
专筑网 2021-02-22 15:21:01

Renovation of the Operations Court in CENTROCENTRO / Héctor Fernández Elorza由专筑网小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述:Colgando del Centro是由马德里城市议会所发起的设计竞赛,目的是将现有的Cibeles宫运营法庭改造为马德里城市的全新公共空间。因此,这个项目包含有古老电信宫在内的多项措施,这座建筑在20世纪初期由Antonio Palacios与Joaquín Otamendi建造,当时用作邮局。如今,这里成为了CentroCentro文化空间的主要场所,项目的历史背景也因此决定了设计的特质,建筑师需要结合可逆性措施,尽量少地影响原有的结构元素,除此之外,这里主要是移动结构,在需要的时候能够隐藏主要元素和家具,从而对当前的形态进行略微地修改。Text description provided by the architects. Colgando del Centro is the result of a public competition called by Madrid City Council (Madrid Destino) in order to adapt the existing Operations Court of Cibeles Palace as a new public space for the city of Madrid. Therefore, the project consists of a number of interventions inside the old Telecommunications Palace, built at the beginning of the 20th century as the Post Office by Antonio Palacios and Joaquín Otamendi. Today it serves as the home of CentroCentro cultural space. The historical context of the project conditioned the nature of the intervention, turning the proposal into a reversible intervention, without affecting any original structural element. In addition, it is mainly a mobile construction, so it would be possible to hide its main elements and furniture when necessary, thus creating a slight modification on the current morphology of the Operations Courtyard.

项目的目标是通过全新的区域策略,明确院落的内部组织方式,强调接待、信息,以及参与功能。为了实现这一需求,建筑师引入了全新的家具组件和悬挂结构,让空间更加明亮且多样化,并且促进了信息的交流。The goal of the project was to intensify the reception, information, and participation functions through a new zoning strategy that clarifies the interior organization of the Courtyard. In order to implement this design strategy, we included new furniture pieces and hanging structures that illuminate, multiply the versatility of the space, and facilitate the exchange of information.

入口。这座建筑及其立面的纪念性特征,这个项目就如同一个门户,不仅仅能够通向CentroCentro,同时也能够通向马德里城市中心,因此建筑师构思了全新的入口,能够解决建筑曾经体系中气候舒适性损失而造成的问题,除此之外,在尽量少地影响建筑外观的前提下,设计了入口大厅,全新的同导由三个不锈钢主要体量和内部玻璃大门构成,让建筑和城市的连接更加通透,使用者可以通过旋转门进入中央部分,两侧则是应急出口。Access. Due to the monumental nature of the building and its facade, the project was understood as a gateway, not only to CentroCentro, but to the city of Madrid. Therefore, we proposed a new entrance gateway that allows solving the serious problem of loss of climatic comfort that the previous system produced in the building. Additionally, it frees up the entrance hall to the building without losing or substantially modifying the exterior view of the Palace. The new access consists of three stainless steel bodies and interior glass doors that allow the visual and transparent connection between the Center and the city. The central body allows entry through a revolving door and the sides work as emergency exits.

信息台。全新的信息台位于文化中心的核心部分,正对着全新的入库口。这个圆形的信息台是游客们的咨询场所。其悬挂式轻式结构服务于建筑内外。核心正厅:运营院落空间分成了3个正厅,其巨大的规模构成了无限的可能,项目的主要特征就是专为正厅而设计的窗帘和照明系统,其原理便是悬挂在建筑钢结构上的悬挂构件。这个系统使得中央正厅能够应用全新的内部空间,可以用于举办各项活动,例如政府会议、儿童工作坊,亦或是机构的聚会等等。Information desk. The new information point is located right in the center of the cultural center and opposite the new access. This circular information desk works as an information point for tourists both for CentroCentro and the city of Madrid. Its hanging lighting structure serves as a claim both from the inside and the outside of the building. Central nave: The Operations Courtyard space is divided into three naves. Its monumental scale creates an infinite number of possibilities in terms of its program. One of the main features of the project is the system of curtains and lighting that we proposed for this nave. They work as a hanging structure suspended from the original steel structure of the building. This system allows configuring new domestic spaces within its central nave. The new structure could host events ranging from a town hall meeting, a workshop for children, to a larger venue like a conference or institutional gatherings.

休息与工作区域。三个中央区域周围环绕着小尺度的廊道空间,这里受限于原有柜台,这些柜台曾经用作邮局办公桌。建筑师将这些柜台改造为全新的存储空间。Resting and working areas. The three naves are surrounded by smaller-scale ambulatory spaces. This perimeter limits with a line of historical counters that were originally used as the Post Office desks. The project turns these counters into the storage space for the new furniture pieces.

购物。建筑师重新设计了商业空间,并且依据项目的整体性原则布置了家具体系,整个体系结合了固定的柜台和移动式家具,分布在整个法庭空间里,其中有Gloria Fuertes房间,这是一个全新的空间,能够用于这里的各项活动,其标识体系也依据了项目的主要理念,建筑师通过现有建筑钢结构的悬挂式体系,设计了全新的建筑信息及标识元素。Shop. We have relocated the store space and redesigned its furniture following the same principles as in the rest of the project. It combines both fixed counters and mobile furniture pieces, which can be distributed throughout the Operations Court. Gloria Fuertes Room: A new space for the public that supports the activities of CentroCentro. Signage: Following the main idea of the project, we designed new elements of signage and information of the building through hanging structures from the steel structure of the existing building.

在这个项目中,建筑师通过一系列的策略,让现有的建筑尺度、色彩、材质,甚至光线都更加充满价值,从而引发外界对于历史电信宫的尊重,Colgando del Centro项目的目标是给城市带来全新的变化和吸引,让这里成为马德里的城市焦点。The project aims to be a respectful intervention inside the historical Telecommunications Palace through a series of actions that give value to the scale, color, materials, and light of the existing building. Colgando del Centro aims to provide the building with a new changing and attractive program of activities, turning this Center into a reference point for the city of Madrid.

建筑设计:Héctor Fernández Elorza类型:游客中心/适应性再利用/历史保护面积:2200 m2时间:2019年摄影:Montse Zamorano制造商:AutoDesk, Andreu World, Daisalux, Legrand, Simón, Adobe, Antonio López Garrido, S.A., Famatel, Gerardo de Abajo, Robert McNeel & Associates, SAP 2000, Showtex, Suelos Técnicos Teide, Texol, Textil Batavia, WISA主建筑师:Héctor Fernández Elorza合作建筑设计:Violeta Ordoñez Manjón , Javier Estebala Alández, Mireia Carrasco Ferri, Guillermo Pozo Arribas , Ismael López Portilla , Javier Moraleda Perulero, María Risueño Domínguez, Ignacio Delgado Conde城市:马德里国家:西班牙

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