Lesson2I’m ready for!(我准备好上课了!)1、能够听懂、说出四种文具的英文名称。
2、说唱歌谣、认识文具朋友pencil, ruler, book和schoolbag,并与文具朋友打招呼。
小学英语(新起点版)一年级上,Unit 1 School——Lesson 2 I’m ready for! 领读~
Before the, please get these things ready.(上课前,请先准备好这些文具。)
Let’s learn with our friends.(让我们和朋友们一起学习。)
Q: Can you see Bill, Lily, Andy and Joy?(你能看见比尔、莉莉、安迪和乔伊坐在哪里吗?)
A: Here they are.(他们在这里。)
Hi, boys and girls, let’s say hello to our new friends.(嗨,同学们,让我们一起向新朋友们问好吧!)
Hello,I ama pencil. Iam your friend, you can write with me.(大家好,我是你们的朋友——铅笔,你们可以用我来写字。)
Hi, children,Ihave a pencil. Do you have a pencil? Show me your pencil.(嗨,同学们,我有一支铅笔。你有铅笔吗?给我看一下吧。)
Good,Ican write with a pencil. Can you?(很好,我能用铅笔写字,你可以吗?)
Pencil is our friend.(铅笔是我们的朋友。)
Hello,I'm ruler. I'm your friend.(大家好,我是你们的朋友——尺子。)
Hi, children, look, a ruler,I have a ruler.Do you have a ruler? Show me your ruler.(嗨,同学们,看,这是一把尺子,我有一把尺子。你有尺子吗?给我看一下吧。)
Good, what can you do with your ruler? Can you draw a line with a ruler?(很好,你能用尺子做什么呢?你可以用尺子画一条线吗?)
Very good.Ruler is our friend too.(很好,尺子也是我们的朋友。)
Hello,I am a book,I am your friend.(大家好,我是你们的朋友——书本。)
Hello, boys and girls. Look, which one is your English book?(同学们好,大家看一下,哪一本是你们的英语书?)
Do you like reading books? There are many books in our school library.(你喜欢读书吗?我们学校的图书馆里收藏了很多本书。)
Wow, that's great, books are our friends.(哇,太棒了,书本也是我们的朋友。)
Hello,I'maschoolbag,I'm your friend.(大家好,我是你们的朋友——书包。)
Schoolbag is our friend.(书包也是我们的朋友。)
Wow, they are our new friends.(哇,他们都是我们的新朋友。)
Hi, boys and girls, please get your pencil, your ruler, your book and your schoolbag ready.(嗨,同学们,请把你们的铅笔、尺子、书本和书包准备好。)
Look, the girl has a schoolbag, what does she have in her schoolbag?(看,这个女孩有一个书包,她的书包里都有些什么呢?)
It's my book, I can read.(这是我的书,我可以读书。)
These are my scissors, I can cut the paper.(这是我的剪刀,我可以用它剪纸。)
It's my glue, I can stick them with it.(这是我的胶水,我可以用它粘东西。)
Is this your pencil case? Yse, it is.(这是你的铅笔盒吗?是的,没错。)
What's in your pencil case? These are my pencils and pens. I like to write.(你的铅笔盒里都有什么?这些是我的铅笔和钢笔,我喜欢写字。)
It's my eraser, I can erase and write again.(这是我的橡皮擦,我可以用它擦掉错误内容,重新写字。)
It is my ruler, Ilike tomeasure.(这是我的尺子,我喜欢测量。)
These are my colour pencils, I can draw a rainbow.(这些是我的彩色铅笔,我可以用它们画彩虹。)
They are things for school in my bagpack.(这些就是我书包里的文具。)
Wow, she has a lot of things in her schoolbag.(哇,她的书包里有很多东西。)
Self-assessment(自我评估)Can you say the names of our new friends?(你能叫出这些新朋友们的名字吗?)
Can you chant and say hello to our new friends?(你能唱着歌向这些新朋友们问好吗?)
Can you play games with our new friends in English?(你能在英语课上和这些新朋友们一起做游戏吗?)
课后实践活动Say the chant.(说一说,唱一唱)
Make and play.(做一做,玩一玩)