所以,可以急转弯撞墙(swerve into walls)或者甚至牺牲乘客(or otherwise sacrifice passengers),为了拯救更多数量的行人( to save a larger number of pedestrians)。
9.但是也有一个困境。But there is a dilemma.这些参与调查的人同时又想乘坐那些竭尽所能保护乘客的车。But those same surveyed people want to ride in cars that protect passengers at all cost.即使行人会死(even if the pedestrians would now end up dying)。所以大多数的购买者希望他们购买的汽车被设计成优先保护他们。So most buyers want their car to be programed to protect them in preference to other people.
10. Compromises might be possible.折中方案可能有。但如何考虑这种进退两难的情况呢?欢迎大家分享观点。