
专筑网 2018-12-12 23:10:37

DiabloRosso / SKETCH

来自建筑事务所的描述:Diablo Rosso是一座位于巴拿马城的艺术展馆,这座展馆最初创立于2006年。项目由SKETCH与Diablo Rosso共同合作,致力于设计空间的发展,这些空间促进了艺术、政治、文化方面的批判性思维的诞生。这座展馆近期搬到一座商业建筑的首层,这座建筑最初始建于上世纪30年代,这里曾经是当地最大的商店,由于其地点横跨Santa Ana广场,因此成为了当地的核心场所。如今,这条繁忙的商业区成为了人声鼎沸的步行街,这里漫是街头小贩和嘈杂音乐,同时,这样的场地背景也推动了展馆的发展,因为这能很大程度地对周边社区产生影响,激发人们欣赏当代艺术的兴趣。

Text description provided by the architects. Diablo Rosso is a creative think tank and art gallery established in 2006 and based in Panama City. Since its birth, SKETCH and Diablo Rosso have worked together in the design of spaces that foster critical thinking towards arts, politics, and culture. The gallery has recently relocated to the ground floor of a landmark commercial building dating from the 1930s; recognized for formerly being one of the largest department stores in the city and due to its prime location across Santa Ana square, a meeting point for the community and heart of the Santa Ana neighborhood. Today this busy commercial street is a bustling pedestrian avenue crowded with street vendors and loud music; a one of a kind scenario that boosts the gallery’s main driver: encourage the public’s appreciation for contemporary art through the generation of impact in the surrounding community.

SKETCH设计团队在一开始便参与了这个项目,例如空间的选择、项目的修复等等,诸如水磨石地面、建筑的原有立面开口等建筑各个部件保存完好。该项目寻求展馆空间在历史建筑中的统一感,强调场所精神,从而表达Diablo Rosso的文化气息,并且创造既能表达艺术精神,又能表达建筑历史价值的场所空间。

The design team at SKETCH has been involved from the start of the creative process, starting with the selection of the space and being involved with some of the preservation and restoration works on a few architectural components that remain intact, such as an original terrazzo floor that was discovered in a part of the gallery and the restoration of the original façade openings. The project also seek to respectfully integrate the gallery program within the historic building, highlight the sense of place in order to benefit Diablo Rosso’s cultural agenda while creating a space that allows the appreciation of the exhibited art pieces as well as the historic and architectural value of the building.


This project aims to part away from the traditional white cube gallery, creating one that is actively engaged with its surroundings. Through the restoration of the building’s original facade, full height glazing allows daylight to flood the gallery space and, viceversa, lets its contents to be viewed from the square across the street. At night, the gallery lights up the sidewalk - presenting its current program to anybody that walks by; proposing new interactions, encounters, ideas and discussions within the neighborhood. This intervention lends itself to the city as a lamp by night and as a window by day —showing itinerant exhibitions throughout the year— appealing to the curiosity and to the senses of the passerby.


The internal distribution has been thought out to enhance this feeling of looking through. The information desk has been located in the center of the gallery, away from the view of the street to be less intimidating to the visitors. Further back a small storage room, restroom and mechanical room are tucked away from the public’s view, next to a second and smaller exhibition space that also serves as a projection room if necessary.



主创建筑师:Johann Wolfschoon

设计团队:Carlos Chen, Daniela Manfredi, Anthony Flores

面积:1614.59 平方英尺(约150平方米)


摄影:Fernando Alda

展览艺术家:Ana Elena Garuz

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