
专筑网 2021-02-19 18:56:07

Infinity Residential Building / Koichi Takada Architects由专筑网Cortana,小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述。Infinity是一座多功能住宅楼,位于澳大利亚悉尼绿色广场的Bourke街和Botany路的拐角处。这座20层的建筑包括325套公寓、75间精品酒店客房、拥有450个座位的会议中心以及30多个零售、餐饮空间。它与绿色广场火车站直接相连,毗邻公共广场和绿色广场图书馆。Text description provided by the architects. Infinity is a mixed-use residential building, located at the corner of Bourke Street and Botany Road in Green Square, Sydney. The 20-story building includes 325 apartments, 75 boutique hotel rooms, a 450-seat conference centre, and more than 30 retail, food & beverage spaces. It has a direct connection to the Green Square train station and is adjacent to a Public Plaza and Green Square Library.

为呼吸而设计。建筑中间空气动力学形式的巨大开口作为入口,让日光和自然风可以进入,同时也增强了使用者的体验,并增进了建筑与周围环境的融合。Infinity大楼的大型室外游泳池位于开口的底部,当风从水体上经过时,会使空气冷却,并将空气带到建筑的中心——中央庭院。因此,这座建筑为呼吸而设计。Designed to Breathe. The aerodynamic form and large opening in the middle of the building serve as an entryway for daylight and natural ventilation as well as enhances the experience of end-users and influence how the building integrates with its surroundings. Infinity’s large outdoor swimming pool is situated at the base of the opening, and when the wind passes over this large body of water, it cools the air and drives it into the heart of the architecture - a central public courtyard. Infinity is designed to breathe.

通过促进整座建筑的自然通风,该开口成为为住户提供更好的室内空气质量和热舒适度的关键组成部分,并通过最大限度地减少对空调的依赖来降低能源消耗。设计的复杂性要求进行详尽的模拟、风洞测试和计算机建模,确保性能目标得以实现。该建筑优先考虑性能,虽然开口设计创造了一种独特的吸引力,但它更是重要的设计策略,不仅改善了居民的居住条件,也对建筑环境做出了可持续的贡献。By facilitating natural ventilation throughout the building, the opening becomes a key component in providing better indoor air quality and thermal comfort for the residents and reduces energy consumption by minimising the reliance on air-conditioning. The complexity of the design required exhaustive simulations, wind-tunnel testing, and computer modelling to ensure the performance goals were realised. The building prioritises performance and while the opening creates a unique architectural appeal, it becomes an important design strategy that improves not just the living conditions, but a sustainable contribution to the built environment.  

通过光来创造公众利益。Infinity大楼开拓了一种独特的方式,用其流畅的造型来强调周围公共空间的采光。与最初指定的用地体量相比,倾斜的造型将更多的阳光带给了建在地下的广场和图书馆,否则它们将会被建筑遮挡。建筑南侧设计为带有露台的层叠式公寓,它的设计是为了更好地利用太阳能,有利于交叉通风,雨水收集,合理的户型组合和利于人际沟通的花园吸引了更多的社会经济群体。Shaped by light for public benefit. Infinity is carved in a particular way so that the fluid form increases year-round sunlight to the surrounding public spaces. Compared to the originally designated massing allowance for the site, the carved and sloping form gives back much more sunlight to the Public Plaza and Green Square Library, built below ground, that would otherwise be shaded. A terraced apartment structure on the south side is designed with cascading apartments that have external terrace gardens. It is designed to allow better solar access, the terraced apartments facilitate cross-ventilation, rainwater collection, equitable apartment mix appealing to a wider socio-economic group, as well as communal gardens for social interaction.

建筑设计:Koichi Takada Architects类型:多功能建筑/公寓面积:39000 m2时间:2020年摄影:Tom Ferguson, Julien Lanoo城市:Zetland国家:澳大利亚MIXED USE ARCHITECTURE, APARTMENTSZETLAND, AUSTRALIAArchitects: Koichi Takada ArchitectsArea: 39000 m2Year: 2020Photographs: Tom Ferguson, Julien LanooCity: ZetlandCountry: Australia

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