
天翰英语 2024-08-02 09:56:37


英 ['fiːæt] 美 ['fiːæt]

n.命令;法令 n.(F~)菲亚特(意大利汽车公司名或其出产的轿车品牌名)



“Fiat”一词源自拉丁语,具体来说,它源于拉丁动词“facere”,意思是“做”或“制造”。在拉丁语中,fiat 是“fio”(意为“成为”或“变成”)的虚拟式第三人称单数形式,通常翻译为“让它发生”或“让它成为”。这个词通常用来表示一种命令或授权,尤其是在法律、政府或宗教的正式文档中。


The New York Times (2023)"The central bank's decision to increase the interest rate was met with mixed reactions, highlighting the complexities of fiat currency management."中央银行决定提高利率的决定引发了不同的反应,突显了管理法定货币的复杂性。The Economist (2022)"Despite the rise of cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies remain the backbone of global trade."尽管加密货币兴起,法定货币依然是全球贸易的支柱。The Financial Times (2021)"The introduction of a digital fiat currency could revolutionize the financial industry, offering new opportunities and challenges."引入数字法定货币可能会彻底改变金融业,提供新的机会和挑战。


"The Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith (1776)"The value of a fiat currency is determined by the trust and confidence of its users."法定货币的价值取决于其使用者的信任和信心。

◉Usage Examples

(1) The opening of a market stall is governed by municipal fiat.

(2) His influence stretched beyond Fiat.

(3) While talking, he changed freeway lanes, maneuvering the Fiat with one hand.

(1) 开设市场摊位受市政法令管制。

(2) 他的影响超出了菲亚特。

(3) 他一边讲话,一边用一只手开着菲亚特离开了高速干道。

◉Usage Notes

You might think a fiat is just an Italian car, but it actually means a legal, authoritative decision that has absolute sanction.

From the Latin for "let it be done," the word fiat is a binding edict issued by a person in command. It can gain an almost Biblical aura of authority, like a movie Pharaoh saying, "So let it be written, so let it be done." So let it be a fiat.


1[N-COUNT 可数名词]命令;指令 If something is done by fiat, it is done because of an official order given by someone in authority.

[also by N] [FORMAL 正式]

He has tried to impose solutions to the country's problems by fiat.


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