
专筑网 2019-04-11 23:55:28


Life Sciences Building for the University of Washington / Perkins+Will


Text description provided by the architects. The University of Washington recently opened the new gateway to the life sciences on its Seattle campus with a state-of-the-art building created for the next generation of research, teaching, and public outreach. Designed by global architecture and design firm Perkins+Will, the highly innovative and sustainable Life Sciences Building (LSB), including a 20,000 square-foot greenhouse, creates a new centerpiece for UW Biology. Home to the largest undergraduate major on campus, UW Biology educates more STEM students than any other program in the state.

“Perkins+Will设计的生命科学大楼将帮助我们实现对UW生物未来的愿景,” UW艺术与科学学院的副院长Steve Majeski这样说。“LSB不仅仅是一栋建筑,它所提供的设施和结构,使创新和合作的前沿研究成为可能,作为学生发明研究的核心,改变着我们教授下一代科学家的方式,为学生、教师和员工之间的合作创造空间。”

“Perkins+Will’s design of the Life Sciences Building will help us achieve our vision for the future of biology at the UW,” said Steve Majeski, associate dean with the College of Arts and Sciences at the UW. “Much more than a building, the LSB provides the facilities and structure to enable innovative and collaborative cutting-edge research and act as a hub for student discovery, transforming the way we teach the next generation of scientists with spaces for collaboration among students, faculty, and staff.”


Designed for team-focused collaboration, offices, laboratories, and common-use spaces are placed in close proximity to each other. Open, modular and flexible research and teaching areas are designed to be able to adapt to emerging research questions that require novel methods and new instruments. To encourage impromptu encounters, the interior features a suspended staircase with oversized landing areas; the exterior features a courtyard with cascading stairs and reclaimed wood benches along with a rooftop deck with seating adjacent to a cafe.

“生物学采取了一种综合的方法来理解自然世界,”项目建筑师Perkins+Will的高级助理Devin Kleiner说。“受这一理念的启发,设计将自然元素作为视觉焦点,具有创新和可持续的设计特征。”

“Biology takes an integrative approach to understand the natural world,” said Devin Kleiner, project architect and senior associate with Perkins+Will. “Inspired by that philosophy, the design combines elements of nature as the visual focal points with innovative and sustainable design features.”

设计中最独特的核心元素之一是电梯,而电梯被200英尺高的道格拉斯冷杉定制研磨板包裹起来。为了模仿树木在树林中的样子,一层的树木底部逐渐变窄和变细。来自奥林匹克半岛的一片森林的这九棵树是由Leopold-Freeman forest有限责任公司捐赠的,这是Scott和Susan Freeman在《Saving Tarboo Creek》一书中描述的流域修复工作的一部分。

One of the design’s most unique elements is the elevator core, wrapped in custom-milled slabs from 200-foot Douglas fir trees. Designed to mimic the way the trees appeared in the woods, the wide base of the trees on the first floor progressively narrows and tapers as it rises to the floors above. The nine trees from a forest in the Olympic Peninsula were donated by Leopold-Freeman Forests, LLC, as part of Scott and Susan Freeman’s watershed restoration efforts described in the book Saving Tarboo Creek.

根据LEED Gold所描述,这个建筑高度创新的可持续设计是来自UW Solar的设计师和学生之间的合作的结果,他们帮助项目分析功能,撰写拨款,发表演讲。LSB在其外部首次安装了垂直的玻璃太阳能翅片,预计全年可产生超过12,400平方英尺的办公用电量。其他可持续发展的功能包括可操作的自然通风冷却窗、冷却梁避免产生波动、还有用于温室灌溉的水回收系统、辐射地板和屋顶太阳能板。学生和来访人员可以通过一楼的触摸屏仪表盘了解建筑内部进行的研究,可以实时了解建筑的能源和用水情况。

Tracking to LEED Gold, the building’s highly innovative sustainable design was a result of a unique collaboration between designers and students from UW Solar, who helped analyze features, write grants, and give presentations. LSB boasts the first-of-its-kind installation of vertical glass solar fins on its exterior, one that is anticipated to generate enough electricity to light more than 12,400 square feet of offices throughout the year. Other sustainable features include operable windows for natural ventilation cooling, chilled beams and waves, a water reclamation system for greenhouse irrigation, radiant floors and rooftop solar panels. Students and visitors can learn about the research conducted within the building as well as real-time information about the building’s energy and water usage from a touchscreen dashboard on the first floor.

因为学校靠近城市最大的通勤步道伯克吉尔曼(Burke Gilman),LSB也为其提供了一系列的公共设施,包括一个拥有3400种植物的温室,这将是本州最大的教学收藏品。这里也有西雅图艺术家克劳德·泽瓦斯(Claude Zervas)创作的90英尺(约为27.432m)长的艺术墙;公共自行车架,室内室外均有座位的咖啡店。

In close proximity to the city’s largest commuter trail, the Burke Gilman, LSB offers a range of public amenities, including eventual access to the greenhouse with 3,400 species of plants, the largest teaching collection in the state; a 90-foot-long art wall by Seattle artist Claude Zervas; public bike racks, a café and indoor/outdoor seating.

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