Summary: In order to deepen the exchange and mutual learning of civilizations and tell the story of Chinese excellent traditional culture well. In order to let art go to the world and let the world better understand and understand Chinese excellent traditional culture, the "American Wall Street Invited Art Masters Exhibition" is specially held. contemporary art masters are exhibited and broadcast overseas in the United States Wall Street. We provide a stage facing the world, through the global full interactive mode, so that every can leave their own strong brush. Record the adherence and responsibility of Chinese artists, and contribute to the development of Chinese excellent traditional culture.
崔婉儒 甘雨,墨香斋主,陕西省商洛市洛南县人,国家一级美术师。自幼热爱生活,苦研国画艺术。现为:陕西長安书画研究院会员,东方文化研究会高级艺术人才,洛南县、商洛市、陕西省、各级美术家协会会员。紫光阁廉政文化研究中心《专家学者委员会,艺术创作委员会》担任高级研究员。中,日,韩,新,联谊会理事。北京华夏诗词书画研究院,研究员。洛南县七届,八届政协委。庆祝建国75周年推荐艺术家。艺术家风采——著名实力派画家。2007年成功举办了《迎奥运,庆双节》个人书画展。电视台采访报导,报纸,杂志,画集均有作品发表。多次在海峡两岸,名家书画交流展中被授予《人才杰出成就奖》和杰出艺术家荣誉称号。2015年荣获陕西省《老有所为先进个人奖》《先进典型人物奖》。2019年被评为当代艺术领军人物奖。2020年参加《中国梦香江情,庆香港回归,贺国安立法》作品录入《港澳邮票珍藏版》全球发行。2020年参加铭记历史,珍爱和平《记念抗日战争75周年》推荐艺术家,作品珍藏。2021年第二届“国粹传承杯”全国书画大赛获金奖。全国艺术名家榜推选话动获二等奖,授予当代艺术代表人物。2023年在全国书画艺术大展中荣获美术组金奖。2023年参加了世界艺术名家人物专访,同时入编中央艺术名家书画院官网。2023年底为 国酒茅台中国文化珍藏酒 形象代言:同年入编国宝文化,成为中国企业文化传播大使,被评为:影响世界十大金牌艺术家;2023年收藏指数推荐的五星艺术家:抒写了属于自己的一部《艺术传奇》纪录片,其作品在“纽约时代广场;进行重点展播!崔婉儒作品在[中国燕京]我爱周总理中华儿女文学书画大赛展出。2024年4月其作品在“俊彩星驰绘中华”中进行专题报道!2024年7月被评为“世界焦点艺术人物”。同月被美丽中国栏目组聘请为“特邀导师;并颁发证书,八月份参加了山东曲阜的《圣地传薪全国首届全国书画艺术名家华彩盛典》!2024年7月被评为《中国杰出贡献功勋模范人物》,同月被评为《大国荣耀 时代人物》。2024年8月被评为《红墙国粹中国顶尖级艺术名家》。2024年9月受邀参加【国际文学艺术界——崔婉儒】功勋荣誉艺术家专题展播。2024年10月被评选为《中华人民共和国艺术大家》荣誉称号。2024年11月受邀担任《国礼文化艺术传播大使》荣誉称号。2024年11月荣获《中国美术终身成就奖》。2024年12月艺术聚焦|崔婉儒 荣登 “2024艺术影响力”人气榜单。2024年12月受邀参加【崔婉儒——2025元旦特刊】中国艺术名家作品展。2025年1月受邀参加亚洲国际当代艺术大家作品展播。2025年1月受邀参加【功勋艺术家贺新春视频专题展播】。
artist, and her works collected. In 2021, she won the gold award in the second "National Treasure Cup" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition. She won the second in the National Art Celebrity Ranking Promotion Activity and was awarded the title of Contemporary Art Representative Character. In 2023, she won the gold award in the Calligraphy and Painting Art Exhibition. In 2023, she participated in the World Art Celebrity Character Interview, and at the same time, she was included the official website of the Central Art Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Academy. At the end of 2023, she was the image spokesperson for the "National Maotai Chinese Culture Treasure Wine": In the same year, she was included in the National Treasure Culture and became the Chinese Corporate Culture Communication Ambassador, and was rated: The Top Ten Golden Artists Influencing the World; In 2023, she was recommended as a five-star artist by the Collection Index: She wrote own "Art Legend" documentary, and her works were broadcast in "New York Times Square"; Cui Wanru's works were exhibited in the "China Yanjing I Love Zhou Enlai Chinese Children's Literature and Calligraphy and Painting Competition. In April 2024, her works were featured in the "Jai Xingchi Hui Zhonghua" special report! In July 2024, she was named "World Focus Art Character". In the same month she was hired by the Beautiful China column group as a "Special Invited Mentor" and was awarded a certificate. In August, she participated in the "Sheng Chuanxin National First National Calligraphy and Painting Art Celebrity Huacai Grand Ceremony" in Qufu, Shandong! In July 202, she was named "China's Outstanding Contribution Meritorious Model Character", and in the same month, she was named "Great Country Glory, Era Character". In 2024, she was named "Red Wall National Treasure China Top-level Art Celebrity". In September 2024, she was invited to participate the [International Literary and Art Circles - Cui Wanru] Meritorious Honor Artist Special Exhibition. In October 2024 she was invited participate in the [Cui Wanru - 2025 New Year's Special Edition] Chinese Art Celebrity Works Exhibition. In January 2025, was invited to participate